The Cave

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I'm backkkkkkk!

The crew gets suck in a cave with a sorceress with the intention of handing out titles. Summary sucks, but you get the point. Morgana's still 'good,' like when she was still in Camelot as a secret enemy.  3rd point of view.

Merlin beckoned his horse forward, keeping an eye on Morgana. The witch had been surprisingly quiet this trip, though the the round table's presence might be the cause of that.  But was he really the only one that saw Morgana's evil smirks? Gwen and Arthur where lovesick with each other, Merlin couldn't blame them. But the knights? Uther? Anyone? 

Morgana seemed to quiet. Merlin looked around to see if anyone was missing. Gaius rode silently next to him on his own donkey-like horse, the occasionally sound of the clinking vials in his bag. Arthur rode in front, chatting sadly with Uther, glancing back at Gwen every couple minutes. The round table (minus Elyan and Percival) circled them, sometimes blocking Arthur's view of Gwen, which caused some of the knights (Gwaine) to chuckle silently at the sight of his face. Gwen herself rode next to Morgana, chatting with her about such and such. He couldn't hear from the knight's endless chatter about food. 

Gaius elbowed him. "Stop looking at the Lady Morgana." He whispered. "You'll draw suspicion, and some might get the wrong idea." Merlin frowned. "I'm just-" Gaius silenced him with a glare. Merlin sighed, and continued to look forward, and tried his best not to glare at Morgana. She already knew he suspected her so it was pointless to act friendly, but Gaius had a point. She had the most of Uther's love. It would be dangerous to even as much bump into her. Even now, Uther glanced protectively at her from the circle of knights. 

"Here." Arthur called out, drawing Merlin from his thoughts. "We can camp here. There's not much grass or mud in this area." Gaius nodded, then turned to get off his horse. Suddenly, the strap broke, causing the old man to slip off and fall on his hip of the hard dirt. Merlin turned just in time to see the gold fade in Morgana's eyes. Mordred coughed.

"Gaius! Are you alright?" Arthur called out as everyone got off their steeds. Merlin bent in front of the old man. "Gaius?" He asked. "Still alive." The man mumbled. Merlin sighed in relief, then sent a secret glare to Morgana. She sent a rude gesture back.

Merlin helped Gaius up, while everyone got camp ready, something Merlin was glad for. Gwen and him where the only servants here, so he enjoyed the quiet time.

"Boy!" Uther called. "Help the knights." Merlin groaned quietly. It was bound to end. He took a step forward, and a booming sound echoed through the forest. Thunder. Faster than the sound came, big droplets of rain came flapping down, and soon they where all soaked, Uther hollering for help. The rain didn't seem to end, only to thicken. "In the caves!" Arthur yelled, but through the rain it sounded like: "On he aches!" Merlin could hear Gwaine's laugh. He helped Gaius to the caves, rain streaking down his face, scarily like the ghost Uther was once haunted by. He could see the fear on the kings face now. 

Once they where all in the cave, the ceiling collapsed in the front, closing off the entrance. He turned to Morgana, ready to yell despite the king's presence, but then he saw the shocked expression on her face. 

"SORCERY!" Uther bellowed, and Merlin turned, realizing everyone was dry. Arthur sighed. Merlin put Gaius down gently, and surveyed the cave, looking at the cracks and shadows. 

"Boo." Everyone jumped, and the person giggled. "Scared you all."

"SORCERER!" Uther bellowed. The sorceress sighed. "My name's Anna, thanks for asking." 

Anna mumbled a spell, and everyone transported into a line so they could all see her properly. Uther had something over his mouth. "So, hi guys! I'm here from the Triple Goddess, to bestow everyone with their titles and honors." She nodded. "That's it. You'll soon be back with your horses and..." 

"Rum." Gwaine answered for her.

"Rum. Sure." Anna shrugged. "Anyway, among us are the once and future king and queen, the all-knowing warlock and dragonlord, Camelot's enemy, and a poopy-pants king."

"Hey!" Arthur protested. Anna shrugged again. "You gotta admit it's true."

She stepped in front of the first person in line, which happened to be Leon, who looked less than happy to be the first.

"Sir Leon of Camelot, loyal knight of Camelot and it's king." She kneeled in front of him, then moved to the next.

"Sir Gwaine of Camelot, loyal knight of Camelot and...." She paused.

"Rum." He answered for her. 

"Rum. Okay." She rolled her eyes and kneeled.

She continued the same way to Arthur, then bowed deeper. 

"The once and future king, leader of Albion." 

Anna moved closer to where Merlin was in the line, and he started panicking. 

"Uther the poo-poo head." So that was his official title after all...

"Gaius, the father figure of a lost boy." He wasn't lost! Arthur snickered.

"Gwen, the once and future queen." Gwen, Arthur, and Uther choked.

"Merlin..." Anna said stepping in front of him.  "Oh wow this is a long list. I'm gonna shorten it, if that's okay." Merlin nodded dryly.  "The last dragonlord, the all-knowing warlock, Camelot's best defender, uhh, conqueror of life and death, um, unofficial leader of the druids, and um, the once and future king's protector. Oh, yeah, and Emrys." She moved to Mordred. 

"Knight of Camelot, Druid."

She then stepped in front of Morgana. 

"Sorceress, Camelot's enemy, sister of Morgouse. Emrys's nemesis."

She dabbed, and disappeared, leaving the cave closed. 

Uther backed away from Merlin and Morgana. Arthur looked over at them, betrayed. Mordred joined the group, then was pushed towards Merlin and Morgana. Soon, it was everyone glaring at the three of them, except Gaius, who as whistling in the corner. Mordred ran over and joined him.

Merlin and Morgana didn't notice any of that, because they where to busy glaring at each other.

"How could you!" Morgana hissed, almost crying. "I asked you to help me!"

"And I wanted a normal life! Also, Gaius forbad me." Merlin countered. "But then before I could help you, you turned evil."

"Before you could help me you POISENED ME!" Morgana screamed.











"I- Wait what."

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