The Cell, plus an A/N apology

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"Maybe we went to far." Merlin decided as he shook out dried bits of tomatoes out of his hair. Across from him, Morgana did the same. 

"Oh please, that dollophead had it coming." Morgana responded, and sat up to try to move her feet in a more comfortable position. Arthur had stuck them both inside the tiniest cell, so Merlin's and Morgana's knees where touching. 

"Did you learn the spell for unlocking yet?" Merlin asked, to distract them both from the way their legs where tangled. Morgana shook her head. "No, I don't suppose you know it either." She raised an eyebrow at him, and Merlin looked away. Morgana had been suspecting him of magic every since he had read her the magic runes for the fire spell. The unlit candle had lit on fire, but Merlin blamed that on the wind. 

"Well, we're stuck here, in a tiny cell, stuffed in here after a hour in the stocks. I'd say the week's starting pretty good." Merlin muttered, his voice lanced with fake-bitterness. 

Morgana shrugged. "It was worth it. Did you see the look on Arthur's face?" Merlin laughed, remembering the way the king's face had melted into complete horror as he screamed in a not-so-manly way. 

"Pretty sure a thousand frogs was way to much." Merlin told Morgana. "We already added at least twenty squirrels."

Their big prank had been planned for almost a month. They would add mud and sand to the floors and bedsheets, pull weeds and hay everywhere and spelled animals to give Arthur's room a forest-y feel, after the king had scolded them for complaining about sleeping outdoors on a hunting trip.

The hunting trip in question happened over two months ago, but Morgana and Merlin held grudges. 

"We could probably sneak out," Merlin thought out loud. "The dungeons aren't really secure." Morgana nodded in agreement. "Did you notice, almost everyone escapes from here." Merlin smiled. "We could magic a way out of here."

"Arthur would get suspicious," Morgana frowned. "And even though he's renouncing the ban on magic in a couple weeks, I don't want to test his patience." Merlin shrugged. "Well, I guess we're staying here." Morgana shifted again. "I wish Arthur had given us a bigger cell." Merlin moved as well, trying to lay down without squeezing Morgana. 

They soon figured out a position, Merlin's arms wrapped around Morgana, sort of in a big spoon way. 

Smiling, Morgana reached out and kissed Merlin's cheek. "Goodnight." 



First of all, I hope you enjoy this (short) chapter. I tried my best to add fluff and plot at the same time. 

Second of all.....

Wow it's been a long time since I've been on Wattpad haha. Sorry for the absence, I've been discovering my soul.... Which is a fancy way of saying I panicked over school work and watched YouTube videos. I hope everyone is doing ok, and staying safe. 

(And there's strep going around my area, which is why I was able to write this lol. Being sick is not as bad as it seems when you miss school.)


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