Druids Bow Part 2

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"So your saying you are the most powerful warlock to every walk the earth?" Arthur asked, staring Merlin in the eye.

The boy shrugged. "The druids seem to worship me."

The druid nodded in the background.

Arthur stared at them.

"No joking."

"I'm not joking. My sense of humor is not funny." 

Merlin cracked a smile. "What me to prove it?"

So that's how they ended walking up in the forest, trying to find the druid camps.

The knights followed, along with Gwen.

The entered the clearing, to find druids going among daily life.

When they saw Merlin, however...

Arthur stared as all the druids bowed before his servant.

Merlin scratched his neck. "Uh, you can get up."

"We must celebrate Emrys entering our village! This is a sacred moment!!"

Merlin sighed. 


2 days later, citizens of Camelot woke up to the king and his knights, along with Gwen and Merlin, stumble home, all mumbling something about Druids having parties, and telling Gwaine to stop singing Druid songs. 

Merlin turned and found all the people crowding around them.

"Are they drunk?"

Smiling, Merlin replied, 

"No, it's actually the opposite. We left before Gwaine killed them. They didn't have any beer."

Running after them, Merlin left the villagers in the dust.

"Oh. That makes sense."

Mergana OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now