Emrys Imposter

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I really love Emrys, don't I... Title says it all.

The man's magic aura was weak.

Merlin could tell instantly that the man that stepped into the room was overrated. 

With a gloated ego, the man walked down the throne room, and bowed before Arthur.

Merlin was watching the man carefully. Any wrong move, and that man would be history.

"Sire." The man said, still bowed.

Arthur looked around at the knights, who nodded and left, leaving Gwen, Gaius, Merlin, and of course, the... magic man.

"I am a sorcerer, my lord." The man said looking up. Arthur's face instantly changed. His attitude for magic had changed, and they where close to Albion. 

"Magic is still not legal. Yet." Arthur adds at the end. 

The man smiled. "I know. I've come to try to convince you." he stood up, and light a fire in his hand with a long incantation. "I am called Emrys."

Merlin started coughing, choking on air. 

The man turned to him. "Is there a problem?"

Between coughs, he asked, "Who told you that's you?"

The man straightened. "I figured it out. I am destined to save the king, and start Albion."

Merlin laughed. "I think your a fake."

Arthur stood up as the man threw a glove to Merlin.


Merlin smiled and picked it up. "Rules?"

The man looked surprised, but he continued. "Magic is the only weapon." Arthur dragged a hand across his face. "If I win, magic is back in Camelot." "Same for me." Merlin said. Gwen looked grim. "Tomorrow." The man walked out the room after saying that. 

The room stayed in silence as Merlin cleaned up. 

"They're starting betting rights outside for Merlin against Emrys. Everyone's voting Emrys." 

Gaius stood up. "I'm going to be rich!" He ran out the room.

"He's voting for Merlin." Gwen added, still looking out the room.

Merlin smirked, and left.


Neither King or Queen slept that night. 

"What if he dies?" Gwen asked, staring as 'Emrys' practiced. "He doesn't know any magic."

Arthur didn't respond, just stared into his cup that Merlin had filled that morning. 


The man conjured a smoke phantom, and sent it to Merlin. 

Merlin just sidestepped. "That's a very easy spell." He added, looking at the phantom dissipate. 

The man's face grew red. 

Sending a huge fireball.

Then another.


And Merlin just sidestepped.

And the man just kept firing.

Until he had enough.

"I AM EMRYS!" The man hollered. "YOU ARE NOTHING." 

Then Merlin snapped.

"Okay. I'll fight too."

Stepping forward, he glowered at the man, before starting to speak in the Dragonlord language.

The man laughed. "Nothing happened. Your eyes didn't turn either. Failed."

The the sky darkened.

Arthur looked up in horror as the Great dragon circled the arena.  

The man paled. "H-how?"

The dragon landed, and turned to Merlin. 

"Un-banishing me?"

Merlin glowered. "Didn't really think about it. No attacking."

The dragon laughed. "The reign of Uther is over. Camelot is safe from my fury."

Merlin shrugged. "So, um..." He smiled. "Meet Emrys." 

The dragon turned, and glared at the man. 


The man ran after he said those words.


He turned and saw everyone shell-shocked. (Gaius was in the back, collecting the money he won.)

"Um, there was a deal..."


Magic got legal in Camelot, Arthur let the dragon live, and Gaius got enough money to buy a castle from betting.

(The man ran away and was never seen again.)

Merlin got tons of hugs.

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