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The next day Tachi woke up at 4 prepared breakfast for everyone stored it in Kamui and by the time he was done it was 5:59 AM so he Harishined to the marker on his Dad and found his parents staring at a campfire as they waited fo Tachi.

"Good morning Mom, Dad!"(Tachi)

"Good morning Tachi how was your adventure?"(Xiao Guang smiling)

"Well.."(Tachi bringing out his spirit halos and the 4th one was black)

Yu Xiaoguang hit him on the head and tachi clutched his head in pain

"What was that for? Dad!"(Tachi)

"For taking a stupid risk what in the name of spirits led you to think that trying and absorbing a 10,000 year old ring was a good Idea?"(Yu Xiaoguang)

Tachi then told them everything that happened and when he was done.

"Good job, Stupid and reckless but a good job nonetheless"(Erlong patting his head)

Tachi smiled happily.

"What happened to the snake?"(Yu Xiaoguang) 

"I have it sealed in the gourd I can release it. It's still alive tho"(Tachi)

"After we return home I will take that snake off you if you don't mind Tachi.But it feels like I am not doing enough for you"(Yu Xiaoguang placing a hand on Tachi's shoulder and sighing)

"Don't beat yourself up Dad. You and Mom being here is more than enough I can't ask for anything more"(Tachi smiled brightly)

"Oh then you will be fine even if you don't have me huh. I am hurt Tachi"(Flender pretending to be hurt)

"Oh please uncle Flender you know none of this was possible without you but seriously get a wife with some one as charismatic and great as you I am surprised you don't  have a Harem already"(Tachi going to entertain his uncle)

"Huh little boy what do you know.."(Flender started boasting)

"Oh that's amazing"(Tachi going along)

"He is growing up fast huh"(Erlong hooking her arms with Xiaoguan)

"Yeah"(Xiaoguang with emotional eyes)

"I am jealous"(Erlong)

"Why?"(Xiaoguang looking at her)

"You spent a lot of time with both of our children than I did"(Erlong)

"You don't have to be they are more attached to you then they are to me"(Xiaoguang)

They both looked at each other and laughed and then turned to tachi who was buried in a Dog pile of all students except Zhu Zhuqing and Yin Yi.

"Get off! you are crushing me!"(Tachi)

"No!"(Most of the boys in the Dogpile)

"Oh you asked for it!"(Tachi activating his 4th ring)

Soon multiple black  chains shot up from the ground around him and carried the people on the Dog pile and placed them on the ground.

"This is my 4th skill I call it 'Chain Zone'. Each chain can stretch to about 100 meters and I can produce any number of them in a 100 meter radius but I need to be stationary and the more chains I produce the more spirit power I use"(Tachi smugly) 


"How durable are they?"(Yu Xiaoguang)

"I don't know"(Tachi shrugging)

Dai mubai tried to break it and then went full vajra mode and was finally able to break free after burning through 1/4th of his spirit power.

"Let me try" (Zhao Wu Ji)

Tachi smiled and multiple chains came and wrapped around the acala and he was only able to free himself after activating his spirit.

"Not bad not bad at all"(Yu Xiaoguang rubbing his chin)

"Have you tried to 'elementalise' the chains yet Tachi?"(Yu Xiaoguang)

"Not yet I will need some time to experiment.On another note I brought breakfast!"(Tachi)

"BRING. IT. OUT!"(The Gluttons with demonic aura)

"Okay please don't kill me"(Tachi as he activated Kamui to bring them out and prepared to run)

They rushed him and Tachi managed to escape using Kamui and took out a separate stack for the adults and non-gluttons.

"Soo..."(Tachi eating his share)"What are we doing today?"(Tachi)

"Well tang san has this method to attract a lot of spirit beasts and a place where we could fortify ourselves"(Yu Xiaoguang)

"Got it, should I Hiraishin everyone over?"(Tachi)

"Did you mark that place Tachi?"(Tang San blinking)

"Yep! it is a pretty unique and beautiful place figured it would be a good spot for either a picnic or a date whichever comes first"(Tachi)

"So who are you planning to date?"(Yin Yi)

"No one right now but you can never know when you might need it"(Tachi turning and smiling at her) 

She nodded secretly relieved for some reason Er' long noticed this and made a mental note to ship them.

"On another note any reason you are spartan training us dad?"(Tachi)

"You have the continental tournament in 8 months and I plan on signing all 9 of you up"(Yu Xiaoguang)


"Aren't you worried?"(Yin Yi)

"There is no need to with elementalization we have a really unfair advantage and with Tachi and Tang San it will be near impossible to beat us"(Oscar)

"Alright I will be training Oscar and Ma hong Jun until they each become as important as Me in combat"(Tachi)

"I will join you"(Yin Yi)

"I will focus on the combination with Zhuqing"(Dai Mubai)  

Zhuqing just looked at him and nodded.

"Then my training partner will be Xiao Wu?"(Tang San doubtfully)

"got any problem with that?"(Xiao Wu with a dangerous aura)

"None at all"(Tang San quickly)

Xiao Wu then smiled happily.

"Now shall we go?"(Tachi standing up)


"And about your training I will be making some changes latter"(Yu Xiaoguang as he stood up)

Every then formed a circle and disappeared in a yellow flash.

Sharingan in soul landTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon