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Tachi woke up feeling like he just ran a marathon while carrying rocks meaning his entire body was in pain. After a little while he got used to the pain and looked around and realised that he was still in the office he just sighed and spotted food and a glass of water in front of him Tachi devoured the food and as he was eating the Grand Master came in with his apprentice Tachi finished eating the last of his food and

"Tachi greets the grand master"(Tachi bowing towards him)

The Grandmaster nodded Tachi turned towards Tang San and gave one of his smiles

"What was that weapon in the end anyway? It nearly tore through my fan"(Tachi smiling but this time he was genuinely curious)

Tang san looked like he was put in a tough spot and finally agreed to show Tachi. He pulled back his sleeve showing an interesting contraption which looked like an compact crossbow to Tachi's eyes.

"It's called a silent sleeve dart it travels silently and is capable of penetrating the defence of a 600 year old spirit beast. How were you able to defend against it? you don't even have your first spirit ring yet"(Tang san genuinely puzzled)

"Well as I told the Grand Master yesterday one of my ability is to change my spirit power into 7 different attributes so I just changed all my spirit power to earth attribute and made it as dense as I could and channeled it into my spirit which let me block all the projectiles including those needles but I must ask did you seriously try to kill me for putting your girlfriend in an illusion?"(Tachi)

Tang San got flustered "We are... she is... she is not my girlfriend!!"

Tim rolled his eyes "Keep telling yourself that and we will see where it takes you"

The Grand Master cleared his throat getting their attention

"So, Tachi which level are you now?"

Tachi closed his eyes and focused "Level 9 nearing level 10 I will probably break through and saturate in week or in one more near death battle"(Tachi opening his eyes)

"Do you have a direction you want to go in?"(Grand Master)

"Direction? what direction?"(Tachi)

"I mean what type of spirit master you want to be"(Grand Master)

"Type of spirit master?"(Tachi tilting his head)

"Let me explain there are mainly 4 types of spirit masters attack,defence, support and control.Tang San here is a control type spirit master meaning he focuses on controlling the flow of the battle.So what type of spirit master do you want to be?"(Grand Master)

Tachi thought for a while "How about an all rounder? with my abilities it's not very hard and I can pretty much be in two places at once so I can focus on multiple things"(Tachi creating a shadow clone)

The Grand Master raises his eyebrows and touches the clone but he is surprised to see that the clone is solid like an exact copy of the original

The clone grinned "I am a an exact copy of the original I have every single one of of skills and memories but I can only last as long as spirit power in me is not exhausted or I take a good hit then I dispel and all my memories return to the original along with what ever spirit power I have remaining"(clone dispelling himself) 

"How did you do that?"(Tang San)

"I can teach you under the condition that this does not leave this room without my permission you are not allowed to teach it to another person without my consent"(Tachi folding his hands and staring pointedly at Tang san)

Tang San returned his look with a 'what?' look Tachi just mouthed girlfriend to which he made an expression as if he was giving up.Grand master on the other hand had cupped his chin and was thinking about something.

"Is the technique dangerous to learn?"(Grand master)

"If you don't have enough control over your spirit power then yeah it will be your death"(Tachi)

Grand master frowned "what do you mean controle?"

Tachi looked the man dead in the eye "Are you telling me you don't control your spirit power when you use your skills? how about movement? or reinforcing your body?" 

"No we don't"(Grand Master with a straight face)

Tachi looked at Tang san who had the exact shocked expression as you
"Do you want to do the honors? after all I got the Idea from you"(Tachi to tang san)

Tang San turned to his Teacher "Teacher it's like this....."

Tang San explained the basics of control and the Grand master immediately saw the benefits of it as well as  the uses for it and a new possibilities of self created skills.The Grand master then turned towards tachi who was now holding a piece of paper

"How much control do you need in order to perform the technique you showed us"(Grand master) 

Tim wordlessly used his spirit power to turn the paper into a paper boat "That much".

Tang San then took a piece of paper and folded it into a rabbit.Tachi looked at it then at him
"And you say she is not your girlfriend" causing Tang San to shake his head and raise his hands in a I give up gesture.

The Grand Master tried it but the paper just crumpled into a ball.

Tachi looked at him and said"Grand Master the more spirit power you have the more effort you need to put in it unless you are a genius like sister Wu who is peaking in through the window and has made a origami face of tang san" while pointing at a pair or rabbit ears by the window which immediately went down but it was too late as Tachi already had a pen floating at her face forcing her to stand and come in.

Tang San activated his eyes and saw strings of spirit power attached to the pen originating from Tachi which surprised him even more just how much  control had Tachi achieved? was the question in his mind and Xiao Wu sheepishly smiled and apologized to the grand master about eavesdropping.

"Little Tachi teach us that technique"(Wu getting in his face) 

"You mean teach me that technique"(Tachi pushing her face away)

"It's the same"(Wu pouting)

"no, it's not and are you sure you want me to teach you and not tang san after he has learnt ?won't you get to spend more time alone that way?"(Tachi whispering in her 'human' ear) 

Xiao Wu became stiff and fer rabbit ears stood straight as if startled and she nodded with a deep blush and hid behind the desk causing Tachi and the grand master to burst out laughing and Tang san to have a confused face.

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