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After the tour everyone assembled in the 'classroom' while Xiao Wu was pretty much the center of attention because who would not want a instant builder on their team.

"Now now Students lets move on to the remaining charts of student San and student Jun.Let's start with student Jun which is relatively simple to explain he has a Yin-Yang symbol and it is quite big meaning he can nearly achieve the same results as an auxiliary spirit master if he tries hard enough and his element if not glaringly obvious now is fire but given the degree of reaction I can say that he has already converted his spirit power into it without the use of his spirit or spirit rings so he just needs to stop slacking off and train properly for once"(Tachi)

Every one including Tachi were now glaring at Ma Hongjun who was about to eat a sandwich which he placed it back in the box facing every ones glare.

"Now you the person who should have died the first time he manifested his spirit and is only alive because he literally has the best luck in the whole universe, Student San.Now if you haven't noticed it yet Your spirit power is heavily influenced by your spirit meaning the elements you can change your spirit power depends on you spirit now if your spirit power turns into something incompatible to your spirit or the other way around you will die of the conflicts that arise between them either at birth or during the spirit awakening ceremony"(Tachi)

"Now according to this chart Tang San's spirit power can only turn into water and nothing else not even yin and yang now here lies the problem .A person's mind is represented by Yin while his body is represented by Yang if Tang San's spirit power can only turn into water and not Yin or Yang he would be a puddle of water.Now given Ma Hong Juns chart which had a similar result to that of Tang Sans I have concluded that with the help of my dad that if I take your chart by a paper the size of the dinning hall then somewhere on it I would find the Yin-Yang symbol.But there is still one more problem his spirit of blue silver grass a grass which can grow anywhere except extreme environments is a Yang heavy plant so why does his spirit power still have water as his main and that too at such a extreme degree?"(Tachi taking a break)

"My only conclusion being that he is one of the ones chosen by the heavens or fate itself to be a successor to one or more of the gods who perished ages ago"(Tachi)

"Tang San becoming a god is that not too far fetched?Will he be able to"(Ning Rongrong)

"Not so far fetched Student Ning.Now tell me what is the biggest body of water except the ocean you have seen?"(Tachi)

"A lake 10 times the size of the village we are currently resting in and deep enough to hold 5 trees stacked upon each other vertically"(Ning Rongrong)

"What if I told you that Tang San, if he could completely turn his spirit power into water could fill up the entire lake in a few seconds and spending less that 1/3rd of his spirit power"(Tachi)

Every one took a deep cold breath.

"But it is way too early to celebrate the heavens blessed him with incredible potential but also cursed him with the same if not more amount of hardships and trials.So the only way to escape this fate is to grow strong and incredibly so or die trying"(Tachi) 

Every one maintained a solemn silence for a while until Dai mu bai realised something and looked at Tachi with a worried expression.

"Are you the same Tachi?"(Dai Mu Bai)

Every one looked at Tachi.

"Similar brother Dai but not the same if any thing You ,Ma Hong Jun and Tang San have it the worst.I can't say what exactly but compared to the three of you I have it easier"(Tachi) 

"Is that why you are trying so hard?"(Ning Rongrong softly)

Tachi nodded but said nothing no body did for quite a while until

"Ahah becoming gods or anything that can wait all we have to is get stronger and be ready cause "(Ma Hongjun clutching his head)

"The fatty is right lets just focus on getting stronger"(Oscar)

suddenly wooden walls started to grow around them and created a room.

"On that note what I am going to tell you next must not be spread not even to your closest kin nor must it be talked about in in places where there is even a slight chance of people hearing it being overheard if you don't think you can do it I will let you out and if you choose to stay then you must promise me this."(Tachi)

Every one looked at each other and nodded.

"We promise"(Every one with resolve)

"I am going to share the technique I figured out with dad I call it constant cultivation"(Tachi)

"You figured it out?!"(Tang san interrupting Tachi with a shocked expression)

"Figured what out?"(Zhu Zhuqing)

"Well back in our old academy Tachi stumbled across notes on a theory by Teacher about how the spirit beasts get stronger even tho they don't know how to cultivate. He theorised it is because the beasts are constantly cultivating from birth to the day they die and the method of cultivation is imprinted in their instinct but that method is pretty slow but the  advantage is that they can cultivate constantly while doing anything they want since then Tachi has been trying to figure that method out and now looks like he succeeded"(Tang San)

"Well it's not perfect you can only do so at 25% your regular cultivation speed and for ordinary people it will be like they are constantly replenishing their spirit power and if you need it to have any impact your cultivation speed must be quite fast"(Tachi)

"Even the other part is quite useful Tachi that would make a huge difference in battle"(Ning Rongrong)

"That is why you can't tell anyone without my permission so again if you feel like you can't keep this promise then feel free to leave"(Tachi)

Nobody left.

Tachi smiled and explained the technique to them

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