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The two behemoths stood facing each other.

The Great Titan Gorilla was cautious of the 'newcomer' and maintained a stance that was both offensive and defensive and watched it cautiously while inside the the gem of the susanoo 

Tachi was sitting in the lotus position while he held his hands in a rat sign and his eyes kept spinning and he kept barking orders.

"Every one send your spirit power  to the walls and link up we need to stall for 5 minutes the time I need to finish modifying the beacon.Sis Rong don't enhance the susanoo but enhance the people who are going to use the skills Bro Oscar please prepare a lot of tofu and get ready to stuff it into everyone's mouth as soon as they use a skill and when I give the signal send spirit power into the knife I gave you and Teacher Zhao can you place the beacon in my mouth."(Tachi)

Zhao Wu ji placed it in his mouth to which Tachi bit down and started modifying it to repel or send the holders a few kilometers away once and return to its original function afterwords.

Ever one except Oscar and Ning Rongrong followed Tachi and sent a little of their spirit power into the walls surrounding them and immediately their perception changed they saw what the susanoo saw and they had a intuitive connection with everyone and could vaguely tell what the other person was thinking.

It was a improper connecting technique and Tachi  bore all the burden the others would face his sharingan spun faster as he did so.

On the outside the Giant Titan Gorilla smelled Xiao Wu inside the new commer and got enraged over the fact that she was 'eaten' and roared and attacked and the susanoo suddenly disappeared leaving behind after images Tang San had used his movement skills to dodge and then the susanoo roared sending a white and red lightning which paralyzed the giant Ape and set it on fire and then the susanoo started kicking the Ape forcing it back and then moved its hand in a grabbing motion causing giant vines of blue silver grass to grow and bind it and then the susanoo breathed out a giant pillar of flames which set the vines of grass on fire.

Inside the susanoo Tachi was responsible for maintaining it while Zhao Wu Ji was responsible for supplying it with spirit power Ning Rong Rong was responsible for buffs and Oscar was responsible for recovery on attacks Mu Bai and Ma HongJun were responsible for the main long range attacks while Tang San,Xiao Wu and Zhu ZhuQing were responsible for close combat and Tang San responsible for  evasion and restraint.

The Gorilla could not attack too strongly or it might actually 'kill' Xiao Wu if she was even alive and despite the susanoo enhanced attacks all the damage they inflicted on the ape was nothing more than superficial wounds this 'Dance' of theirs continued for another 4 minutes which pretty much scared away all the spirit beasts in the vicinity which created a temporary safe zone.

The susanoo was filled with cracks and looked like it would shatter ant any moment and Tachi had blood tears running from both his eyes as well as tears all over his body which worried the support class masters on the team as they were the only ones that they could see him.

Tachi then dropped the beacon and held in in his knee pit.

"Guys when the handel on your Knife turns green send spirit power into it and We will regroup and if you end up in an dangerous environment send spirit power into it again and you will teleport and the knifes turn yellow when they are pointing at the direction of another knife and oscar flying mushrooms for every one NOW"(Tachi taking control of the susanoo and disconnecting everyone else) 

As Tachi took control all of his clones popped and sent a surge of spirit power Tachi used the excess spirit power to send the ape flying a few hundred meters and then the susanoo shattered and Tachi forcefully activated the beacon which sent Tang San flying alone, Oscar,Ning Rongrong  and  Ma hong Jun in a group, Mu Bai and Zhu Zhuqing in a particular direction and Zhao Wu Ji in another direction while Xiao Wu had tossed away he knife.

The susanoo faded and Tachi and Xiao Wu fell from the height unconscious Xiao Wu used her hair to bring Tachi close and hugged him and while they were falling the Giant Titan Ape caught them both and ran in a particular direction.

With Zhao Wu Ji

He yelled curses and punched a tree how was he not even able to protect even a single student of his despite being so strong .He calmed down after a few minutes and took out the tri pronged knife which was in his back pocket how the kid managed to sneak it on him was complete mystery but he was grateful nonetheless and started turning around and ones the Knife turned yellow he started heading in that direction using the mushroom.

With Dai Mu Bai and Zhu Zhuqing

 they landed on a grassy plain with the forest to their east they rested for a few minutes and took turns guarding each other while the other cultivated they did not talk much as there was no need to what ever happened in the susanoo left a lasting connection between them they could understand each other as long as they were near each other.

After they were rested enough they took out the dagger found a member and headed towards them using the mushroom.

With Oscar, Ning Rongrong and Ma Hong Jun 

They quickly recovered tanks to oscars tofu and use the knife to find their friends and went in that direction.

With Tang San 

Tang San almost went crazy he had no idea of the situation of the others and he also had no idea if Tachi had survived he noticed Tachis condition the moment they were disconnected and before he could do any thing he was thrown away but he did remember what Tachi said in the end and took out the knife and as soon as he did so he was attacked by a giant spider and the spider pretty much destroyed the knife by breaking it in half which essentially made his one way of knowing where the other are useless and he went berserk and used every thing he had including his twin spirit to kill the beast and by the Time he was done he was totally exhausted and fainted for a while and he got up and choose to absorb the spirit ring from the spider.

While he was absorbing the ring memories and fears of his past haunted him but also the memories of the present broke the shackles which he had imposed on himself and freed him and when he opened his eyes he saw that Xiao Wu was calling out to him and crying.

He was so happy that she was ok that he thought that he was still stuck in a dream and then he remembered about Tachi which made him get filled with worry again.

"Where is Tachi?"(Tang San)

"Here"(Mu Bai who was bandaging Tachi as best as he could)

Tachi had cuts all over his body some where even his muscles were torn and few of his bones had cracks and his eyes were still bleeding and Tachi was still unconscious.

Tang San came and checked him "It is fine he will heal in a few days there is nothing wrong with his internal organs and all of the wounds are superficial"

"That's good now let's head ho.."(Zhao Wu Ji)


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