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They were walking along the cliff towards the area where the Ravens usually made their nests 

"Tang San can you tell us about these ravens?"(Mu Bai)

"Well they have a natural life span of 5000 years they stay in groups and are quite Timid meaning they like to hide and will not attack physically no matter how agitated they get. Main characteristics include scaring enemies through shear numbers and cawing and becoming illusions themselves hence any attack or attempt to capture would turn futile,Main attack illusions which make you relive your worst nightmare over and over again."(Tang San)

"How is Tachi going to hunt one? Won't he be trapped in an illusion or worse won't we be trapped in an illusion once we get close"(Ma Hongjun)

"Don't worry with Tachi around illusions are nothing"(Xiao Wu)

"What do you mean?"(Oscar)

"Well My spirit is not just the fan it has another part my eyes it's called sharingan"(Tachi activating his basic sharingan)"It allows me to have night/dark vision,Telescopic vision, eagle vision ,Dynamic Vision,Photographic memory, lets me see auras and makes my perception of time slow meaning everything including me slow down for me and it also let me predict the moments of my enemies to a certain extent.But the main advantage or ability of the sharingan is to cast illusions and resist or if possible reflect illusions back"(Tachi)

"Wow thats one power full spirit"(Ma Hong Jun)

"Wait you said that it's another part of your spirit meaning you had to awaken your spirit again"(Zhu zhuqing)

"You are right sis Zhu but you are only half right in order to awaken the sharingan one has to feel enough despair, helplessness and grief  to drive him or her mad or kill them through sheer agony"(Tachi)

"Then how are you not crazy?"(Ma Hongjun)

"Grandpa carrot and Tang San saved me all the way back when we were still kids if it wasn't for them I would either be dead or the entire world would have become a game for a mad man"(Tachi)

"What do you mean Tachi"(Tang San softly)

"I never told you this before but just think about it a 1 year old who saw both his parents murdered right in front of his eyes  but he could not do anything because he was weak do you know the helplessness, the despair, the anguish I felt would have torn me to pieces if two things didn't happen I can't tell you  one of them but the other was grandpa carrot finding me there and taking care of me for 5 years if he did not do, that I think I would have become a mad man I guess this is another flaw in the sharingan once a bond is formed between a user and a person it is nearly impossible to break it"(Tachi stood to the side and cried tears he did not know he had he dared not look at the rest of the team)

These feelings were the ones he kept running away from the current him was not Rex nor was he a kid from this world he was a continuation of both.Tachi suddenly felt someone hug him he looked up and saw that both Tang San and Xiao Wu were hugging him and so were the rest of the devils.

"You are not alone Tachi you have us, You Have Teacher so, don't get lost ok?"(Tang San)

"Yeah Tang San is right from now on you are my freakishly strong little brother so don't you dare go down the dark side"(Mu Bai)

"Hey we still have a lot of recipes to try out if you go away how are we going to try them out?"(Ma Hongjun)

The rest did not say anything but it was obvious that they too accepted Tachi as family from the look in their eyes.Tachi started crying for real and they just stood there while Teacher Zhao smiled at them and kept an eye on the surroundings.

After a few minutes Tachi calmed down "Um guys you can let go now ya, know? I ain't going anywhere"

Every one broke from the group hug no one said anything but it was obvious that they had bonded over this little event all eight of them now shared a bond but will that bond stand the test of time? only time will tell.

After a few more minutes every one reached the edge of the nests

"Every one we are about to enter the three clawed raven territory no matter what you see do not panic"(Tang San)

"Before we enter can everyone form a circle? Teacher Zhao too I want to use a skill which can help everyone"(Tachi)

every one formed the circle even tho few of them were puzzled.

Tachi then closed his eyes and had his spirit power go through every one and form a circle and  three tome appeared above them when seen from above one could see a giant sharingan had formed and it broke and every closed their eyes because they suddenly felt discomfort and when they opened their eyes their vision had changed everything was in greater detail they could see further and clearer then they ever did before and if they focus on something they could see it's moments in slow motion.

"Guess two tomoe is the limit huh"(Tachi) 

Tachis dialog caused everyone to turn towards him.

"What did you do Tachi it's like I am using my purple demon eyes even tho I did not activate it?"(Tachi) 

Tachi did not answer him instead summoned a mirror and showed Tang San's face causin Ning Rongrong to do the same and they saw that they had Tachis eye but instead of three tomes they only had two.

"I was thinking of the properties and characteristics of my eye spirit if it wants me to cherish deepen and protect the bonds that I have then I should be able to share that power with the ones I have a bond with and this is the result even tho I can share my spirit with you guys it is weaker and temporary it will probably last a few hours before fading away and since we did the little ceremony I can probably lend my spirit to you guys as long as we are close"(Tachi)

"So all of us now have the sharingan?"(Oscar)

"That's what I just said"(Tachi)

"COOL"(Ma Hong Jun)

"That should not have been so easy tachi what are you hiding from us"(Zhao Wu Ji)

"Well if anyone of you had rejected the spirit power I sent to you then the ceremony would have failed and I would have been blind for a couple of days"(Tachi)

"Kid, if you are going to do something risky inform us beforehand or tell us what to do depend on us a little!!"(Zhao Wu Ji punching Tachi's head) 

Tachi held his head and replied "Yes teacher Zhao" but he was smiling which did not go unnoticed by the spirit saint who also smiled in return. 

"Every one can you calm down and bro oscar stop counting the number of hairs in bro jun's nose you can do that when we get back to the academy we need to get my ring today if we are to stick to the schedule so lets get moving"(Tachi back to his usual cheerful self)

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