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Tachi was resting in the pent house when he felt the activation of a harishin he immediately teleported there and came face to face with his father.

"what is it dad?"(Tachi a little annoyed)

"I want you to meet your cousin and remove your mask"(Yu Xiaoguang)

Tachi removed his mask to reveal his face which was fixed in kinda a annoyed look.

"As much as I would love to meet my extended family could this not have waited till tomorrow? controlling two elements simultaneously take a lot out of me both physically and mentally ya know"(Tachi)

"You are tired? you made that fight look effortless"(Yue Tian Heng)

"Please as if some one can effortlessly neutralise and redirect lighting of those calibers especially if they have no spirit power of their own in it"(Tachi turning to his cousin)  

"...Thanks I guess but what is your spirit I know you are adopted but what exactly is your spirit?"(Yue Tian Heng)

"If you want to know about them force me to reveal them  to you I am not going to make it easy for you ya know"(Tachi grinning)

"Sure....wait 'them'?"(Yue Tian Heng confused)

"That's right 'them' now if you will excuse me I will meet you after you get your ass handed to you again the day after tomorrow"(Tachi teleporting out)  

"Uncle what did he mean?"(Yue Tian Heng)

"He is talking about his friends you will know when you face them"(Yu Xiaoguang)

Tachi returned to the penthouse and went to his room and saw that a person was waiting for him.

"Well Well Well who are you?"(Tachi with Madara's Ems ready)

Two days later 

".....let the Match begin!"(Announcer)

Immediately the lady in in a purple dress launched her poison much to the surprise of the seven devils but they were able to neutralise it much to the shock of the lady but with the combination of Oscar, Mahjong jun, Xiao Wu and Tang san .

While the blond kid in blue uniform hovered above the team and as they were busy netarising the poison he attacked Ning Rong rong hoping to take her out but that plan was thwarted when zhu zhuqing jumped into support her.

as the poison cleared the Yue Tian Heng charged at Tang San but was intercepted by Mu Bai who was boosted by Ning Rongrong but Mu Bai was still knocked back. 

Xiao Wu and Ma Hong Jun used this opening to attack him but were intercepted by the twin tortoise guys.

Xiao Wu and Ma Hongjun were pulled back by Tang san and the moment they landed they quickly ducked to avoide the shields thrown at them.The shields then changed their directory and attacked oscar and Ning Rongrong who just smiled and punched the shields creating a small shock wave and sending the shields flying towards the poison lady and the lady dressed in goth and missing their heads by an inch.That shocked both their opponents and the audience.

Oscar then gave a flying mashroom to Ma Hong Jun and Ning Rongrong boosted him so that he could take care of the guy who could fly on their team which led to Ma Hong jun and the other guy to play a high speed tag  over the actual fighting arena with Ma Hong Jun launching fire balls and fire beams and using fire to make himself faster but the other guy was just faster and far more agile so he kept missing and had to eat Oscar's tofu to to keep replenishing himself.

Yue Tian Heng and the twins were engaged in a close combat match with Tang San , Xiao Wu and Dai Mu Bai with Dai Mu Bai and Yue Tian Heng facing off in power and Tang San and Xiao Wu facing the twins while Zhu Zhuqing was facing the panther guy meaning both teams were in some sort of stalemate but slowly they noticed that the royal combat team were not using any big moves and they did not seemed to be tired?

At that moment Ning Rongrong remembered the spirit of the lady dressed in a goth fashion the Nine hearted begonia and

"Guys we need to take out the support class spirit master NOW!"(Ning Rongrong rushing towards the lady)

"Why?"(Oscar keeping up with her)

"Her spirit does not have any attack capabilities but in exchange it has only one function 'complete restoration'. As long as the target is not dead it can restore spirit power, health and stamina so if we don't take her out the enemy will recover from everything poisoning, exhaustion, spirit power depletion and even wounds"(Ning Rongrong)  

The devils tried to break out of their current fights and help them but were kept in check by their respective opponents.

Oscar and Ning rongrong were then intercepted by the poison lady who tried to poison them but the blunt of the poison was absorbed by Oscar who had secretly trained in the element of wind at the same time the two birds game of tag was coming to an end Ma Hongjun transformed giving himself a large boost in speed and power and the other guy was just stunned by the sudden transformation causing him to stop that was a mistake as Ma hong jun crashed into him as the mushrooms effects ran out and they crashed into oscar who was now paralyzed and all three of them were knocked out of the arena and immediately every one disengaged and regrouped.

"Don't worry he is just paralyzed"(Yue Tian Heng) 

The Devils who heard him relaxed a little and especially Ning Rongrong who worried more than most even if she did not realise it herself.

As the remaining combatants were preparing for battle 

"YOU ARE A GIRL!!!!"(Ma Hongjun)

followed by a loud *SLAP* catching everyone's attention

The blond boy sorry girl was hugging her chest and looking away while blushing while ma hong jun just stared at her while holding his right cheek where he was slapped.

That little announcement caused majority of the royal team to stare at their teammate in utter disbelief 

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