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A month and a half after the last chapter

Tachi won some and lost some matches as his opponents got into his personal space somehow or the other and once people saw that they tried to abuse it only for Tachi to find new tactics to Run and keep the distance. Tachi learnt a lot about running away.

The group fights on the other hand were different The colosseum had asked Tachi and his clones not to participate in fights after the fight with Shrek but instead offered a huge sum of gold if they would work as full time healers and double that if they were willing to teach it to a few select spirit masters in the duration of their stay which he agreed.

Today they were gathered in the penthouse after finishing their respective battles

"Good job on your battles everyone"(Yu Xiaoguang)

Every one just nodded but said nothing.

"Before we go breakup and go rest we need to talk about your next opponents"(Yu Xiaoguang) 

Everyone except Tachi sobered up.

"The Day after tomorrow you will be facing the Royal Combat Team and Tachi will be facing their leader tomorrow in a one on one match"(Yu Xiaoguang) 

"The silver tier team?"(Dai Mu Bai)

"The lighting dragon right? no biggie.I will take a nap and I am taking the gloves off while fighting him.Good night"(Tachi falling asleep on the chair)

Everyone just stared at him and then ignored him and focused on making plans and going through cycles of despair and hope.

The next day in the arena

"Welcome Ladies and gentlemen to the combat colosseum! Today we have a match that many people might find interesting on one corner we have the ever mysterious and playful Tobi!"(Announcer)  

Tachi who was stretching stood up and waved at the audience leading to an obvious cheer.

"And on the other hand we have a prodigy of the tyrant dragon of blue lightning clan!"(Announcer)  

The guy just walked in

"Sooo...You are the guy who specifically asked to battle me huh?Didn't know I had a fan at such a high place"(Tachi doing a little happy dance)

"Don't get a big head I want to humiliate you before I take care of the rest of your team mates"(Yue Tian Heng)

"You mean like this? because I already have a big head"(Tachi doing the bighead jutsu)

The guy just got pissed and was about to do say something when Tachi interrupted him

"Well you are strong right? I don't want to fight for long so how about we do this.I will keep this apple on my head and sit if you can knock it out or destroy it within three moves I will quit otherwise I will fight you Man to Man"(Tachi getting a serious tone)

"Why should I do that?"(Yue Tian Heng)

"Don't tell me that a member of the tyrant dragon of blue lightning clan can't even accept a challenge from someone who is supposedly weaker than him? and man that name is a mouthful "(Tachi)

Yue Tian Heng was about to say something but the announcer interrupted him by announcing the start of the match and as promised Tachi just sat there with an apple on his head.

Yue Tian Heng got pissed and launched bolt of lighting only for it to hit some sort of barrier and frizzell out and tachi lifted his index finger showing one.

Yue Tian Heng then launched a storm of lightning only for it to suffer the same faith and Tachi lifted his middle finger joining with the index finger showing two.

Yue Tian Heng then rushed at Tachi with his hand extending out to grab the apple only to phase through shocking him.Yue Tian Heng Turned to see Tachi who was standing there and eating the apple through his mask with one hand while the other had had his index, middle, and ring finger raised to show three.

"Maaan I really did not want to fight you ya know? fighting you clan heirs is like a huuuuge pain in the ass but I guess a bet is a bet.Brace yourself cause this is going to hurt a lot"(Tachi)

"Wha.."(Yue Tian Heng sent flying by a punched in the face)

Tachi stood there with lightning wings and lightning covering his entire body like some sort of armor. Yue Tian Heng stood up and looked at tachi with Rage.

Tachi started shadow boxing

"Come on Prince you are not going to chicken out are you?"(Tachi)

Yue Tian Heng removed his gloves and his hands turned reptilian 

"That's the spirit!"(Tachi)

Yue Tian Heng came to punch Tachi in the face faster than he was before and Tachi ducked under his punch and punched Yue Tian Heng's rib bruising it and then flipped away.

Yue Tian Heng then roared sending a massive bolt of lightning which Tachi redirected it back to the prodigy using a combination of wind and lightning.

The prodigy then dodged to the side and sent a  a small bolt which was again redirected back at him which he promptly dodged and then concentrated on his dragon formation turning his right hand into that of a massive scaly claw which he used to rush at Tachi who had deactivated his lightning armor and instead simply stood there and stared at Yue Tian Heng with his one visible eye.

When Yue Tian Heng came close and once again chose to punch Tachi in the face Tachi dodged by simply twisting his torso and punched the genius in the chest so hard that he flew out the arena and got stuck in the wall. Leaving the audience speechless.

Tachi shook his arm in order to get rid of the numbness that was there due to the residual electricity on Yue Tian Heng and reactivated the gravity seals and looked at the announcer who announced his victory and walked out and ran into his adoptive father whom he greeted by removing his mask.

"Good Fight Tachi"(Yu Xiaoguang smiling)

Tachi smiled

"Thanks dad but you might want to talk to him the sooner the better"(Tachi smiling)

"You are right"(Yu Xiaoguang following his nephew)

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