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Two days later 

Tachi and his 6 wood clones entered the arena

"Ladies and gentlemen let us welcome two of the most promising rookie teams to ever grace this colosseum on one corner we have the Elemental Septuplets whose members usually work as medics with their mysterious skills and techniques and on the other we have the shrek 7 devils a group consisting of overly talented individuals who have not lost a single match since they showed up.Hold on to your seats because this is going to be an interesting Match alright and FIGHT!!!"(Announcer)

Neither team moved or made the first attempt 

"You guys can use your other skills outside your element you know?"(Tachi)

"Don't worry about hurting us when you fight Tachi"(Dai Mu Bai ignoring Tachi's question)

"I was not going to hold back the restrictions are more than enough of a handicap"(Tachi)

After Tachi said so he and the clones jumped back and one of the clones activated it's first spirit ring and made a few signs and ending the sequence with a clap and immediately half of the arena had turned into a small forest  where Tachis hid.

Tang San made a shadow clone and had the clone scout but no sooner did the clone enter the forest it was stabbed in the gut by a vine .

Ma hong Jun got close and tried to launch a flame pillar at the trees but was interrupted a rather large ball of flames heading towards him which he dodged to the side only to be trapped in a sphere of water the fire ball headed straight towards Oscar who saved by Dai Mu Bai who slised the fire ball into two with the help of a sword made by his spirit power.

Tang san moved to rescue Ma Hong Jun but was tackled by a clone and before he could regester what was in front of him the clone turned to electricity and nearly knocked him out but failed to do so but it still left him paralyzed.

Xiao Wu quickly retrieved Tang San and Zhu Zhuqing rescued Ma Hong Jun as she easily dodged the lightning clones.

The seven devils devils regrouped and were eyeing the forest when the soil in front of them started to bulge and then exploded revealing a gorilla which roared and started attacking the devils but was easily subdued when  Dai Mu Bai simply cut it in half and no sooner did he do so Tang san woke up still a little paralyzed but it was manageable.

The devils were then eyeing the woods warily when suddenly they felt as if they were sinking and looked down to see that they were indeed sinking into the ground that had at some point turned into a swamp.

Tang San yelled at oscar who immediately sent mushrooms to his team mates which were eaten by them and they immediately grew wings and flew while Ning Rongrong was aiding everyone with boosts and no sooner did they fly up a huge Fire Dragon came to life and started patrolling the top of the woods and bullets of fire seemed to shoot out from the body of the dragon  forcing them to group up and no sooner did they do so a giant lightning wolf head came which threatened to swallow them whole but Xiao Wu created a large pink bunny which took their place and clashed with the wolf head created a blinding flash and a loud sound which rendered every one temproverly deef and blind and when they came to their senses 

Oscar,Ning Rong Rong and Xiao Wu were outside the ring unconscious with a long but extremely thin needles with electricity arcing from them piercing their necks .

Now with their support and recovery teams out of commision and Tang San nearly going berserk the remaining members meaning Tang San,Ma Hong Jun, Dai Mu Bai and Zhu Zhuqing flew over the forest as the fire dragon was no more for a quick scout and that was a huge mistake as the entire forest lit up in a huge inferno which raised directly at them forcing the teens to the edges of the Arena just in time for the mushrooms to run out.

The devils then started to look around the arena in search of Tachi but found out that they were paralyzed and unable to move but before they could do anything about it they involuntarily stepped back and out of the arena.

"Well that was one supremely intense match and should show exactly what the healers are capable of.The winners of the match the Elemental Septuplets!!"(Announcer)

Tachi and his clones quickly made their way towards the unconscious Trio and brought them back to the wold of the living and then exited through the same gate with the rest of the Devils who were grumbling about their loss while Tang San helped Xiao Wu

When they reached the penthouse all 8 devils crashed on on of the many sofas there.

"What the hell Tachi how can you spam so many techniques?"(Oscar) 

"I was alternating between my clones and in case you didn't notice I used a max of three skills for each element"(Tachi)

They nodded as they recalled the fight.

"What was that in the end any way?"(Dai Mu Bai)

"It's an application of Yin but it is very difficult to use I had to concentrate for more than half the match to use it it's called the shadow release using it I can control my shadow and if I can get it to touch another shadow I can control them as well but it is only limited to making my opponent mimc my movement and nothing more for now but if the victim's 'will' is strong enough they could move and hance force me to copy their movement."(Tachi) 

"But that is still an incredibly useful technique nonetheless"(Tang San)

"So do you guys know where you are lacking?"(Yu Xiaoguang who came in with a grinning Flander)

"Speed"(Tang San)

"Reflexes and quick thinking"(Tachi corrected)

Every one of the other devils looked at Tachi who just sighed

"In case you didn't notice the plants I make are highly flammable considering they are just made with spirit power so If Tang San used his net and Ma hong Jun lit it up then the 'forest' would have been toast forcing my clone and me to get out of their. Ma hong Jun would have been able to escape the water prison by himself if he had punched the clone.Tang San could have escaped the lighting clone if he had used his vines to pull back and paid attention. Dai Mu Bai could have cut the wolf into two and Xiao Wu's attack would have gotten me,Ma Hong jun could have just dropped into the forest while using his second skill.Any one of you could have just uprooted the 'forest' with a well placed enhanced punch,Zhu Zhuqing was fast enough to actually go through the entire forest and flsh us out before the vines could have gotten her .do I need to go on?"(Tachi)

Everyone had a thinking face

"How do we improve Reflexes"(Zhu Zhuqing)

"By practice and going through all sorts battle situations and probably placed in either life threatening or humiliating situations"(Tachi)

"Let's go with the first two"(Yu Xiaoguang)

"The third will be readily available if you want to get strong in extreme abundance and we will never touch the fourth except for punishments"(Flender finishing for Yu Xiaoguang)

Yu Xiaoguang gave Flender the look

"Hey don't give me that look I only stated the truth"(Flender kinda panicked)

"I will deal with you later and now all 8 of you must rest"(Yu Xiaoguang)

All of them nodded and passed out on their seats causing Yu Xiaoguang to shake his head with a wry smile while Flender was still panicking.

Sharingan in soul landOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora