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Tachi awakened two spirits his eyes and 

He had a spirit rank of 8 this surprised and excited the examiner of course he did not notice Tachi's eyes which had three tome sharingan which he quickly deactivated

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He had a spirit rank of 8 this surprised and excited the examiner of course he did not notice Tachi's eyes which had three tome sharingan which he quickly deactivated.

The examiner then personally escorted Tachi to the Nuoding academy and made sure that he got admitted  he made quite a stir.

He then asked if he could find work as he did not have any money and the principal put him in the working dorm with the other poor students.

When Tachi got his cover and pillow and went to the dorm and was about to enter it when he saw a foot coming towards his face he flickered out and appeared next to an empty bed and started to get the bed ready.

 The girl who was about to hit him looked around confused as she could not find her victim and when she turned and looked in she was surprised to see a new kid casually putting away his belongings.

"you are pretty good. Why don't you fight me?"(A girl dressed in pink)

Tachi stiffed up and looked at her in a absolute strait face and "Seriously? A kid younger and weaker than you walks in and is trying to settle in an unfamiliar environment and your first instinct or thought is to kick him in the face? not ask his name even? do you have no shame as a senior? is this how you treat a stranger? with rude words and an attack? shame on you"

The girl got flustered and and tried tearing up "Again with the pitiful act? I should be the one crying here I left my village and the place I am supposed to learn has people who like to bully people who are younger and weaker than them so stop acting and mind your own business"(Tachi)

After that Tachi just went back to unpacking but he felt that he was about to be kicked again and flickered out of the way activated his sharingan and put her in an illusion which put giant rusted nails pinning her frame to where she stood Tachi then finished unpacking and then sat on his bed.

After a little while some one came to the dorm Tachi smiled and turned towards him 

"Brother San looks like we meet again how come you did not visit me when you came to the village?"(Tachi smiling and waving towards him)

"Big brother help me!!"(The pink girl who was still stuck in an illusion)

Tang San smiled at him and was wondering what's wrong with her.Tachi on the other hand looked at him then at her then at him "Are you two related?" Tachi threw this question towards Tang San

"Not by blood I adopted her as a sister last year"(Tang San still wondering what was wrong with her) 

Tachi made an understanding expression and nodded sagely and snapped his fingers dispelling the illusion the girl quickly ran behind Tang San and made herself smaller than him and peaked out from behind him.

"Brother san mind introducing us? I think we got off on the wrong foot"(Tachi)

He just shrugged "Tachi this is Xiao Wu, Wu as in dance my little sister"(Tang san with a little higher tone in voice and pointing at her) 

"Xiao Wu this is Uchiha Tachi my friend from the village whom I forgot to meet and introduce when we went to the village "(Tang San)

Tachi waved at her and she immediately hid behind Tang San.

Tang San looked at her puzzled and then turned to Tachi "So you being here means you awakened your spirit?"(Tang San)

"Yep , Gunbai rank 8"(Tachi)

"What can it do?"(Tang San)

"Let's go out and spar you will know then"(Tachi going out followed by both Tang San and Xiao Wu)

After they went out Tachi summund his gunbai with the scythe attached to it and Tang san showed his blue silver grass which had a ring .

"Uchiha Tachi spirit:Gunbai, rank:8 spirit trainee, seeking a spar"

"Tang San  spirit:blue spirit grass, rank 16 Spirit Master,lets start"

Tang san launched his first spirit ability but Tachi just reflected it back which Tang San dodged only to come close to the scythe which he dodged by leaning back but a ball of flames enhanced by wind was coming towards him, Tang san then used bind again and again it was reflected and the feeling he was getting as if he was facing someone who could kill him.

Tang San launched a dart from his sleeve as well as a few needles at Tachi and when he realised what he had done he quickly turned and saw that Tachi had red eyes with a black pupil and three tadpole like commas surrounding his pupil and he had blocked all of the projectiles with his fan and soon The eyes faded and reverted back to his usual black ones and Tachi fainted from spirit power exhaustion as his fan faded but before he could fall he was caught by a man who looked like he was in his 40's.

Tang San bowed towards him "Teacher"

"Who is he?"(Grand master)

"He is a friend from the village I grew up in he is a orphan,His name is Uchiha Tachi he is rank:8"(Tang San) 

Grand master simply nodded and carried him to his room "Tang San follow me and bring your friend with you"

Tang San and Xiao Wu looked at eachother and followed the grand master to his room/office

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