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"Ow"(Most of the people rubbing their heads the rest silently rubbing their head)

"So does anyone have any other secrets to share? Let's get this headache over with"(Flender)

Oscar raised his hand and everyone looked at him.

"I can use all basic elements except Yin and Yang"(Oscar)

That was one big bomb. 

Ning Rongrong felt so happy that she hugged him on impulse sending him over the moon and everyone congratulated him some hitting him on the back.

"Is that it?"(Flender after everyone calmed down)

No one volunteered.

"All right then Miss Isabella? will be joining us as a student from now on and everyone is dismissed so rest up we need to head to the capital double time"(Flender) 

Every one left for their own rooms while Dai Mubai carried the unconscious Tachi to the room. 

The next day Tachi had still not woken up and Tang San had received a serious scolding from Xiao Wu and Yu Xiaoguang.

Tang San had tried to check what was wrong with Tachi but found nothing wrong with his body but found himself unable to inspect his mind a strong mental barrier protected it and breaking it would have caused more harm than good so he was back to square 1.

A week latter

Tachi woke on his adoptive fathers back they were walking through the city looking for something.

He stretched his arms out and yawned.

"Good morning Tachi"(Yu Xiaoguang turning to look at him)

"Morning Dad"(Tachi making no effort to get down)

Tachi looked around and saw that they were in some sort of city.

"Where are we?"(Tachi)

"Tian Duo capital"(Yu Xiaoguang)

They were in the back of their group so they did not see Flender intently looking at the poster

"I don't want to go to the Royal academy"(Tachi pouting and hitting Yu Xiaoguang's back with his fist with the force of a baby)

"You don't have to worry about that we were kicked out and you were right it was not worth it"(Yu Xiaoguang)

Tachi stopped acting like a spoiled child but instead hugged Yu Xiaoguang's neck which caused the elder to calm down and brighten up a little.

"I have found the perfect academy for us to join!"(Flender catching their attention and running straight at them)

"And we need to change"(Flender)

"And I need to eat I am hungry can we please do the test tomorrow?"(Tachi)

"What? why are you talking like a 11 year old?"(Flender confused)

"Cause I am a hungry 11 year old who is hungry"(Tachi peeking his head out from Yu Xiaoguang's back)

"Oh good then time to go have lunch"(Flender)

The next day

The poor receptionist was having a heart attack because both the levels of the teachers and the students were way too high.

"Your levels are too high for me to judge so please follow me so we can let the principal make the choice"(Receptionist)

A little while later they were walking down a forest path and heard a beautiful but sad song sang by some one with a beautiful voice Yu Xiaoguang rushed towards the voice but when he actually saw her he wanted to run away but found himself unable to move thanks to Tachi using the shadow possession jutsu. 

The lady turned to see him and burst into tears and uttered his given name in between sobs and when Yu Xiaoguang looked away she wiped away her tears and smiled a really sad smile.

Flender started to say something but Tachi had tuned it out as he had to give his all in order to keep Yu Xiaoguang in place.

".....Golden Iron Triangle..."(Flender getting interrupted by a strong golden light appearing in between the three)

And when the light subsided there was a small black box with a golden triangle on top of it in place of the light and a figure of Rex in a lab coat got projected.

"If you are seeing this then someone said the words 'Golden Iron Triangle' or I activated this and am currently very embarrassed of how I look. Don't bother replying to me or asking me any questions as I am just a recording This black box is a DNA analyser meaning it compares the DNA of two people and gives you similarities between the two. If your DNA similarity is above 95% then the you are Twins, 45%-50% parent and child, 50%-90% you are siblings, 20%-40% Grandparent/Uncle/Nephew/Cousin/Half-siblings, 0.2%-20% you are cousins or distant relatives any lower and you are strangers on the genetic map.Now you might be wondering what DNA actually is ,it is the blueprint of your body or to put it crudely your blood that has been passed down to you and the one that you will pass on to the next generation"(The hologram pausing there) 

"The reason I am giving you this is because finding someone who is willing to give you their absolute everything and You willing to do the same to them is hard and I do not want anyone to suffer the same thing I did if they can help it but the choice to go forward is yours"(The hologram fading away)

Everyone was stunned for a few minutes and Yu Xiaoguang stepped forward and picked up the box and Turned to Isabella with a poker face but his eyes betrayed both hope and fear to a grate extent.

"Miss Isabella do you know what your father was talking about and if you do can you explain?"(Yu Xiaoguang)

Isabella nodded 

"But first we might want to find a seat somewhere this is going to take some Time"(Isabella)

"Then you might as well come in all of you"(Yiu Er Long opening the door to her cottage while also hiding a little hope)

Everyone followed them into the cottage.

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