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It's been a weak since the spar Tachi had thought the shadow clone to tang san who in turn thought it to Xiao wu who pretended not to get just it just so she could spend more time with him The Grand master had become capable of doing origami with nothing but spirit powerand after he had learnt the shadow clone technique the classes with him and tang san accelerated? he would have one clone teach Tachi while another thought Tang San and he and a clone would work on research all at the same time.

Tang san and xiao wu would have their clones attend classes and spend time with each other while the originals either worked or trained or spent time lazing around.

Tim had his clone attend classes while he made a puppet show combining low level illusions on the street which showed the stores of naruto which were very popular for some reason of course he changed a few things here and there so it would fit the current world better  but were still strangely popular so he earned quite a lot and sometimes he would rope in Tang san and Xiao Wu for the extra dramatic flare.

Today Tim had saturated and was finally level 10 and they were going to the forest for his first spirit ring the grandmaster had recommended to get a plant based spirit ring in order to strengthen his Gunbai .He had also theorised that they could not add rings to his eyes at least directly due to the existence of the gunbai.

More like his gunbai acted as a substitute or container for his spirit rings.

The entered the spirit beast sanctuary with the pass the grandmaster had and Tachi immediately felt something calling him but he refrained from acting on it opting to listen to ask the grand master .

"Teacher why a plant based and not animal based spirit ring? won't I get a better skill if it is animal based?"(Tachi)

"True if your spirit was just your body spirit but based on what you have told me adding spirit rings to your eyes might weaken and if not destroy them if don't find a proper spirit but luckily you also have a tool spirit  your fan. I would have asked you to get an animal spirit but I am not entirely sure that your fan would would be compatible with it."(Grand Master) 

"What do you mean? Teacher"(Tachi genuinely curious)

The grandmaster smiled"Say you have a serpent spirit what type of spirit ring do you thing is suitable for it?"

"snakes and anything poisonous like vines and scorpion and spiders"(Tachi)

"Yes but snakes are mobile while vines are stationary so what do you think will happen when those two are combined?"

Tachi's eyes widened in realisation a spirit ring could essentially cripple or destroy a person's spirit if they get a wrong ring.

"But it doesn't explain why I need to get a plant based spirit ring"

"It's about your tool spirit all tool spirits are extremely compatible with plant based spirit rings and not so much with animal based spirit rings so I want to get a plant based spirit for your first ring at least as a buffer in case you get an animal based spirit ring in the future"(Grand Master)   

Tim slowly nodded and was about to ask which spirit would be more suitable for him when he suddenly blacked out at least for him he blacked out and when he came to he was standing in front of a giant tree with one hand on it's trunk which confused him greatly and was wondering what exactly happened when he heard 



After that Xiao Wu practically crushed him in bear hug he had grown close to her the following weak mostly by the pranks that they pulled together on few stuck up students in the academy and no one could catch them especially thanks to the shadow clones.He treated her as his big sister but both he and her acted like they were the same age and Tang San usually acted as a gentel big brother to them.

"can'"(Tachi patting her back repeatedly)

"Tachi what happened why did you suddenly run off?"(Tang San)

Tachi blinked and tilted his head "I just blacked out and the next thing I know I am standing in front of the tree over there"(Tachi pointing to the large tree near them)

The grand Master drew in cold air as soon as he spotted the tree but he also noticed that it was nearly dying from a parasitic vine as well as spotted signs of battle as most of its branches were broken and the dead give away was the huge gash upon the upper trunk nearly cutting it in half

Tachi followed the grand masters eyes and his eyes went wide in horror Tachi quickly changed his spirit power to yang attribute and channeled it into the tree to at least lessen the pain it was feeling at least by a little as for why he did it he had no idea but he acted without thinking but in no way was he stopping now.

"Tachi what are you doing?! we need to get out of here now"(Grand master whisper yelled in sense of urgency and panic)

"no"(Tachi's voice was calm but had enough authority behind it that the grand master flinched and stepped back in surprise and was about to fall)

Tang San supported him from behind to prevent him from falling"Teacher why do we need to go I don't see any danger here"Tang san looking left and right

The grandmaster shook his head "It's the entity Tachi is in contact of right now it's.."

"It's called eternal guardians they are spirit beasts which do not release their rings to any one and never attack nor do they fight back if some one attacks them so most people think they are just large trees but if it comes to something they  wish to protect or some thing they hold dear then there isn't a single living being that could harm it when it is near them not even a titled douluo"(Xiao Wu cutting the grand master off and looking at the tree with respect and awe) 

"Then as long as we don't harm or go after the thing it is protecting then we will be fine?"(Tang San)

"It is not so simple Xiao San, Guardians have other spirit beasts protecting them no matter how badly damaged they are the lack of them either signifies someone tried to take the ring by force but failed  or there is one extremely strong spirit beast guarding it.Either way we need to leave NOW"

The grand master tried to drag Tachi away but soon found himself 'nailed' in his spot by giant rusty nails and Tachi spoke in an ancient voice as if the owner of the said voice had been alive for hundreds of thousands of years

"Don't worry little ones your the little one incontact with me is safe I mean neither him or any of you harm"(Tachi in an old and ancient voice while Tachi's face morphed into something static)

"Who are you and what are these nails?"(Grand master calming down)

"I am what you see in front of you a fool who has lost nearly everything as for what those nails are those were not done by me but rather the little one in order to protect the one who he calls 'father' tho I do not understanding what that means"(Guardian which made the grandmaster feel warm inside with an unknown feeling and pissed that he was stuck in an illusion still)

"What will happen to Tachi?"(Tang San)

"Nothing, I will just be passing on my soul as I no longer have much time to live"(Guardian) 

"How old are you? Can Tachi's body handle such a heavy burden?"(Grand master still stuck in the illusion)

"How old I am ?I don't know but I have seen the moon wax and vain millions of times and as to whether his body can handle the burden you don't have to worry about it  I am giving him my soul willingly hence all the excessive spirit power will be stored in the ring ready to be called on when ever he needs it"(Guardian)

"Why him?"(The grandmaster free of the illusion thanks to Xiao Wu who had transferred a little of her spirit power to him a trick thought to her by Tachi)

"He was the only one to respond to my call and try to heal me even tho it is hopeless"(Guardian having a small smile)

"Now I need to hurry You need to stall the enemies for at least 10 minutes before he completes absorbing the ring and you enemies are coming from the direction the sun sets and will be here in 5 minutes"(The guardian turning serious) 

Tang San and Xiao wu exchanged a small knowing smile they knew exactly what to do while the grand master was thinking of battle plans.

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