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The next morning Tachi woke even before the sun was up and saw that everyone was still asleep and was soon assaulted by a huge headache which forced him back to sleep when he woke up again he felt fine and went to the hall and saw that everyone was discussing on where to go on a map.

"Can I suggest something?"(Tachi)

"How are you feeling?"(Tang San)

"I am fine, I didn't destroy something did I?"(Tachi)

"No you just fell asleep"(Zhu Zhuqing)

"Oh thank goodness"(Tachi)

"What is your suggestion?"(Zhao Wu Ji)

"First I want to ask bro oscar what type of skill are you looking for?"(Tachi)

"Some thing with speed I want a skill which let's me escape"(Oscar)

"What type of spirit skill are you looking for Tachi?"(Xiao Wu)

"I have already decided on one the three legged raven"(Tachi)

"Are you sure? even tho it is pretty harmless it is impossible to hurt it"(Tang San)

"I have methods"(Tachi with a mysterious smile)

"I hate it when you smile like that"(Xiao Wu)

"Any way this is my plan"(Tachi pointing to the area of the map where the ravens are usually spotted)"Let's go there first and I promise you that I will be done by today next we will camp here it's the area where its ruler was recently killed so it should me pretty safe to camp for the night and Tomorrow we will head here that where phoenix tails are  usually spotted we should find a suitable one for oscar there and then here where there are a lot of spider type spirit beasts.."(Tachi)

"Wait why should we go there if it's full of bugs"(Ning Rongrong making a disgusted face)

"Well Tang San and Xiao Wu is close to a breakthrough they will probably breakthrough either tomorrow or the day after so I was thinking of heading there.."(Tachi)

"Is it true Xiao San?"(Mu Bai)

" did you know Tachi? I didn't tell anyone"(Tang San) 

"Did you forget who I am? I can sense a person's level and the amount of spirit power they have  and given your cultivation speeds both of you arent that far behind level 30 now if you will let me continue"(Tachi)

"As I was saying we will get Tang San's ring and head here another 'safe' zone it is safe as long as we don't disturb the tree in the center of it and then we will head here a rabbit zone which is also pretty safe as long as we don't do anything stupid and I am done"(Tachi)

"That's a good plan let's do that"(Mu Bai)

"How do you even have all this information Tachi is it not your first time here?"(Zhao Wu Ji)

"Well as soon as we came here I had my clone go and gather the information from the local hunters"(Tachi)

"Well that is a convenient skill alright wait don't Tang San and Xiao Wu also have that technique?"(Mu Bai)

"Well I didn't allow Tang San to use it because he knows more about spirit beasts and forest survival then me and he needs to be in top shape for today as for Xiao Wu you can ask her any detail about the shopping district and she will tell you"(Tachi) 

Immediately Ning Rongrong and Zhu Zhuqing caught her and made her promise to give them a tour after they were done hunting .

"Tachi you have to teach us that skill It would help us a lot"(Ma hong Jun)

"Yeah sure, after we are done here and return to the academy I will start teaching you guys"(Tachi)

"Oh and before we go"(Tachi summoned what looked like a prayer stick it was an inch wide and foot long cylinder with markings on it)"Teacher Zhao can you send a little of your spirit power into this...thing"(Tachi giving the stick to Zhao WuJi)

"What is it?"(Zhao Wu Ji took it and sent a little spirit power into it)

"It doesn't have a name but it mostly acts as a beacon"(Tachi) 

"A beacon for what?"(Zhao wu Ji)

"I will show you Sis Zhu can you take this and run outside and away from the inn for like a minute and then send a little spirit power to it?"(Tachi giving her a tri pronged kunai)

Zhu Zhuqing nodded took the kunai and went out and after a minute she appeared back in flash of black.

As she came back she first looked surprised and then turned a little green.

"Sis Zhu take deep breaths it's always disorienting the first time"(Tachi)

Mu Bai was rubbing her back and gave her a glass of water.

"Tachi did you complete it?"(Tang San wide eyed)

"Yes bro San I did"(Tachi)

"Complete what? and why did she appear in a flash of black?"(Ma Hong Jun)

"Well see that knife she is holding? It lets a person teleport to the beacon or the person registered as the owner of the beacon regardless of the distance between the knife and the beacon, the draw back is it is too flashy as you saw"(Tachi)

"Draw back? more like a plus it is soooo cool ,I want one"(Oscar,Ma Hong Jun and Xiao Wu)

"Where did you get this treasure Tachi I have never heard of anything like this this before"(Ning Rongrong) 

"I made it"(Tachi)

"What does it cost to make it?"(Ning Rongrong)

"Ink,Paper and an expertise in calligraphy"(Tachi)

"So anyone who knows calligraphy can make it?"(Ning Rongrong)

"No, the rest is trade secret can't have give it to you, not yet at least, end of discussion and before I forget"(Tachi gave everyone a Tri Pronged Kunai)

"All these are set to teacher Zhao so if anyone gets seperated all you have to do is put a little spirit power into it and you will appear near Teacher Zaho and don't play with it tho after 15 teleports they become useless so lets be cautious and stick together "(Tachi)

Every one looked at their kunai on astonishment.

"Tachi did you set a beacon at Shrek?"(Zhao Wu Ji)

"Yes yes teacher Zhao,But it only responds to my spiritual power so if we want to teleport there you need to be in contact with me."(Tachi)

"You really are a monster"(Teacher Zhao)

"No, I am one of the monsters in shrek and if they can't keep up I will drag them with me"(Tachi smiling)

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