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Later that afternoon every one of the devils had gathered including Isabella and excluding Tachi.

"Well since almost everyone's here I would like to give you all a gift"(Tang San)

"What gift?"(Oscar)

"Flowers"(Tang San)

Everyone had complicated expressions on their face but most of it were those of disappointment.

"What's with the looks the flowers are all heaven grade treasures you know if you assimilate them it should help increase your ranks quite quickly"(Tang San)

Everyone was excited and were about to pester him when.

"STOP, TIMEOUT, WAIT A MINUTE"(Tachi yelling as he ran to the group)

"What do you mean Tachi?"(Dai Mubai to tachi who was panting)

"Well I was practicing the rasengan you know and this happened.."(Tachi forming a rasengan)

The rasengan formed like normal but after a few seconds destabilized and disappeared

"What happened?"(Ning Rongrong)

"Try using skills that require stability and no elements you will understand"(Tachi)

Dai Mu Bai created his sword and it it disappeared after destabilizing.

Zhu Zhuqing created a dagger and even that disappeared after destabilizing.

Ning Rongrong and Oscar both created Rasengans and they disappeared after destabilizing.

Ma Hongjun did nothing.

Xiao Wu created a bunny rabbit and nothing happened.

 Tang San created a rasengan nothing happened.

"Tang San and Sis Wu are cheaters and should just die"(Tachi looking at the stupid couple)

"What is going on Tachi?"(Dai Mubai Ignoring the last comment)

"We leveled up way to quickly so our spirit powers are destabilizing a bit It should stabilize if we don't cultivate for a month"(Tachi)

"Huh so what are we going to do for a whole month?"(Ning rongrong)

"Relax, go on dates, do whatever you want just don't cultivate of course this doesn't apply to the cheater couple overther"(Tachi pointing to Tang San and Xiao Wu) 

"And Tang San if you have something that is going to help the fatty purify his spirit power you should give it to him now because its the best time for him to take it"(Tachi)

Tang San nodded and gave the flower to Ma Hongjun while explaining its effects to him and then came to Tachi and Isabella who were talking about something.

"Isabella this is called the Soul blooming snow Lily if you consume it it should help stabilize and strengthen your soul"(Tang San)

She took it and hugged him and then let go.

"Thank you Tang San with thus I will be able to save her"(Isabella)

"But if you do that you will disappear"(Tachi)

She chopped him on the head but it had little to no force

"I won't disappear I will simply be like Dad and besides It's not right for me to take over someone else's life like this.Every one has their own life to live through and decide what they are going to do with it. Stealing and living through someone else's doesn't sit right with me."(Isabella)

"Then I hope you can at least wait until tomorrow to take it"(Xiao wu) 

"Yeah at least let us send you off"(Ning Rongrong)

"There is still a lot of things I need to ask you about"(Zhu Zhuqing)

The girls suddenly out of nowhere.

"You guys..."(Isabella) 

"They are right you know why don't you spend the rest of the day with the girls while we take care of the party?"(Dai Mubai choke holding Ma Hongjun so that he won't eat the flower while storing it away in his seal)

"At least let us do this much"(Oscar)

"As for the venue why don't we do it at my home? I sent a clone to explain things to mom and dad I am sure that they will agree so."(Tachi)

"Then leave the food to me and the decore to Xiao San, Boss Dai and Oscar should keep her busy with the girls and Tachi I get the feeling that you need to talk to Rex about the specifics of his situation"(Ma Hongjun in his transformed state)  

"Yeah you are right now lets get going we are burning daylight!"(Tachi who just sat down at a nearby tree)

Tachi went into a deep meditative state while the rest went to do their thing.

Tachi opened his eyes at the base of the guardian and looked around the boundary of the guardian had increased further and there were no more corpses of the things and small amount greenery was also returning to the surroundings.

He then went to the door to Rex's mind and was about to knock on it when it opened on its own and when he went in he was quite surprised to see rex playing with a kitten in a field of grass that was separated from his 'house' even tho it was the first time he came in.

"I don't remember getting a Cat spirit ring"(Tachi looking at the cat that was happily purring on Rex's thigh)

"That's because it's not a spirit beast it is 'your' spirit"(Rex looking up to a very stunned Tachi) 

"What did you think that Gunbai and Sharingan were your spirits?"(Rex trying to hold back his laughter and amusement)

Tachi didn't answer but sat down and took the  kitten from Rex' Lap and buried his face in it's belly in order to hide his embarrassment.

"If this is my spirit then why did it not awaken during the awakening ceremony and why is it awake  now?"(Tachi speaking into the cats belly causing it to purr)

"You are a Lot like your adoptive father and It was the same with your spirit it needed a lot of spirit power to 'awaken' and since you started to use the sharingan it was locked away and with those things making a mess out of your mind and disturbing your soul it 'awakened' but it did not have the spirit power it needed to 'manifest' but with your spirit power destabilizing it could take a little for itself and appear in your mind scape"(Rex)

"That means I still can't bring him out to the real world huh"(Tachi)

Rex just smiled and ruffled his hair.

"So what did you want to talk about?"(Rex getting up and motioning Tachi to follow as he went inside)

"It's about the state you are in what is going to happen with you and Sis Isa"(Tachi sitting down on the table inside the house while the cat rested on top of the head)

Rex gave Tachi a cup of hot chocolate.

"Normally in situations like these one of two things will happen assimilation or eradication the ones with the stronger 'will' will assimilate the other the two becoming one soul or one of the souls destroy the other or pushes them out of the body hence 'killing' them but Our cases are different. Neither I nor Isabella ever wanted to take over a soul nor do we wished to be assimilated and we are lucky in a sense that I have a friend in quite a high place helping me out so one day when you and Yin Yi are healed enough and strong enough we will leave"(Rex)

"Leave?"(Tachi's voice barely a whisper)

"Yes, Leave. I don't want to be stuck in someone's head for all of eternity you know?"(Rex)

"I'll go back I need to prepare for the party"(Tachi getting up and still carrying the cat on his head)

"Silly brat"(Rex sighing)

Tachi woke up and saw that it was almost time for the party so he buried his feelings and plastered a fake happy expression that would have made a certain blond proud and went to find his friends.

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