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It's been a week since Tachi had the whole egg incident tho he could balance on it and use susanoo only up to the stage where it grew a skeleton head and skeleton arms he could not move them if he did he would fall over.Tachi had Completed his  Task on day three the egg would stop moving if he kept a constant supply of Yin and Yang spirit power and kept alternating the other elements in a frequency of 2 seconds.The Egg also seemed to have 'grown' it went from a ping pong sized white egg to a golf ball sized black and white egg.

Tachi created a cradle for it with Tang Sans help and the metal he found Tang San aslo told the metal was quite useless Tachi just smiled but still insisted on it.He would constantly supply the egg with the types of spirit powers according to its preference because he found out that the more he did so the more he understood about combining the elements.

Ning Rongrong and Xiao Wu had completed their first challenges and Tachi had agreed to sell a 100 storage scrolls with a 10 cubic meter storage space.

Today was the day the "Feast" was organised by his peers Tachi had also cooked multiple dishes that he could remember.'Rex''s memories were kinda blocked to him as if there was someone or something preventing him from accessing it but he did not think much of it. 

Need less to day all of them passed and as soon as they did so Dai Mu Bai, Oscar and Ma Hong jun held Tachi with the smiles of greed merchants the girls were not any better they did not touch him but their smiles were enough to send chills down anyone's spine.

Only Tang San stood by calmly but even he had an eager expression in his eyes .This was a secret but he did try to convert his spirit power into water before using a clone and the clone instantly 'popped' and the feedback knocked him out fortunately his main  body was pretending to sleep.

Tachi escaped by a quick body flicker.

"Follow me"(Tachi Giving them a mischievous grin)

They went to the spot where they had first fought Zhao Wu Ji when they came to the academy.

the 'pond' was dry it had drained over the days but since it had no source it did not fill up if anything it looked like an empty well.

Tachi stopped and said nothing and neither did the other 7 the knew once they got to the spot they would be starting over this time as a team all 8 of them had smiles on their faces.

"You know the drill Tachi" took out eight papers and gave one to each and every one of them while he kept one for himself.


"2"(Tang san)

"1"(Boss dai)

They all poured spirit power into it the same time and the results were quite surprising for Tachi.

Tachi had his normal chart.

Tang Sans paper turned blue and a sloppy mess which started to dry up but remained blue when he stopped putting in spirit power.

Xiao Wu had the yin-yang symbol and Earth both of which were quite huge occupying half the paper each.

Dai Mu Bai had the Yin Yang symbol in the center and small figures of wind and lightning but the biggest was the blue and yellow hybrid of lightning and plasma above the the two elements.

Zhu Zhuqing had something similar to Dai Mu Bai only instead of lightning she had fire and instead of the plasma/lightning she had a pale blue picture of flames.

Oscar and Ning Rongrong had the same chart one giant yin-yang symbol with all the elements the size of dots around it.

Ma Hong Jun's paper had a Yin-Yang symbol and it had turned red like Tang Sans and was burnt around the edges.

Tachi whistled as he looked at the papers.

"looks like all of us are monsters"(Tachi) 

"What do you mean Tachi?"(Xiao Wu)

"Let's see..."(Tachi who was suddenly looked like a short old man with glasses and a scholar gown pushing up his glasses)

"How?"(Tang San looking like he had found his next prey)

"Well You know mine and I will explain the abnormal ones of Bro San and Bro Jun latter, so lets start with the basics"(Tachi pointing at a black board that had appeared out of nowhere and had a Tachi's chart drawn on it)

"Again how?"(Tang San)

"As I said yesterday there are 7 basic elements of Fire, wind, lightning, earth, water, Yin and Yang"(Tachi looking at his 'students' while the black board suddenly had 'He is a dumbass' with an arrow pointing at Tachi which disappeared when he turned around)

"How?!"(Tang San)

"Shhh Brother your are disturbing professor Tachi let him teach in piece"(Xiao Wu)

"Thank You student Wu, Now coming back to the chart as I was saying there are 7 basic elements but these elements can be combined to form different elements such as ice,metal lava etc.Yes student San please ask your question "(Tachi looking at Tang San who had raised his hands)

"Professor Tachi can more than two elements be combined?"(Tang San)

Tachi smiled "Very good question student San, let me explain.As I was saying different elements can be combined to form new elements and so can more than two elements let's take Students Zhu's dominant element for example let's call it the nether flames it is a combination of not two but three different attributes the attributes being Wind,Fire and Yin.If my guess is right then the flames should be able to affect a person's mind and soul as well as harm the spirit directly hence rendering the person a vegetable or a cripple for the rest of their life if they even survive the assault of the flames that is"

Every one looked at Zhu Zhuqing like she was some sort of a monster.

Sharingan in soul landOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora