CHAPTER 70 &) Snek?

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The party was awkward to say the least everyone tried their best in order to put up a smile but as the clock ticked they became quieter and more awkward in the end they just chose to stay silent and stare at the dinner rather gloomily and as if the food were their arch nemesis.

"No hay mejor familia que un buen amigo"(Isabella breaking the silence)

Everyone turned to her.

"It means 'There is no better family than a good friend' a saying my mother used to tell me a lot when I was a kid she said she heard it from her grandmother who heard it from a friend who was an orphan. What I want to say is even tho our time was short I have gained a few very good and irreplaceable friends so thank you for being my friends"(Isabella)   

The girls started to tear up a little and so did most of the boys while pretending they were not tearing up.

"Tachi I will be borrowing your room and please treat Yin Yi with the same care you have shown me and don't search for me within her, she is she and I am me, I hope you will remember that"(Isabella bowing and then going up to the room)

After she left the water works began and everyone just found their partners Zhu Zhuqing and Dai Mubai just left silently hand in hand they didn't really need words to talk to each other.Ning Rongrong and oscar were crying a lot while they hugged each other. Xiao wu and Tang San sat on the roof and Xiao Wu rested her head on his shoulder as they gazed at the stars until they sensed a spike in spirit power below them which meant that Isabella had consumed the flower and that caused Xiao Wu to tear up a little.

Tachi and Mahong Jun had gone into the Kamui dimension in order to wreak havoc in there and since it was infinite and personal they could do whatever the hell they wanted and no one would be able to say anything.

With Isabella after she had swallowed the flower she entered her mindscape

It was still the barren floating Island she went in to the hut and came to the sleeping form of Yin Yi and no sooner did she do so the flower started to come towards the two Isabella directed it to Yin Yi and disappeared and a safe door appeared in the hut which was slowly changing into a house and the Island increasing in size. 

3 days later. 

Yin Yi opened her eyes if a familiar yet unfamiliar ceiling she turned to her side to see a 11 year old with black hair sleeping on the sofa and the name came to her naturally 

"Uchiha Tachi"(Yin Yi without thinking)

As soon as she uttered the words memories of the past 9 months came crashing into her head causing her to scream which awoke the residents of the house.

Tachi jumped and stood in a defensive posture.

Yu Erlong and Yu Xiaoguang and Xiao Wu rushed into the room in order to see what was going on and saw the now awoken lady.

"Isabella? no you are Yin Yi aren't you"(Xiao Wu coming to the girls side)

The girl was too busy nursing her head ache and sorting out the familiar yet not so familiar memories that instead of answering she passed out.

"I think it would be better to move her to Xiao Wu's room for the time being"(Yiu Erlong)

"Uh huh"(Tachi)

Xiao Wu just wordlessly carried her to her room and tachi just crashed on the sofa again as it was still too early in the morning.

The parents just went back to their own rooms.

Late afternoon the same day.

Yin Yi woke up and now she knew everything about what happened when she was 'killed' and how she was 'saved' and who her saviors were and where she was.

Yin Yi got up and went down to the living room where she found Tachi tinkering with a Crystal Pad.  

"Thank you"(Yin Yi)

"What for I didn't do anything for you."(Tachi not looking up from the pad)

"Not to you but to the one inside you"(Yin Yi)

"So you know"(Tachi looking up to see her)

She just nodded.

Tachi left the Tab and then got up and came to her and held out his hand for a hand shake which she obliged.

"I am Uchiha Tachi. Pleased to make your acquaintance"(Tachi smiling)  

"I am Yin Yi likewise"(Yin Yi returning the smile)

Any further conversation was interrupted by a growl coming from Yin Yi's stomach.

"It's a little too early for dinner but how about I fix you something?"(Tachi letting go and smirking)

"I would like that"(Yin Yi)

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