CHAPTER 38 |#*#| |^*^| OLD COUPLE

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After they returned to the real world The clone wordlessly carried Tachi to Yu Xiao Guang office and placed him on the bed.

"Xiao Guang what did you mean by asking the clone who he was, he is obviously Tachi's clone right?"(Flender)

Yu Xiaoguang said nothing and had a serious face and as his friend and brother Fender knew he was serious.

Flender quickly dismissed the students Zhu Zhuqing helped Ning Rongrong back to the dorms Dai Mu Bai helped Oscar and pretty much carried Ma Hong Jun like a baggage and Tang San who was now awake..

"Teacher please let me meet him.I think I met him before when we were younger"(Tang San)

"Do you know who he is?"(Yu Xiaoguang)

Tang San shook his head.

"No, we only had a brief interaction but I know he means no harm to Tachi or the  people close to him"(Tang San)

Yu Xiaoguang thought for a few moments and decided to bring Tang San with him.

Then Yu Xiao Guang, Tang San and Flender went to Yu Xiaoguang's office and when they got there Tachis bandages were changed and was laid to rest on one of the beds and a Young man stood gazing out the window with his back to them.

He was around 6'6" feet tall wore a black Tank Top which did little to hide his lean but sculpted figure had Black hair and wore cargo pants and some sort of steel rimmed boots.

When he turned he had a really handsome face and pair of piercing electric blue eyes.

"Long time no see Tang San"(???)

"Who are you?"(Tang San)

"The name is Rex and I am something along the lines of Tachi's alter ego"(Rex)

"Bullshit, tell who you really are mister Rex "(Yu Xiaoguang)

Rex smiled with a playful glint in his eyes.

"Would you believe me if I told you the truth,Grand Master?"(Rex)

"I would but I would like to hear the truth no matter how absurd it is"(Yu Xiaoguang)

"My name is Rex and I am what you would call a living weapon I was raised with the sole purpose of killing,infiltration and destruction until I met a certain work of literature and when I died I was given a second chance at life and powers and I accepted but I did not know back then that instead of being born I would be forced to take over the soul of a child.I could not accept it and if I were to reject the child would die either way, So I chose to stay I became passive staying within the depths except for the first 6 years where I stayed a little below the surface with the child"(Rex)

"If you leave now will the child die?"(Yu Xiaoguang)

"It is too late for that in order to save him I had to fuse my soul with his if everything went according to 'its' plan then I would have taken over the child completely and assimilated his soul but since I chose to be passive his soul will continue to exist while I slowly fade."(Rex) 

"Tachi believes that he is me and in a few years it will become the truth but until that time I must ask you to keep this a secret from him.His will is not strong enough to withstand such a blow"(Rex bowing down at the trio) 

"Don't you are my benefactor and without you I don't think we would have met Tachi"(Yu Xiao Guang lifting the young man up)

"Thank you for everything"(Rex)

"Does Tachi have all your memories?"(Tang San) 

"He has my knowledge and Memories of literature, food and medicine"(Rex)

"What is the 'sharingan'?"(Tang San)

"He should have told you the Tale of the sage of six paths and his sons"(Rex)

"Thats real? and if so are you from that world?"(Tang San)

"Yes and No.The world I was from did people did not have any powers but they had knowledge and was filled with people like Yu Xiaoguang and as such even without any kind of special powers Humans had built weapons that could level mountains and structures that could control rivers and Machines that could reach the moon and planets beyond"(Rex) 

"And you have all that knowledge with you?"(Yu Xiaogang)

"Compared to what exists and was achieved what I know can be attributed to a drop in the ocean and before you ask Tachi is going to share that knowledge with you in time"(Rex)

"How do you know about the 'sharingan'"(Tang San)

"Lets take a seat cause what I am about to tell you is going to get whacky"(Rex taking a seat on the sofa)

After every one sat on the seats.

"Well some people back in that world had the ability to peek into other worlds and witness certain events in their dreams of course even if they gain the knowledge of that world it was impossible to use in in their world and since they did not have the ability to visit of even confirm that those worlds existed.The dreams would be treated as a person's imagination and turned into works of literature.The 'sharingan' and everything related to it comes from one such work."(Rex)

"Can one of them be 'peeking' at us now?"(Tang San)

"I do not know, but do not worry the things deemed a secret by the world you are currently in will not be allowed to be seen. Usually it involves the mechanisms behind how something works and techniques that make one stronger"(Rex) 

"And Tang San even if you are worried about it is already too late because before I died there were works of literature called 'Soul Land'  which depicted your journey and the journey of your descendants but of a different timeline and Tachi sees my memories of it as 'visions' coupled with what the first EMS shows, the future if all of you don't get stronger is pretty bleak but if you persevere through you will find happiness that I can guarantee you that much"(Rex)

"Wait what do you mean a different Timeline?"(Yu Xiaoguang)

"Exactly what it sounds like a Timeline if I and Tachi did not come to this world that was the Timeline it depicted and please don't ask.Any more and I will be making things a lot harder for everyone."(Rex)

There was a short pause after that.

"How long will you last?"(Flender)

"3 days and Tachi will wake up and I have to return"(Rex)

"Can you take classes in these 3 days? I want to know what humans can achieve without the help of spirit power in terms of combat and I guess it will be a good lesson for the students as well"(Flender)

Rex nodded and

"See you tomorrow then"(Rex popped)

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