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The next day.

Tachi woke up early and went for his usual run he had had already sent clones to the coliseum to work as healers he had transformed them into a pair beautiful couples and now they were pretty famous among the spirit combatants. 

After the run he went for a bath where he ran into Oscar and Ma Hong Jun.

"Hey Tachi, ready to train us?"(Oscar)

"Yep, but yous is probably going to be the most boring and the least dangerous"(Tachi)

"Don't tell me that I have to read too!"(Ma Hong Jun kinda panicking)

"Don't worry you won't be reading but it's going to be pure torture for you because you are already quite advance in elemental transformation"(Tachi)

"There will be food tho?"(Ma Hong Jun)

Tachi smiled mysteriously "There will be food".

After bath they dressed up and went to the cafeteria where the met the rest Tang San and Xiao Wu were together as usual ,Mu Bai was surprisingly sitting next to Zhu Zhuqing and were busy discussing something about fish Ning Rongrong was a little listless but cheered up once she spotted Oscar who sat by her side.

Tachi and Ma hong Jun sat in the remaining seats and started eating food like there was no tomorrow.

"So tachi when are we going to train and for how long?"(Tang San) 

Tachi stopped slurping down and looked at Tang San then finished slurping
"Today after I teach everyone the shadow clone because we only have 3 weeks to master them afterwards it's back to dad's plan so take these three weeks as a prelude while the main story begins afterwards"(Tachi)

Tachi then proceeded to steal back the food Ma Hong Jun stole and eat it in record speed like an akimichi.

"Wait there is more to teacher Yu's training?"(Oscar)

"There is a lot more, but don't worry the next training will either be torturous or fun"(Tachi)

"Tachi is right"(Tang San)

"Do the both of you know whats next?"(Zhu Zhuquing)

Tachi and Tang San exchanged looks.

"No we don't but that's just his usual style of training"(Tang San)

After break fast they went to the clearing again and Tachi thought every one the shadow clone and every one easily mastered it.

"Every one can you dismiss the clones? we need to talk"(Tachi)  

They did so and waited for tachi

Tachi then summoned his own clones so including him self there were five of him.

"Sis Rong can you teach Oscar the basics of spirit power control and the medical knowledge? I would like to take a class on medical techniques later together with sis Wu"(Tachi)

"Is this a challenge?"(Ning Rongrong)

"5000 explosive seals each capable of heavily injuring a spirit lord"(Tachi)

"Deal"(Ning Rongrong dragging a kinda happy oscar away)

"Each of you follow one of me"(Tachi)

With Tang San

Tang San and Tachi went to a dried up lake a little further in the clearing and stopped.

Tachi turned to Tang San

"Bro San could you bring out an orb or your spirit power?"(Tachi)

Tang San did that.

"Now imagine a large quantity of water not a lake or pond preferably the ocean"(Tachi) 

"How does an ocean look like I have never been to one before"(Tang San)

"Seriously? did you not have those in your past?"(Tachi)

"There was one but I never went"(Tang San)

Tachi took a deep breath.And 

"Don't resist"(Tachi activating itachi's EMS)

He cast a tsukuyomi on Tang San.

Tang San felt that the world changed around him and when he came to he was on a white beach with seagulls and nearly endless water in front of him.

Tang San activated his eye skill and even that told him that what he was seeing and feeling was real and not an illusion.

"Bro San what you are seeing is a memory of mine and an illusion to you even if you feel that it is real it is not remember that and I tried my best to mimic how the ocean behaves so try and get used to it, you will find food clothing and gear at the shack behind you It also has a bed.You will be spending about three days in this illusion"(Tachi as a voice) 

"Three Days!"(Tang San)

"Don't worry that's from your perspective in reality tho it will only be a second or less.Go diving today and tomorrow you will be facing storms"(Tachi still as a voice) 

Tang san went to the shack and found notes telling him what was what and how to use it.He wore the diving suit and went diving and what he saw struck a chord with him he felt like he was home.

The next day Tang san saw that the weather was cloudy and he faced all sorts of wacky weather but he was always surrounded by a bubble that kept him safe the third day was peaceful so he went diving again and this time in the deep end and just as he was about to reach it the world melted and he found himself staring at tachi who had his eyes closed.

"So how was your experience?"(Tachi)

Tang san sat down held his head from the pain caused by the clashing 'realities' which soon subsided and he replied to Tachi.

"Quite amazing actually"(Tang San)

"Do you need more time?"(Tachi)

"No let's do this"(Tang San)

He got up and went to the lake closed his eyes and summoned a small ball of his spiritual power and held it between his palms and tried to remember the feeling he felt when he dived into the waters and then he felt such force pushing him that he used his spirit bone to stabilize himself.And when he opened his eyes about 60% of his spiritual power was empty and the lake was half full.Suddenly he heard clapping and turned around to see Tachi clapping his hands.

"Congrats you succeeded in the first step"(Tachi smiling) 

Tang san smiled and looked at the water and remembered what Tachi had said yesterday.

"Tachi why was I only able to fill up half the lake I lost more than 60% of my spirit power"(Tang San)

"Bro San practising elemental transformation is a lot harder than practicing hidden weapons you need much more precise control over your spirit power so that it won't dissipate before turning to water and given what I have seen today you will have it a lot harder because you spirit power is 'eager' to turn to water so now you will have to focus on water control"(Tachi) 

"What do you mean?"(Tang San)

Tachi smiled and stretched his hand out and a small jet of water cam to him from the half filled lake.

'Like this you need to control the quantity of water you attract thats the first step'(Tachi writing this using floating water)

'controlling its shape is the second'(Tachi still using the floating water)

"You will probably find it easy to control the lake water as it was made by you.I think I will leave you alone for now and don't turn any more spirit power into water and you will be fine."(Tachi popped after telling that much to tang san)

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