CHAPTER 57 %& OUCH.....

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Tachi noticed That the Lady was was missing and looked around and spotted her This Time he jumped at her and brought his club down in full force 

Since she was at the edge of the arena she couldn't exactly dodge so she summoned her spirit and a Pair of golden wings grew from her back but the plumage was multi-coloured like it was made of Minerals and crystals and used Them as shields


The mace hit the wings but did nothing and instead bounced back taking Tachi with it she unfurled her wings and winced as the hit had sprained them and then she Quickly activated her Third skill which covered her in a Dome of multicoloured light as she noticed  Tachi recover and was screaming like a banshee and headed straight towards her

Tachi came in front of the barrier and stopped and looked at it curiously and poked at it and when it didn't bulge he got mad and roared and started bashing at it with his maze and was so busy doing it that he did not care that 'Isabela' opened a small portion of it and sneaked out and appeared behind him and undid her skill which caused it to shatter and Tachi thought that he was the one who broke it and yelled out in victory.

This caused her to come to the conclusion that while Tachi is in this state he is like a kid a very angry and dangerous kid but a kid nonetheless and he absolutely hates her barriers so she created one more and mad it as strong she could and Whistled catching Tachi's attention.

Tachi turned and faced his worst enemy a multicoloured barrier so he roared a war cry and started hammering away at it while roaring at it while it did make any sense to any human in the language of spirit beasts he was calling it all sorts of names, insults, provocations and promises of pain and Xiao Wu who could understand all that had her face stuck in a mixture of worry (for Tachi as she did not what he would do to himself), Wonder (as she had no Idea how tachi could even speak the language) and amusement (at the absurdity of the situation).

The Grandmaster who could not understand what Tachi was saying but still understood Tach's behaviour was amused by his state but was impressed by the girls observation and tactics. 

back to the match

'Isabella' activated her first spirit  and flew behind and above Tachi and activated her second spirit ring sending metal feathers which flew like bullets from a machine gun at Tachi who after the first feather which grazed his shoulder activated his second spirit ability giving him lightning wings which he used as a shield and made his body as small as possible by curling into a ball as the feathers kicked up a dust cloud .

The assault continued for 4 minutes a minute longer than Tachi's skill duration and when the dust settled Tachi was curled into a ball his clothes ripped and his limbs and back bleeding by the numerous cuts but he was still growling indicating that he was still conscious and still had spirit power. 

'Isabella' who had lost all her spirit power started falling feeling exhausted Tachi who saw this as he raised his head jumped and caught her in a bear hug and took the fall outside the arena and hit his head on the floor falling unconscious.  

The people of shrek immediately carried the both of them and found that they could not separate the Two as Tachi had effectively glued himself to her using his remaining spirit power and the grand master just told them to let them be which caused the girls to develop sinnister grinns while the boys were as clueless as ever.

Mu bai who was carrying them laid them on a bed and used a blanket to cover them while they looked peaceful on the outside inside the mindscape.

Isabella found sitting on a chair near a dining table which was placed in a kitchen which looked way to similar to the one she grew up in the little plants on the window the pine wood floor and walls the open stove the coloured glass shards above the window as well as the creaking window which opened to woods and let in sunlight and the old wooden clock with the owl and the most important the small statue of Alicanto which sat on the counter between the stove and the dinning table which looked brand new and had a radiant glow and full of life while the one in her home was dull and lifeless.

"I am sorry if the setting bothers you"(Rex looking at her expression in spanish)

Isabella was startled by the sudden voice and she turned to see a man in his late 20's with a clean but sharp face black hair and sharp electric blue eyes a lean but muscular build dressed in a black T shirt cargo pants and military boots.

Isabella took a deep breath and calmed herself down all this including the man in front of her could be another of her fantasy she could wake up the next moment and wake up in her bed and visit her mom just like another day but there was just something she had to confirm so she shook her head to show that it didn't bother her.

"Where are we?"(Isabella)

"Technically: We are in my mind. Privately:....The only place I could call home. I don't know why I am even telling you this Tho.I guess you remind me of her"(Rex whispering the last part to himself)

Isabella was trying hard to control herself.

"What is your name?"(Isabella her voice cracking and sounding almost hopeful)

"I didn't have a name but you can call me Rex"(Rex getting surprised by his own answer) 

Isabella was now shaking with the effort to control herself

"Does the name Elia mean anything to you?"(Isabella)

It was Rex's turn to freeze partly because the author froze his body so he couldn't slam the young women in front of him to the wall and interrogate her on how she knew that name and partly because she was the one who truly saved him from the dark pit of loathing and hatred he had thrown himself into while he did not spend much Time with her (barely a month) that time had led to him challenging the world as he knew it.

"Describe her"(His voice cold and almost commanding )

"She is 5'2" tan skin, Brown almost red hair, Amber eyes..."(Isabella) 

"With a mole under her left eye has a smile that has enough confidence and energy to reassure even those who have lost all hope in life. A emergency medical worker with enough skill and knowledge to give even a specialist a run for their money but actually loves to write Novels and  wants to win the nobel prize in Literature, comes from a line of Miners who worshiped the Alicanto and makes killer tortillas and Albondigas and is a airhead when it comes to relationships or at least acts like one. Weak in the mornings and addicted to coffee.And has a serious case of workaholism"(Rex finishing for her and trying his damn hardest to hold back his tears) 

Isabella covered her mouth with her hand while she started crying and simply nodded.

"What is she to you?"(Rex)

"She is my mom and she told me that she has slept with only one man in her entire life you.."(Isabella breaking down)


yes and no.

That was all Rex needed to hear he shook of the freeze with ease and hugged her which she reciprocated.He started patting her to try and calm her down while he was having a breakdown of his own.

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