Good Jintentions

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I violently shook myself awake. Something was wrong. I opened my eyes and waited for them to adjust to the dim light. After several uncomfortable minutes I was able to make out my surroundings. I was in my room. I had been watching TV, but I hadn't gone to bed...


I screamed and looked around the room, but I couldn't move. Frozen in fear is a cliché for a reason I guess. I couldn't see anything out of the ordinary.

Suddenly I felt something on my shoulder. I screamed again.

"I'm sorry. Please."

I recognized the voice, it was JinBot, though that wasn't comforting at all.

"JinBot, what the HELL do you think you're doing in here?"

"Jin. Protecting. You do not sleep well."

"Jin. How do you know I wasn't sleeping well? How long have you been there? Also, why would I need protecting if I'm sleeping?"

"I have been here since I put you to bed. You were jerking and...saying words I did not understand. Sounded upset." So he had 'put me to bed'? I'm a light sleeper, how the hell...?

"Jin. What do you mean you put me to bed?" I rolled over and turned on the lamp. I pulled the covers down. I was in a nightgown. No, scratch that! I was in a negligee. WHAT. THE. FU...

"I put the food and blanket away. Then...carried you soft."

He must have literally taken one step at a time to keep from waking me. Why? Why did he feel it necessary? I'd fallen asleep in front of the TV tons of times. I always eventually wake up and crawl into bed. I was determined to find out.

"Why, Jin? Why did you feel the need to put my things away and carry me into my room, then put me to bed? I'm not even going to ask why you felt the need to change my clothes. I just can't deal with that piece of information right now."

I stared at Jin. No, scratch that. I glared at Jin. I wanted to melt a hole through his mechanical skull with my eyes.

"I put things away because I like to clean," well yeah that made sense I guess, "and you looked very uncomfortable sleeping like that. Bed is best for sleep. I changed clothes because they were wet from spilled food and drink. I waited for you to get comfortable, but it did not happen. You made terrible noise. Moved around. Kicked arms and legs. I wanted to protect you from whatever you were fighting."

HA! If only he could protect me from the things I wrestle with and fight in my mind. I suppose he was just doing what he'd programed to do. I would have to install a lock on my bedroom door in the future.

"Fine. Those are legitimate answers. I appreciate it, but I've fallen asleep watching TV a million times. If it happens again, just leave me there. I always wake up eventually and go to bed. As for 'protecting' me I appreciate the thought, but you can't protect me from my own mind. I've always been a troubled sleeper, chalk that up to another reason I'm alone, and it's just something I deal with."

"You are not alone. I am here."

"Thanks, JinBot."


"Sorry, thanks Jin."

He cracked a smile. He was clearly pleased with himself.

"Listen. I'm going to go back to sleep. Will you please see yourself out?"

"Yes, y/n. Sleep better."

"I'll try."

JinBot stood up and walked toward the door, he turned back toward me and bowed, then opened the door and left.

I turned off the light. I was too tired to get out of bed and change to something more sensible. I rolled over to face the doorway. I saw light coming in. I strained to listen for a minute. I could hear the soft tapping of the keys on the keyboard. Apparently JinBot had decided to use the computer again. He was probably looking up the words I'd said while sleeping that he didn't understand. I can't believe he'd undressed me and put me in lingerie. We'd have to have a talk about that in the morning...

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 09, 2021 ⏰

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