Eat Jin

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I opened the fridge. To say the contents of my fridge was pathetic would be an understatement. I guess between work and this whole JinBot ordeal I'd forgotten to buy proper groceries. With the door flung wide open, I just stared. How in the world would I make something edible with what I had? I closed the fridge door and began opening cupboards. My search was frantic. The more cupboards I opened, the more destitute our situation seemed. I was starving and I'm sure JK was as well. I returned to the fridge and opened the door wide once again. Maybe if I just stared an idea would strike me.

I was so focused on the inside of the fridge I didn't notice JK coming to help. I felt his body press against my back and his arms wrapped around mine. This was kind of an awkward time for a hug, but I let it slide. Then his hands slide past my arms and started grabbing things out of the fridge. Well that's nice of him. Huh. I didn't realize JK's hands were so big.

"Hello!" JinBot's voice boomed in my ear.

I was momentarily frozen. JK wasn't awkwardly hugging me and helping with breakfast. JinBot was. Time to hyperventilate in 3..2..1..

I tried to duck down and crawl out of his embrace, but I somehow ended up turned around in his strong mechanical arms. My stomach was instantly in my throat. I was a ball of anxiety. About 80% of that anxiety was due to the awkwardness of the situation and wanting to be anywhere else. The remaining 20% was caused by something else...something I couldn't explain. I wanted JinBot to embrace me. I wanted him to touch me, to feel the breath catch in my lungs. I wanted him to feel the pounding in my chest when he looked at me. I wanted him to kiss me until my knees gave out. I wanted him to lay me down and press his...

WHOA whoa whoa. Where was this coming from? I need sleep. Sleep deprivation is causing hallucinations or something. This ridiculous. Once again, he tried to kill you, REMEMBER?

I was still in his embrace. How long had I been standing there with the fridge wide open, ingredients in my arms, and JinBot encircling me? Time to move.

He was all smiles. My next move was very ninja-like. I crouched down, did a side roll, and duck-walked a few feet until I was clear. I stood up and glanced back at JinBot. He continued to grab things out of the fridge and then moved to the cupboards. He loaded up his arms and dumped the contents onto the counter.

"JK, did you tell JinBot to help make breakfast?"

"No, we were starting to go over foods. I showed him eggs and cheese. We were about to move on to the next page when he turned to look at you and started walking."

"Well he grabbed more than just eggs and cheese. What else did you tell him?"

"Nothing. Honest. Why don't we just watch him for a minute. Maybe that triggered something in his memory."

JK and I both stood there, watching as JinBot organized the ingredients on the counter. Seemingly satisfied with himself, JinBot gave the groups of ingredients a nod and turned back towards the cupboards. He then proceeded to open and close cupboards and cabinets left and right. It was clear he was on a mission, but neither JK nor I moved. We were still just observing. After a few minutes JinBot threw his hands into the air in what looked like excitement. He carried a mixing bowl, a whisk, and a few other things back over to the counter where the ingredients sat.

"Is he going to...cook?"

"JK. When you spoke to Raj, did he say anything about enhanced features?"

"Not that I remember. I only remember him telling me about the learn function."

"Do you think this is a good idea? I mean, what if JinBot really doesn't know what he's doing and makes a huge mess and sets my kitchen on fire?"

"I think we should let him try!" Is he always so optimistic about everything?

"Fine, but this is on you. I'm going to lay down. I can't watch while he destroys my apartment.  There goes my deposit!  This can only end badly. If he starts making a mess or sets off the fire alarm I fully expect you to shut him down."

"Roger!" JK hopped to JinBot's side.

"Roger!" JinBot wore a big cheesy grin. At least he was learning English, I guess.


I guess was more tired than I thought. I woke up to a heavenly smell. I didn't know what it was, but it didn't smell like burning and my apartment was still standing, so that was a good sign. I yawned and walked into the bathroom. My hair was out of control so I wet it down just a little. The least I can do is look decent for my breakfast date. Date? Yep, still delirious. I need more sleep.

I walked into the kitchen to see the table set nicely. There were several serving dishes in the middle, surrounding a vase with freshly cut flowers. I'd forgotten I even owned serving dishes. Where did those flowers come from?

"Bon Appetit!"JinBot bowed. I could see JK right behind him, with a big goofy grin. I could tell he was really proud of himself.

"JK. We are supposed to be teaching him English."

"I know! That's the only French I taught him, I swear! I just wanted him to be able to say something that was as fancy as the food."

"For you. Please sit. Enjoy." At least JK had taught him a little more English, and some manners, which I appreciated.

"Uh...thank you, JinBot."


"Sorry, Jin." When did he get so opinionated?

I took my seat. JK and JinBot followed suit shortly after. There was enough food to feed the entire apartment complex. How did JinBot know how to make all of this? How did he have time? How long had I been asleep?

My eyes dug in first. Everything looked exquisite, and I'm not a breakfast person. There were pancakes, croissants, eggs benedicts, bacon, a fruit salad, and several other things I couldn't identify. Just as I was about to ask JK where all of the food came from JinBot stood up and walked back over to the oven. He put on two oven mitts, opened the door, and pulled something out. I couldn't tell what it was. He walked over and sat it down on the table by the fruit. It was puffy and steaming.

"What is this?"

JinBot looked as if he was about to speak, then said nothing. I caught a flash of sadness in his robotic eyes.

"I'm sorry Jin." JK got up and hugged JinBot.

He walked back over to his chair and sat down.

"I haven't taught him the word yet. It's quiche." JK pointed to the fluffy dish in front of me.

"Quiche!" JinBot was jumping up and down with excitement.

"I've never had quiche before, thanks JinBot."


"Yes, sorry. Jin. Thanks Jin. It looks delicious."

JinBot cut a slice and laid it gently on my plate. JK and I weren't shy. We filled the rest of our plates completely and dug in. JinBot looked content.

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