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"Thank you for calling LoveStyle, this is Raj.  How may I be of assistance?" 

"Raj!  It's JK!  I was with y/n when she called about the LoveDoll."

"Ah yes, y/n!  I just spoke with her this morning.  It's very nice to speak with you too, JK.  How is everything going with JinBot's update?"

"That's what I'm calling ab..."  JK was cut off by a guttural growl. 

"Ah!  From the sounds of it, everything is going well and he's right on schedule."

"Oh.  Ok!  So the sounds he's making and the way he's standing are normal?"

"Most likely.  If I can get you to answer a few questions I can confirm that for you."

"I appreciate that.  Thank you."

"It's my pleasure.  Are his arms raised above his head with the fingers spread apart?"

JK briefly came out of the bedroom to look at JinBot. 


"Does he appear to be on his toes?"


"One last question.  Which end is the noise coming from?"

JK ventured forward to investigate.  Thankfully the volume was back to a more reasonable decibel.  He got down on all fours and leaned towards JinBot's backside.  Dissatisfied with that he stood back up and walked to the front, leaning his ear toward JinBot's gaping mouth.  Apparently satisfied this time, JK walked back into the bedroom.

"I check both ends.  The growl appears to be coming out of his mouth."

"Splendid.  Everything checks out.  Your JinBot is in standard receiving mode."

"What does that mean?"

"I'm glad you asked, JK.  It means that he is currently receiving the data needed to get his 'learn' function turned on.  Any time we have to remote into a LoveDoll circumstances and positioning has to be very particular.  His arms and fingers extend up as antennas to receive the information.  Just to make sure they have that extra little extension so that the information is transmitted a little easier, they are programmed to stand on their toes and elevate themselves just a tad more."

"That makes sense.  What about the growl he's making?"

"Great question!  Due to the amount of information being sent and received by JinBot his internal fans have to work harder than normal to keep the delicate circuitry cool.  The noise you're hearing is a combination of the internal fans moving air around and the intake, which takes in cool outside air and makes it even cooler before distributing it within the LoveDoll."

"Ok.  Is there any way to turn the volume down?"

"Unfortunately, I'm afraid there's not.  The volume changes you are hearing are due to the amount of air being taken in from an outside source and the fans working at their highest capacity.  Please keep in mind this is a complicated process and we appreciate your patience.  JinBot's update should be complete in approximately...11 hours." 

"Thank you for the information, Raj.  I will let y/n know that everything is perfectly normal.  I'm sure she will be pleased."

"I certainly hope so.  Thanks again for calling LoveStyle.  What's your LoveStyle?"


Hurry up, JK.  Please hurry. 

"I spoke with Raj.  He said everything is ok."

"What do you mean everything is ok?"

"I explained everything to him, answered a few questions, and he assured me that JinBot is doing exactly what he's supposed to." 

"Are you kidding me?"


Of course he wasn't.  I don't honestly know if JK understands that concept. 

"So he's supposed to be in that creepy position, with that creepy face, making that creepy noise?"

"Yes, Raj explained it to all to me and it makes perfect sense now.  Would you like me to explain it to you the way he explained it to me?"

I stood there briefly contemplating JK's question.  This was normal.  Did I care?  No, I didn't.  It was creepy and I didn't need someone to try and tell me why I shouldn't be terrified by this thing in my apartment. 

"No.  I just want to get out of here."

"Where are you going to go?"

"I suppose I can go back to my car and sleep."

"I have an idea!"  He was bouncing again. 

"Great.  Can you please tell me your idea somewhere else?  I can't deal with that thing anymore."

I hurled myself toward the front door.  I was outside in no time.  JK seemed to be in no rush.  He strolled through the living room, through the kitchen, and finally made it out the front door.  I practically slammed it shut and locked the deadbolt. 

"Can I tell you my idea now?"  He was red and practically bursting at the seams. 


"We can have a slumber party!"  He was now red and bouncing. 

"A slumber party?  You are aware that we're adults of the opposite sex, right?  Slumber parties are for tween girls."

I watched his heart sink.  His red excited face turned into a pale frown.  I saw a glimmer coming from the corner of his eyes.  No, JK.  Don't you do this to me.  He was staring at the ground, focusing on some imagined thing of importance.  Well I guess a slumber party does sound kind of fun.  I haven't been to one in ages. 

"I'm sorry, JK.  Slumber parties are for anyone.  We will have a lot of fun and it will be the best slumber part EVER!"

He looked up and I could see the happiness on his face.  He hopped towards me and threw his arms around me.  I was unprepared. 

"YES!  Let me go grab my things, then we'll head to the library.  After that we can get some food and movies.  Maybe even ice cream!"

"What are we going to the library for?"  He was halfway through his apartment.  He probably didn't hear me. 

He came bounding out, arms full of books and CDs. 

"I thought we could get some Korean books, some English books, and maybe some beginning picture books to help us teach JinBot!"

"That's a great idea, I hadn't thought of that."

JK's face beamed at me. 

"I'm happy to help!  On the way home can we stop at the store and pick up some Kimchi?"

"That's a random request.  I figured you probably wanted some snacks and maybe a burger or something for dinner."

"I do, but I thought maybe if I tried some Kimchi it would help me understand JinBot."

That was a very sweet sentiment, but I didn't really think that would help.  I'd already hurt JK's feelings once so I decided to humor him.


He hugged me again.

Maybe it would help, how should I know?

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