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After making several pit stops we finally made it back to the apartment complex. I got out of the car and waited for JK.

"I'll meet you back at your apartment in like 10 minutes. I don't have any pajamas or clothes for tomorrow so I'm going to have to sneak past JinBot and grab some stuff."

"Sounds good. Don't take too long, the food will get cold! Well the stuff that isn't already cold."

"You can eat that while you're waiting for me if you want."

"No, I'll wait for you! I want our first Kim Chi experience to be together!" Such a weirdo. I'll be damned if I don't find him extremely endearing.

"Alright. I'll be over in a few."

I walked up the stairs and to my front door. I pressed my ear against it and waited. I couldn't hear anything. I didn't know whether to be worried or thankful. The latter I suppose. I slid the key in and slowly turned it. The door softly swung open and I step in. I flipped the light switch in the kitchen. The room illuminated and I saw him. JinBot was in almost the same position as before, only he had one leg kicked out to the side and he was no longer on his toes. I stood there listening, waiting. Still nothing. I slowly raised my right foot and placed it very softly down in front of me. Creeping slowly, one foot at a time. If you don't make noise, he won't know you're here. If he doesn't know you're here, he can't attack you.

JinBot's head snapped 45 degrees. He was looking right at me. I gasped.

Don't be scared. He can't see you, his eyes are rolled up into the back of his head, remember? He's just a android...a robot! He can't hurt you.

A red light appeared where his eyes should have been. A blast of red fanned out across the wall, then started moving up and down. Up and down.


HOLY SHIT. He saw me. He's malfunctioning. He thinks I'm a threat. I'm going to die!


I woke up to the smell of freshly baked cookies. Confused, I laid still for a minute. That's funny, I don't remember going to sleep. This doesn't feel like my bed. This doesn't look like my room. Cookies? I must be at JK's. I'm so confused.

I sat up too quickly and my head spun. I closed my eyes and didn't move for a few minutes. That seemed to help. I righted myself and walked out of the bedroom to find JK in the kitchen, pulling a sheet of cookies out of the oven. I didn't want to startle him so I waited until he'd placed the hot sheet on top of the stove.

"Hi. What time is it?"

"Y/n!" JK removed the oven mitt in record time and ran toward me, pulling me into a huge hug.

"I'm glad you're awake! It's 10:35. You've been out for a while."

"How long?"

"Hmm...let's see. We got home around 8-8:15. So..two hours or so?"

"Wha...What happened?"

"You went over grab a few things for our slumber party and tomorrow morning. You said you'd only be gone for 10 minutes or so, but 10 minutes passed and then 10 more. Then 10 more minutes passed. I didn't want to bother you in case you decided you wanted to take a bath or something before coming over, but when 10 more minutes went by I decided to see if you were ok. I knocked on the door, but you didn't answer. I tried the knob and the door was unlocked so it opened. I was walking toward the bedroom when I saw your body crumpled up on the floor. I called your name a few times, but you didn't wake up. Don't worry, I made sure you were breathing! I wanted you to continue to rest while I gathered your things for you, so I picked you up and brought you over to my place. I put you in bed and went back over to grab those things for you. I hope these are ok!"

He reached into a dufflebag and pulled out a negligee and a velour sweatsuit. Seriously, JK? How...why? Those were in completely different areas of my room. I don't want to know how many drawers he went through. He couldn't have picked two worse items of clothing if he tried. Maybe he did try? Ok, it doesn't matter. At least I have clothes. Sort of.

"Thank you, JK." He didn't need to know there was no way I was going to wear the negligee. The sweatsuit was hideous, a present from my senile great grandmother, and I only kept it because I felt bad getting rid of it. I didn't want to burden anyone else with it.

"You're welcome! You were still asleep when I got back, so I decided to bake you some cookies to have when you woke up. I know how much you love cookies!"

"That was very sweet of you. I do love cookies!" I was excited about the cookies, but still confused about why I was on the floor.

"Here, have one!" JK thrust a warm chocolate chip cookie at me.

I gladly accepted it and sat myself down at his table. The warm gooey goodness quickly made its way down to my stomach. I grabbed another cookie and sat there chewing. As I swallowed the last bite I remembered.

JinBot tried to kill me!

I felt my face and all over my head with my hands. I didn't find any gashes or blood, but I did find a few sore spots. That must be where I hit the ground.

"What did you do to JinBot?"

JK put the bowl of cookie dough down and turned his attention back to me.

"What do you mean?"

"JinBot tried to kill me! Did you rip him apart or deactive him or what?"

JK slightly cocked his head to the side in confusion.

"I didn't do anything to him. He looked exactly the same as he did earlier, minus the volume. The sound he's making is much softer now."

I tried to process what he'd said.

"His head wasn't turned at a 45 degree angle with his leg kicked out and red lasers where his eyes should have been?"

JK laughed.

"No. He was exactly the same."

"You probably think I'm overly dramatic or an attention seeker, but I swear to you, JinBot tried to kill me! Once I started to walk across the floor, very softly might I add, he snapped his head toward me. His leg was kicked out to the side and his eye sockets started to glow. I couldn't see his eyes. They'd been replaced with these red lights or lasers and shot beams across the entire kitchen. The red beams started to move up and down and then JinBot said 'scanning' like he was scanning the area for a target. I'm pretty sure that during his update there was some sort of malfunction or something and they enabled a secret built-in weapon system. This thing was manufactured overseas, so how can I trust it? Lots of countries have grudges against the US!"

JK didn't laugh, surprisingly. He appeared to be deep in though.

"Y/n! That means his remote update is 75% complete! That's great news! Also, I'm pretty sure that the US has pretty good relations with Sweden. They aren't a threat to the US. Plus, wasn't this JinBot supposed to go to Korea anyway?"

"You knew he was supposed to do that and you didn't warn me?!" Damn it, JK!

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