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Lawrence laid in the hospital bed with her baby in her hands. She was telling her a few different random stories about her life, mainly ones about how she met Bellamy or things that Samu had done. She loved speaking to her, it brought a huge amount of comfort to them both.

Kyle had come in earlier to check if she was okay and if she needed anything before he went to work, but she told him he was okay and to stop using her as an excuse for being late. Miller had sent Bryan to check on her after he finished his hours on guard, which lead to Bryan sheading a few tears at how small Elenyi was.

Lincoln had also come in to see them both. He stayed in medical for a little longer, translating for Abby and Jackson as they spoke to the other grounders in medical, but his main attention was on Lawrence and Elenyi.

Bellamy walked over to Lawrence and motioned down to Elenyi, silently asking if he can hold her. The blonde nodded and allowed him to take the baby from her hands. She saw the way his whole body relaxed when he had their child in his arms, his shoulders dropped, his brows unfurrowed and his lips parted.

"Hey baby. Daddy's missed you." He whispered softly.

You could have been here all day with us.

"I know, Law, I'm sorry. Things have been hectic." He sat on the edge of the bed, his eyes still never leaving his child. He knew that he would feel way to guilty if he looked to Lawrence right now. He had a feeling if she asked him why, that he would just break down sobbing.

Leave Pike and just come stay with us.

Why are you always at his beckon call?

You're so much stronger than him.

I think you intimidate him, Bell and that's why he wants you on his side.


"Outloud, Law." Lawrence gulped at the tone in which Bellamy spoke to her. She knew that she was thought broadcasting in that moment, she wanted him to hear what she had to say.

I want her back.

Bellamy slowly turned to face the girl. He looked down at Elenyi and sighed. "I'm sorry, please can I have longer with her?" Rather reluctantly Lawrence nodded, causing Bellamy to continue speaking. "There's a bigger meaning behind it all, baby, I promise. You're just going to have to trust me."

"I do trust you." Lawrence whispered, placing her hand over Bellamy's. "It's Pike that I don't trust."

"Please don't go around saying that." Bellamy whispered. "It could get you in trouble."

Lawrence reached her hand up to cup the boys face, watching as he nuzzled into the warmth of her palm. Her thumb ran over his scar above his lip, causing a smile to etch it's way onto his face.

He just wanted time to breathe and think. It had been a week since Bellamy had helped massacre 300 people. 300 innocent people sent to protect him and his family. His people. And he murdered them all. He was a monster.

But he was doing this because he didn't want his family to get hurt anymore. Not by the grounders. not by Pike. And certainly not by Novak, who he would get to kill soon.

"When can we take her home?" Bellamy looked towards Lawrence, he wanted to get her out of here before Pike came in with farm station to remove the grounders. He didn't want to be apart of that and he certainly didn't want Lawrence to see it.

"Abby says a few more days. Maybe even another week or two." Lawrence admitted. "Just to make sure that she's strong enough."

Bellamy nodded, Abby had explained to them that Elenyi was strong, and that she was very lucky that they had come on in years with medical research because 100 years ago, she probably would have died, which was hard to hear as a parent.

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