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Bellamy was beginning to get impatient and restless, it had been 3 hours that they were trapped inside the rover. Lawrence had began to frantically mumble about bottles of beer, which seemed to be annoying Kane and Indra, but he and Monty were used to it.

9 bottles of beer on the wall,

9 bottles of beer.

Take one down and pass it around,

8 bottles of beer on the wall.

8 bottles of beer on the wall,

8 bottles of beer.

Take one down and pass it around,

7 bottles of beer on the wall.

"It's been 3 hours. What are they waiting for?" Bellamy questioned nervously, his hands resting on Lawrence's shoulders and rubbing soothing circles, cutting off her mutters once he saw Indra tighten her grip on her sword.

"Even with the light, I don't see anyone." Kane said as he looked through the windows, hoping to see some sort of movement.

"I say we make a run for it." Monty suggested, looking between Bellamy and Kane.

"No. That's what they want us to do." Kane shook his head, it wouldn't be a smart move, especially if they were surrounded by grounders.

Lawrence looked back to Bellamy and noticed the way his brows furrowed and his hands trailed down her biceps. Sometimes she wished that it was Bellamy that thought broadcast so that she knew exactly what he was thinking.

"The boy is right." Indra spoke up. "They can wait longer than we can."

Right, run.

Run, rabbit, run, rabbit, run, run, run

Run, rabbit, run, rabbit, run, run, run

Bang, bang, bang, bang goes the farmer's gun

"Okay, Bellamy, get in the turret and you cover us. Once we get to that ridge over there, we'll cover you." Kane instructed toward Bellamy.

Lawrence shook her head, no way was that their only option. She had just got Bellamy back, she wasn't about to lose him now. She turned to face the dark haired boy, who seemed to be looking past her and to Kane.

"Copy that." Bellamy said as he zipped up his jacket. "Run fast." Bellamy went up to the turret and without even think Lawrence grabbed his wrist, making him finally turn and look at her.

This is a bad idea.


Please don't.

"No." Lawrence said stubbornly. "If we all run fast enough we can make it. We don't have to leave anyone behind." She turned to Kane desperately, her grip on Bellamy's wrist tightening in fear that she was going to lose him.

Lawrence tried to think of something else to say to convince him not to stay behind. Her eyes softened and glazed over with unshed tears as she pursed her lips. Bellamy furrowed his brows at the girl, they had done more reckless things and been split up for longer than this.


"I love you." Lawrence blurted out, causing Bellamy to kneel down in front of the girl and grab her hands. Everyone had turned their attention away from the couple, trying to give them as much privacy as they could.

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