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Bellamy had instructed Lawrence to stay exactly where she was and that he would come back, then they could go back to camp together and talk about the situation. Lawrence didn't move for the next ten minutes, but then her mind flashed to Octavia, who too was processing all of the information and alone in the woods. The woods full of Grounders.

"Octavia?" Lawrence shouted as she walked through the woods. Lawrence was no tracker, she had no idea how to figure out which direction the dark haired girl went in.  "Octavia!" Lawrence shouted louder. She didn't care if any grounders heard her, she was confident she could take them on if need be.

Lawrence jumped slightly when she felt a hand clamp down on her shoulder. She didn't hesitate in spinning around and pinning the guy onto the floor. Finn let out a low grunt as his head his the floor. Wren realised it was one of the delinquents and tutted.

Never sneak up on a mass murderer. Didn't anyone teach you that?

"Apparently not." Finn groaned, rubbing the back of his head as Lawrence loosen her grip on the so called spacewalker.

"Where's Bellamy?" Clarke questioned, getting straight to the point.

Walking through the woods somewhere.

I'm not his keeper.

Clarke took in Lawrence's appearance, her cheeks were tear stained, her hair knotted and her arm had a bangaed soaked in blood. The blonde leader made a note to check that out later when they got back to camp with Raven, the radio and Bellamy.

"We need to find him." Lawrence perked up hearing an unfamiliar voice.

New girl.


Not safe?



Octavia. Find Octavia.

"Raven Reyes, I work with Wick-umm-Kyle." Raven stated confidently, hearing the girls mumbles. After Lawrence got arrested Kyle spoke about her all the time at work, one time he confided in Raven about his sisters mumblings. So Raven had expected this when she got onto the ground. 


Safe? Not safe?

On The Ark.


"He misses you. Talks about you every day." Raven nervously chuckled, scratching the back of her neck. She had never been in the presence of a murderer before, not knowingly anyway.

"Radio." Clarke reminded. "Bellamy took a radio from the pod. If we don't get it back 300 people are going to die on the Ark to save oxygen."

Bellamy Blake. Murderer.


Save innocents.


"Where is it?" Clarke questioned running after Bellamy after seeing him walking ahead in the trees. He was heading back to the spot where he left Lawrence sitting.

"Hey, Princess, you taking a walk in the woods?" Bellamy questioned with a teasing smirk. His eyes landed on Lawrence, instinctively, he went to reach out for her but she quickly stepped back. She looked better now, less manic.


"They're getting ready to kill 300 people up there to save oxygen. And I can guarantee you it won't be council members. It will be working people. Your people." Clarke said poking Bellamy in the chest, she faintly heard Lawrence begin to mumble the song 99 bottles of beer, but tried to drown out the noise as she figured out a plan to get the radio back.

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