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Everyone had armed themselves with different kind of weapons, some had knives or axes and others had bed poles. Jasper, Lawrence and Miller had all come up with a plan on how they were going to take level 5 for themselves and keep everyone safe. But the longer they waited for the guards and Dr Tsing to come back in, the more anxious they got.

"What's taking Bellamy so long?" Monty questioned anxiously, he looked around at some of his friends who seemed just as scared as he was.

I don't know.

Maybe it wasn't Bellamy who I saw.

Maybe it was all in my head.

Oh God-

What if I seriously am loosing my mind?

Lawrence anxiously twirled the gun around her fingers as she tried to find a way to prove to herself that it was Bellamy who she saw and not a figment of her imagination.

It felt like years since she last had a gun in her hands, but in reality it was only a few weeks. Back on the ark, Lawrence preferred to kill people without any noise, so she didn't draw attention to herself, plus when she started murdering for Jaha he didn't trust her with a gun. When she got to the ground and fought with the grounders, she knew how to kill people much better than some of the others so she used her hands rather than the weapon so that one of the delinquents could defend themselves better.

If anyone tries to hurt you, kill them. Whispers Bellamy.

I know, Bell, I got this.

Lawrence nodded back confidently, her eyes flickered to Bellamy who was stood beside her, whispering in her ear. His fingers tracing patterns up and down her biceps. The mutterings earned an overly concerned look from Jasper, Monty and Miller. All three boys were worried about the girl and the fact that she still saw Bellamy.

"Maybe they caught him." Monty suggested making Lawrence's heart rate rise. Her hands began to shake just a the thought, but Bellamy's hands rested over hers, ensuring that the gun was held in place.

"No. No. He'll figure a way out. I know he will." Jasper shut down after he instantly noticed how bad the girl got once she thought Bellamy was dead, she couldn't start thinking like that again.

"Jasper, it's already been 4 hours." Monty hissed through his teeth. "The guards will be back any second."

"They're gonna take someone else." Harper said, almost as if the sudden realisation has struck her.

"No." Lawrence snapped looking towards the girl. "Everyone sticks to the plan." Lawrence stepped toward and turned to see her people. "They're not taking anyone else anyone else out of this room. Not without a fight."

Just as Lawrence finished talking, the alarm went of and the doors opened. The delinquents once again, linked their arms together.

"This one." Dr Tsing said pointing towards Monty. The guards didn't hesitate in grabbing Monty and pulling him away from the others.

"Hey! Get the fuck off him." Lawrence shouted as she clicked the safety off the gun and held her finger over the trigger. The guard pull out his baton with an evil smirk, he tapped the baton and shook his head. Lawrence depanned at him, her jaw clenching and she felt her fingers twitch as he walked towards her.

I'm sick of those things.

But before the guard even got close to Lawrence, Miller came up from behind him and struck him multiple times with the bed pole, making him collapse to the floor.

"Now." Lawrence shouted and all the delinquents rushed to attack the guards.

Lawrence swung her legs around from on the floor and tripped two guards up. She couldn't help but let out a small laugh once she heard the loud thud, she held the gun up to one of them, but his face quickly morphed onto Bellamy's and she panicked, allowing herself to be tackled to the floor.

Lawrence head collided with the floor, she instantly felt dizzy after.

"Son of a bi-" She hissed and reached up to the back of her head, feeling the sticky substance on her fingers. She pulled them away and noticed the blood. "You bast-" Lawrence was cut off by the guard punching her repeatedly in the face. The blonde managed to kick him in the stomach, making him let go of a gasp.

"ENOUGH!" Dr Tsing shouted angrily as she walked back into the dormitory. "Take him instead."

"No. Jasper." Lawrence shouted as the guards pulled the boy away. She hated that she had to watch them take him, she felt like she had failed him. Lawrence let out a loud angered scream as she slammed her fists into the wall.

Lawrence, we talked about this. Bellamy hushes.

"GET OUT OF MY HEAD." Lawrence shouted as she clutched the sides of her head and scrunched her eyes. She knew that everyone would be looking at her and right now she didn't care. Slowly, the blonde opened her eyes and was still met with Bellamy's soft gaze. She let go of a defeated sigh.

Just get out.

Miller stepped forward but the girl just flinched away from him, she didn't need or want anyone's pitty. She went to sit on her bed and placed her head in her hands. She just wanted to cry and allow her self to be vulnerable, but when she knew the delinquents were depending on her to be strong, she couldn't.

Not even minutes later, Jasper ran back in and shouted to everyone about the containment breach just as the alarm went off. "Go. Everyone move. This is our chance." Jasper shouted as the delinquents ran out of the dormitory and into the corridor.


She glanced down to her bloodied knuckles and let out a small sigh. She sent Bellamy away because she got angry, she pushed him away. Lawrence slowly stood from her bed and made her way out onto the corridoor. "Take their weapons. Get their batons, their guns. Everything." Lawrence ordered as they took every item they could from the guards. "Monty, get the cameras. Don't let them have eyes on us."

The blondes eyes flickered to the elevator where the doors were closing, she didn't hesitate in running towards it and placing her arm in the way, so the doors opened back up. Her eyes narrowed in onto Dr Tsing and her jaw clenched. She pulled the gun from her waistband and held it up to the dark haired woman with a sickening smirk.

"No. You can't." Dr Tsing muttered as she backed away from the girl. She deserved to die for what she did.

Lawrence knew that she wasn't going to shoot the woman, but knowing that she was scared gave the blonde such a thrill. Slowly, Lawrence knelt down so that she was level with the woman, who's skin was quickly burning due to the radiation levels.

"I hope you know," Lawrence paused as she made sure that the safety was on, "that you're incredibly special to us." She looked at the gun. "I'd make this quick and painless, but you deserve to die slowly, in pain." The girl stood back up and watched the woman scream until she eventually fell limp and died.

She's dead.

And now we have gained a little more control.

Not long until we're free, right?

LAW ¹ | BELLAMY BLAKE (EDITING)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon