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Lawrence still hadn't gotten used to her surroundings despite being on Earth for a few hours now. But then again, she didn't think that she could ever get used to the greenery when she had spent her whole life looking out at the stars.

"We got problems." Wells announced as he walked up to Clarke, who had rested the map on the dropship door, Lawrence was lingering just ahead earning glances from Wells who knew who she was and was terrified to look at her too long. "The communications system is dead. I went to the roof, a dozen panels are missing. Heat fried wires."

"Well, all that matters right now is getting to Mount Weather." Clarke said as she fiddled with the pencil in her hands, she had also noticed that Lawrence Wick was amongst them and although she wasn't as petrified, the blondes looming presence sent chills down her spine. "See, look, this is us" Clarke then drew a line to Mount Weather. "this is where we need to get to if you want to survive."

"Where'd you learn to do that?" Wells questioned and Lawrence screwed her face at the statement, witnessing Clarke do the bare minimum.

Just drawing lines.


Up and down. Lines.

Side to side. Lines.

Am I genuinely the only sane one here?

"Your father." Wells nodded, feeling guilty for even asking.

"Cool, a map. Can I get a bar in this town? I'll buy you a beer." Jasper said walking past the two having their moment and towards the blonde girl. He'd decided that if he approached her first, she couldn't scare him, eventhough his hands were trembling as he spoke at the blonde.

She was suprisingly pretty for a killer, with big brown doe eyes and swollen pursed lips, her body femine unlike what the council portrayed her as.

"Aunt Roberta, gin, vodka, brandy and blackberry liquor all mixed together in equal parts please and thank you." Lawrence smiled sweetly and turned to face Jasper, feeling a wash of pride as he interacted with her as if she couldnt tell that he was shitting it. Jasper gave her a small nod, although he had no idea what she was on about at all.

Momma drank alot.

Fuck our rations, right?

They were split anyway me being a fucking second child and all.

"You mind?" Wells questioned looking up to realise who he had just snapped at. He knew that Lawrence spoke to herself in mumblkes sometimes you could hear it. Her pacing, her whispers, it constantly felt like she was this close. She could have been sat in his quaters, in his sheets, mumbling and muttering incoherent things to him. It was like a disease he couldnt get rid of.

"Leave her alone." Jasper immediately spoke up, standing in front of the blonde with his nimble arms outstretched as if that was going to stop Wells from speaking to her. Wells stepped forward, almost in a threatening manner and in response Lawrence balled her hand in Jasper's shirt and pinged him backward like an elastic.

"Hey! Hey! Hey! Hands off of him he's with us." Murphy said as he and a group of other boys walked forward, to protect Jasper though part of him was doing it to show allegence to Laerence the known killer. Lawrence and Murphy had a past, it was only brief but she'd saved his life and she was allegedly the only suspect in the trial of the man who had killed his father.

John Murphy. Seventeen. Arsonist. Alcoholic mother- hey me too.

Farm station. Low rations- hey me too again.

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