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Jasper and Lawrence headed back down to the bottom level of the dropship, both ready to go their separate ways, but half way down the ladders Jasper stopped. Lawrence wouldn't have noticed, but she stood on Jasper's fingers and went to instantly apologise but he didn't make a sound.

"Jas? What is it?" Lawrence questioned, Jasper lowered himself onto the bottom floor and allowed Lawrence to climb down beside him, his eyes not leaving Murphy's. "Hey Murphy." She smiled sweetly at the boy, she hadn't checked up on him today. "What's going on?" Lawrence questioned as her eyes flickered between Murphy and Jasper.

Murphy tried to place the plastic bag down as quietly as he could before turning to the pair, but Lawrence had already clicked onto what happened. Murphy had just murdered Myles. The girl didn't move as she tried to assess the situation. She inhaled deeply and began to scratch her arms agressively to ensure that she didn't thought broadcast.

John Murphy.


Myles tried to murder Murphy.


"He stopped breathing, and I was- I was trying to help him." Murphy panicked as his eyes flickered between Lawrence and Jasper. Jasper's eyes flickered over to his gun that he left sat on the table.

"Jasper, no." Lawrence whispered, she could see the panic in his eyes, but even with the warning Jasper ran towards the gun but Murphy was quicker. Murphy cocked the gun and held it up to Jasper. "Okay, guys." Lawrence slowly advanced forward so she was stood in between the pair. "Let's take a breath and calm down alright?"

"Murphy, put the gun down." Jasper said slowly, his hands halfway up in surrender.

"He tried to kill me." Murphy attempted to explain. "You get it right, Blondie?" Murphy asked, turning his attention to Lawrence, who slowly nodded.

Myles tried to kill Murphy.

This is justified.

"I understand." She went to step forward to grab his gun, but Murphy flinched once he saw Jasper try and run away, so the grip on his gun got tighter as he shouted,

"Don't move."

"Okay." Jasper nodded. "It's cool."

"Jasper. Stay there. Murphy, lower the gun. Nobody is going to get hurt." Lawrence said slowly, hoping that it would make them listen to her more since she was trying to protect the both of them.

"No it's not." Murphy shook his head. "You know what will happen to me if he tells Bellamy." Lawrence could practically hear the panic in Murphy's voice.

"I know-"Lawrence was cut off by Bellamy's voice coming in over the radio.

"Tell Bellamy what?" Lawrence glanced down to Jasper, who had his hands in his pocket and on the radio. She closed her eyes for a brief second, if Jasper hadn't made Bellamy aware of the situation, she probably would have been able to talk hers and Jasper's way out of it, all she would have had to do is strike a deal with Murphy-

-or find a common ground.

"Give me the radio, Jasper." Murphy said trying his hardest to remain calm.

Jasper slowly removed the radio from his pocket, his eyes remaining wearily on Murphy the whole time. Lawrence's heart was racing, she couldn't anticipate Jasper's next move and that made her nervous.

"Murphy had a gun. He killed-" Jasper was cut off by Murphy hitting the gun over his head.

"Murphy!" Lawrence shouted and rushed to Jaspers aid.

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