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Bellamy didn't hesitate in shooting the grounder on top of the blonde woman as the group rushed in to the trading post, Lawrence was supposed to be next to him but he had pushed her behind him as protection. Admittedly, he had tried to convince Lawrence to stay behind in the rover, but she refused.

"Are you okay? You alright?" Bellamy questioned Niylah, who was bleeding badly.

"Bounty hunter." Indra explained once she pointed to the dead grounder. "Oso ste hir gon sis au" Indra explained as she looked around the trading post.

"English." Pike snapped towards Indra, making Lawrence scoff.

"She said we're here to help." Lawrence spoke curtly as she looked to Pike with a blank expression.

Bellamy made his way beside Lawrence, tucking his hand under her shirt to touch her skin on her back, his fingers dancing across the small of her back in a soothing way. Lawrence's eyes closed briefly, enjoying the way his hands felt on her.

"Pike go outside. Take Monty and Hannah. Search the perimeter." Kane pointed towards the bounty hunter. "Make sure he was alone." Pike looked around at the group before leaving.

"Oso ste lufa Wanheda au." Indra informed as she looked in the back rooms to make sure that the Bounty hunter was alone.

We're looking for Wanheda.

Also known as Clarke.

Niylah just turned to face the bounty hunter, "So was he."

"Please, she's in danger." Bellamy said as he lowered his gun, allowing everyone in the room to relax.

Lawrence pursed her lips as she looked around the room, wondering when Clarke was last there. Her eyes flickered up to Bellamy, he seemed the most concerned out of all of them for Clarke's wellbeing. She didn't want it to be, since it was her that was carrying his child, but it did fill her with jealousy remembering how he used to call her Princess.

Bellamy's Princess.


Novak's Princess.


And Charlotte.

Bellamy's hand stopped moving upon hearing Lawrence's mumbles, he hadn't thought about Charlotte since Mount Weather. He furrowed his brows and turned to press his lips against the girls forehead, wanting her to feel loved and not like he was worrying about Clarke more than her.

"You're Skaikru?" Niylah questioned curiously and Lawrence nodded. "She was here last night."

"Did she say where she was going?" Kane questioned stepping forward hopefully.

"No. She was here when I fell asleep and gone when I woke up." Niylah responded honestly, as Lawrence began to fiddle with the ends of her sleeves. She was beginning to feel sick again and she wasn't sure if it was the thought of Novak or the baby.

Lawrence slowly moved away from Bellamy to look around the trading post, blocking out what the others were saying. She picked up an old pacifier, thinking it could probably come in handy when the baby arrives. Her eyes then flickered over the wristbands that the delinquents were forced to wear when they first landed on the ground.

Things seemed so much simpler then, the group was still together, Lawrence and Bellamy were still in the loved up part of their relationship and she didn't have to worry about a baby on the way or Gina or Novak.

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