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Jasper had called a meeting in the dorm, everyone turned to Lawrence, who only nodded and allowed the boy to speak his mind. He had come to her with the fact that he saved Maya's life and that the delinquents could do that for others too. Monty didn't seem so keen on the idea and neither did Lawrence.

After the radiation leak, Jasper had offered up his blood to save Maya, he was now trying to convince everyone else to do the same, which wasn't going the way he had planned out in his head.

"Guys, think about everything they've done for us." Jasper shrugged. "They gave us shelter, clean clothes. They kept us safe from the grounders."

Miller came from behind Lawrence and wrapped his arms around her shoulders protectively. He pulled her back into his chest and placed a comforting kiss on her cheek. He hated that she was hurting so much and that he couldn't do anything to help her.

"You doing okay?" He whispered into her ear, while the rest of the delinquents focused on Jasper.

"I'm fine." She answered bluntly, but recently everything had been feeling so wrong. She didn't trust the mountain men, she didn't trust the grounders and she barely even trusted her own mind. Plus, she hadn't seen Bellamy today and she felt very unsettled about it.

"Miller. They saved your life right?" Jasper hoped that he'd at least get one or two volunteers, but nobody seemed to care.

"Dude, you puked for 3 days." Miller shook his head.

Miller hates vomiting.

Ever since they were kids, whenever Miller got sick he would go round to the Wick's whilst his dad worked. Wren would always rub his back while he vomited and he would always complain.

"That was different. The normal treatment wouldn't be as bad." Jasper attempted to reassure the group.

"So they say." Monty cut in from his spot beside Harper on the bed.

"So what then? Only puking for one day?" Miller questioned sarcastically. "Nah. I'm out."

"Sorry Jasper, I'm out too." Harper said as the delinquents disbursed and walked away from Jasper. Miller pulled away from Lawrence, knowing she would probably try and talk to him. Make him understand why they were all saying no.

"Come on." Jasper threw his arms up in defeat. "They gave us cake." Lawrence couldn't help but laugh. "I got a sign up sheet."

Chocolate cake for human blood bags? Is he serious? Bellamy questions.

Bellamy let out a low chuckle from beside Lawrence and a smile made it's way onto her face as she reached out to hold his hand. She fell asleep last night cuddled in his arms and woke up in the morning with him gone. She went to breakfast and he wasn't there, she showered and he wasn't there and then she went back to the dorms and he wasn't there.

"Look Jas, you can't expect us to be blood bags for these people." Lawrence stepped towards. "We need to settle in first. Get used to them first before we even think about giving them our blood." She paused. "We don't even know what it could do to them. It could start a frenzy. What if-"

"Dude? What are you doing?" Monty questioned.

"What?" Jasper furrowed his brows looking at his best friend in the pale blue top.

"When did you start working for them?" Monty stood in front of his best friend. Jasper shook his head and rolled his eyes. "You know what? Never mind. Now that you're better, I'm going after Clarke with Wren."

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