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Lawrence laid on one of the beds in medical, clutching at her stomach, Bellamy held her hand tightly as she rested her head in his lap. He was terrified for both her and the baby. He was positive that his mother wasn't ever in this much pain when she was pregnant with Octavia, which meant that something must've been wrong.

Jackson rushed straight over to the couple, since he was their current doctor for the pregnancy and knew all their wants and wishes for when the baby came. He fussed around them, hooking Lawrence up to an abundance of machines, which only made the couple worry more since no one was speaking to them.


Is Ellie going to be okay?

"Shh, baby, all is going to be okay." Bellamy whispered, running his hands through her hair, but he couldn't deny how panicked he was. He had no clue if Lawrence or their baby were going to be okay. He could feel his own heart racing and tears brimming his eyes as Lawrence began to clutch her head.

My head.

Oh God-

What is happening?

Jackson lifted up Lawrence shirt and placed gel on her stomach, grabbing the ultrasound machine and using the transductor, pressing it against Lawrence's bump. The whole room fell into silence as they waited to see the baby and hear it's heart beat.

Bellamy held his breath, looking at the baby on the monitor. His shaky hand linked with Lawrence's as she tried to pull herself together to look at the machine. He finally let out a breath once he heard the strong beating heart of his child.

Thank you.

"That is a strong baby's heartbeat." Jackson sighed in relief, he knew that this baby would give the camp some new hope into being on the ground. This baby would be a symbol of a new beginning and their future.

Lawrence allowed herself to break down sobbing, causing a sharp pain to jolt up her back, making her hiss and her grip on Bellamy's hand tighten. Bellamy looked between Jackson and Abby who had now joined them. Abby pulled a makeshift curtain around the bed to give them all some privacy, since they had opened medical to some grounders now too.

"What is going on? Why is she in so much pain?" Bellamy questioned, worry laced in his voice as his eyes darted between Abby, Jackson and Lawrence.

"Lawrence, can you try to explain to me what's happening so that I have a better understanding?" Abby questioned as Lawrence screwed up her eyes in pain.

It's Wren.

"It's a really sharp pain in my stomach, dull ache in my back and these headaches." Wren couldn't help but let a few tears roll down her face. "It'll pass in a few minutes. It normally does."

"How often does it happen?" Abby asked as Lawrence hissed in pain, clinging onto Bellamy, desperately not wanting him to leave her.

She was able to pass the pain independently when it had previously happened, but this one was different. She couldn't describe it, she felt like her whole body was threatening to give up on her. She felt like she and her baby were dying.

"Wren," Abby placed her hand on the girls arm, making Lawrence pull away. "you're under a lot of stress, which is probably what's causing the pains you're getting. You need to take things easy. You're carrying a child."

You think I don't know that?

This is my child.

I'm not trying to cause them harm.

I don't want to hurt our baby, Bell, really I don't.

"I know, baby." Bellamy pressed his lips against Lawrence's temple as she sat up. "And you're not going too, you just need to rest, if not for yourself then for our baby." Bellamy whispered as he wiped away some of her tears.

Jackson nodded towards Abby, silently telling her that they needed to give the couple some privacy. Abby nodded in agreement and the two doctors walked away to give the two some space.

I really don't want to hurt you, Ellie.

Mommy's going to take extra special care of you.

And myself, I promise.

"Try to get some rest, I'm just going to talk to Abby and Jackson and then I'll be right back." Lawrence nodded and allowed Bellamy to leave, watching as he left the curtain open so that she could still see him in the room as he spoke to the two doctors. Lawrence pulled the jacket closer around her body and took one last look at Bellamy before she closed her eyes.

"Will they be okay?" Bellamy questioned Abby, Abby guided Bellamy away from the other patients that were currently in medical. His heart was still racing, Lawrence was stubborn and he wasn't sure that she would actually allow herself time to rest.

"If she gets the rest that she needs, yes, Lawrence and the baby will be okay. But if she continues at the rate she's going, the birth could have some serious complications." Abby explained to the boy. "You're baby may even be premature and due to the lack of recourses-" Abby sighed. "That could be very dangerous for the both of them."

His eyes flickered to Lawrence who was already asleep. She looked so peaceful and innocent as she slept. All he wanted to do was protect her and their child. He had such a deep love for her and the baby, he would have done anything for them.

"You need to take care of her, Bellamy, she's terrified." Jackson spoke up, making Bellamy look to him. "She puts on a brave face because that is what she has always had to do."

Bellamy nodded understandingly. Lawrence didn't have the same life or upbringing as he did. She was a second child, locked away from a normal childhood in space. Her best friend was murdered, her mother drank excessively and sold her to Novak. She was locked up and put in solitary, only for Jaha to use her to murder others. She then was forced drugs to stop her from thought broadcasting.

She was dumped down on Earth to die, for more drugs to be forced down her throat and numb her. Whilst on those pills, she was sexually assaulted and tortured by Conner. She tried to kill herself twice and had periods of self harm. But she survived, only to then go to war. Meaning that she lost her friends, her family. She lost Bellamy.

Then Mount Weather happened and that broke her. She hallucinated Bellamy and had to take his place as leader to ensure that everyone else was okay. Lawrence then got drilled for her bone marrow. And she couldn't protect everyone, so she lost more of her friends.

She had a nice period of being happy with Bellamy where everything felt right, but then she thought that she got sick again, so took pills to stop herself from thought broadcasting because she thought that was the issue. But when the sickness got worse, she ordered Abby to lock her away and not let anyone see her. Only for her to find out that she was pregnant and that the illness was going to kill her and her baby.

When she got out due to Octavia, she found out that Bellamy had moved on with Gina and broken her trust. She went on a mapping run with him, which was her first time out of the wall since Mount Weather, only to find out that Farm Station survived coming to the ground. That Novak survived. She told Bellamy that she was pregnant, and found out that she had been pregnant since their first time having sex, basically.

Now, she could be potentially going to have their baby early because of all the stress and pressure, even though she was only five months. Bellamy looked over to the girl again, even through everything she had been through, he had only saw her break down a hand full of times. She was strong, but she shouldn't have to be. He watched as Jackson walked over to the girl, waking her to place a canular in her arm so that he could give her medicine easily.

The dark haired boy sighed, walking back over to the blonde and climbing into the bed beside her. His arms wrapped tightly around her waist and pulled her back into him. He placed a soft kiss on her neck allowing a hum to escape her lips.

I'll be okay, Bell.

We both will.

I promise I'll follow the doctors orders.

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