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"This is abuse!" Lawrence screamed as Clarke tried to force the Lithium pill down her throat. "It's inhumane, you can't force me-"

"It's for your own good, Lawrence." Clarke gripped Lawrence's jaw between her thumb and index finger.

Bellamy and Clarke, plus the rest of camp had found out about Lawrence's attempted suicide. Octavia had kept her lips sealed, as did Lawrence. It was the noose on the floor of the dropship and the bruises surrounding her neck that gave it away. Bellamy and Clarke were much smarter than she gave them credit for.

It had been a week of Clarke forcing the tablets down her throat, Lawrence had been vomiting every day, her hand tremmored and she couldn't concentrate on anything anyone was saying to her. Not that it mattered, the only people in camp that spoke to her were Octavia and Miller. Bellamy couldn't even look at her, yet everyday he came into the tent and watched as Clarke forced the small pill down her throat. She practically waterboarded her to make sure she swallowed it.

"This isn't right, Bellamy." Octavia whispered to her brother, she couldn't bare to watch the different methods that Clarke tried to ensure that Lawrence took the pill. But she promised Lawrence that she wouldn't leave her side.

"She's sick, O."

"Bellamy, please." Lawrence sobbed. "Please don't let her do this to me anymore. I'm scared. I thought you cared about me. I thought you-"

"Maybe we should stop." Bellamy stepped forward, his hand on Clarke's bicep pulling her away from Lawrence.

The blonde girl chuckled as she noticed the second that she fake panicked, Bellamy stepped in and made Clarke stop. Her shoulder's bounced as the trio turned to look at her, their lips parted in shock at how quickly she snapped.

"Hold her down." Clarke ordered but neither of the Blake siblings moved. "Bellamy she needs this pill." The girl placed the pill between Lawrence's teeth, now needing the siblings to hold her down so that she could pour the water down her throat.

Lawrence spat the pill back out, shouting, "You're just like your fucking mother!"

"Everyone in camp is saying were torturing her. Bellamy, I can't-" Octavia shook her head, the tears threatening to spill. Octavia woke up from nightmares every night, remembering entering the top level of the dropship and seeing her body lifeless. It was traumatising.

Camp was filled with whispers, the delinquents wanted Lawrence Wick off the lithium, that way she was crazier and would kill more grounders when they eventually came.

"Give me the pill." Bellamy ordered, placing his hand out for Clarke to hand him the pill. "Now leave." Clarke gave Bellamy a look, making the boy cross his arms and motion his head to the exit.

Lawrence pulled her legs up into her chest as she looked at the dark haired boy. His hair was curlier today, probably something to do with last nights rain. His eyes were dark but soft, Lawrence liked them like that, they held mystery behind them. She watched as he took a step closer to her, towering over her with such a height, but she didn't submit like he wanted her to.

"Take the pill, Law." Bellamy's voice was rasp, he wetted his bottom lip. The girl remained silent, looking up at him through her lashes as she shook her head. He clenched his jaw, watching as her lips curled into a smirk. "Open your mouth-"

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