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"Put her on the spare table." Cage ordered as he walked into the room, he pointed towards Abby, his jaw clenched tightly as he thought about the fact that Clarke just murdered his father.

Lawrence sleepily turned her head and offered a weak smile to Kyle and Miller as the doctor had stopped drilling whilst Cage was in the room.

She felt so limp and sleepy. But she feared that if she slept, she wouldn't wake back up. Her ears were ringing and all she could hear was the whirring of the drills and the faint screams coming from everyone surrounding her as they fought for Abby to be taken off the table.

The blonde just wanted to let sleep take over her body, but she knew that if she did, that would be the end. She would die and her friends and family would have had to watch. She didn't want that for them, so she continued to fight to survive.


I love you.

I love you too, says Bellamy.

I knew you would come back.

Lawrence allowed a lopsided smile to form on her face as she saw Bellamy hovering above her, his thumb stroking her head and he was smiling down at her. He looked so perfect, his freckles, his tanned skin, there wasn't a scratch on him.

"Proceed with the drilling." Cage ordered to both the doctors.

Lawrence didn't care about the pain anymore, Bellamy was there with her. He was there to keep her safe.


Bellamy's heart raced as he watched both the girls he loved in danger. Lawrence was close to death, and Octavia was trapped on Level 5 surrounded by guards. He felt like he couldn't breathe, his chest was tight and his heart was pounding. He wouldn't feel settled until he held them in his arms again and told them both how much they meant to him.

"Why are you stopping?" Clarke snapped at Monty once he stopped typing.

"Because I did it." Monty announced. "All we have to do, is pull this." He motioned to the lever the sat in front of him. "Hatches and vents will open, and the scrubbers reverse, pulling in outside air."

"He's going to blow the door." Bellamy said grabbing his gun from the holder and aiming it at the door. He knew that whatever they were going to do needed to be done fast.

"Clarke, we're out of time." Monty said desperately.

Clarke's hand hovered over the lever, she looked up to her mom, who was still being drilled and Lawrence who looked as if she was close to dying. She wasn't going to let them die. She wasn't going to let her people die.

"My sister. My Law. My responsibility." Bellamy muttered as he watched his sister get pinned down to the floor ready for execution and Lawrence looked so weak and vulnerable, her eyes were closed now and if it wasn't for the slow movement of her chest breathing in and out, he would have thought that she was dead.

"I have to save them." Clarke whispered with tears forming in her eyes.

Bellamy's hand rested over Clarke's, they both knew that in order to save the people they cared about, they'd have to kill innocents. The dark haired man just hoped Lawrence would understand why he did it and didn't hate him the way she did when they thought he murdered Jaha.

"Together?" Bellamy whispered. Clarke nodded and they both pulled the lever, making the hatches and vents open, pulling the outside air in and irradiating level 5. Bellamy watched the monitors. He saw the guards that were holding Octavia slowly die as well as the Doctor that was drilling Lawrence.

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