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Octavia was suprised to see that Lawrence had come for the meeting, she was expecting Clarke to leave her behind because she was so out of it, that she probably would've been more of a hassle than a help.

"So that's how you set this up?" Clarke asked Finn before turning to Octavia with a look of betrayal in her eyes. "You helped him escape didn't you?"

The dark haired girl glanced to Lawrence, if she were able to communicate effectively like she used to be able to do, she would have admitted to Clarke that the grounder getting released was her idea. But, instead, Octavia took the fall, she didn't want anger to fuel Bellamy or Clarke into forcing Lawrence into taking more pills.

"I trust him Clarke." Octavia responded honestly. Her eyes flickered to Lawrence and offered her a small smile, although she recieved nothing in return.

"There's a lot of that going around." Clarke muttered and looked at Finn from the corner of her eyes.

Octavia grabbed Lawrence's hand and pulled her away from both Finn and Clarke. She still didn't trust Clarke not to shove pills down her throat at any given second. The dark haired girl felt oddly protective over the older blonde, she stepped in front of her, noticing the way that Clarke and Finn's eyes followed her everywhere.

"Someone's coming." Announced Finn as he saw the bushes rustle. The four of the delinquents stared at the trees and watched as Lincoln ran out. Octavia instantly ran up to the man and embraced him in a hug.

Clarke slowly began to back up, making Finn reach out and grab her hand. Lincoln held Octavia tightly and then looked past her to Lawrence, who physically seemed to be doing much better than before. He pulled away from Octavia and went to head over to hug the girl, tell her how thankful he was that she was okay, but Octavia pulled him back, shaking her head.

"No, it's not her right now." Lincoln furrowed his brows, waiting for her to explain herself. "Clarke and Bellamy have her on these pills, they said it would stop her manic episodes, stop her from trying to kill herself or hurt herself." Octavia let out a shaky breath. "But all it seems to be doing is stripping her of her humanity."

"Oh my God. Horses." Clarke gasped as she saw more grounders come through the trees, cutting off Lincoln before he could respond to Octavia. His eyes flickered back to Lawrence, now noticing the way her skin seemed to have faded of it's colour, her eyes seemed soulless and her lips were pulled into a straight line as she stared ahead.

"We said no weapons." Finn said as he ran forward slightly and pulled Clarke with him.

"I was told there wouldn't be." Lincoln announced, instinctively taking a step infront of Lawrence and Octavia.

"It's too late now." Clarke muttered turning to Finn. Finn nodded at the girl before they advanced forward, Lawrence didn't move, not until Clarke wrapped her hand around her wrist and pulled her forward, but the trio were immediately stopped by Lincoln.

"They go alone." Lincoln said looking solely at Finn, his eyes then drifted to Lawrence who had no idea what was happening right now. She shouldn't be here. She should be back at camp where it was safe.

"I'll be fine. I have Wren." Clarke said confidently, but she didn't feel too hopeful having Lawrence by her side when she could barely walk without being dragged. "It's time to do better."

Lincoln looked over to Anya who nodded, allowing Clarke to pull Lawrence with her as they walked up to the grounders. Anya was stood further front than the other two, who were on horses. To Clarke, they looked intimidating. Lawrence had no thoughts or feelings on them.

"Your name is Clarke?" Anya questioned as she looked at the girl with an emotionless expression.

"Yes." Clarke nodded. "And this is Wren."

"I'm Anya." The grounder introduced herself. Clarke took a minute to study the woman, assessing everything she could. She placed her hand out in front, waiting for Anya to shake it but all the grounder did was look at it in disgust. Slowly, Clarke placed her hand back down to her side,

"I think we got off to a rough start. But we want to find a way to live together in peace."

"I understand," Anya paused and looked between the two blondes. "you started a war that you don't know how to end."

"You attacked us for no reason." Clarke continued. Her eyes nervously flickered to Lawrence, who was looking up at the trees, watching as some birds flew over their heads. If it wasn't for Clarke pulling her back, she was sure the girl would have fallen over.

"No reason? The missiles you launched burned a village to the ground." Anya snapped angrily, making Clarke cower back.

"The flares? No. That was a signal meant for our families. We had no idea-" Clarke was almost instantly cut off.

"You're invaders. Your ship landed in our territory." Anya accused.

"We didn't know anyone was here." Clarke looked at Lawrence before saying, "We thought the ground was uninhabited."

"You knew we were here when you sent an armed raiding party to capture one of us and torture him." Anya said, and for the first time today, Lawrence reacted by turning and looking at Lincoln. "These are all acts of war."

"I see your point. That's why we need to put an end to all of this." Clarke said confidently.

"Lincoln said there are more of you coming down, warriors." Anya crossed her arms and looked at the two blondes sceptically.

"The guard, yes." Clarke nodded. "But also farmers, doctors, engineers. We can help eachother, but not if we're at war."

"Can you promise that these new arrivals won't attack us, that they'll respect the terms you and I agree on?" Anya asked, she was mainly talking to Clarke since Lawrence wasn't actualy paying attention.

"I promise we will do everything we can to convince them to honour the terms that we set." Anya's smile fell once Clarke spoke.

"Why would I agree to an alliance that your people can break the moment they get here?" Anya wasn't happy, which made Clarke more anxious.

It was understandable for Anya to have her concerns and be cautious, if they couldn't get thr guard to agree on the terms that they had set, then all of this would have been for nothing.

"If you fire the first shot, those people coming down won't bother negotiating. Our technology," Clarke paused, "they will wipe you out."

"They wouldn't be the first to try."

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