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Lawrence had managed to make her way to the front of the group. She had told Bellamy, who was very reluctant to let her out of his sight, that she wanted to check on Miller. Truth was, eery step should took away from camp was making her feel more lightweight and Bellamy was the complete oppositing.

When Lawrence had found the boy, he was of course muttering on about everything he was going to do when he got to the beach, when he was younger he would fantasize about the beach because on film it seemed so peaceful. Lawrence had a bad feeling this beach wasn't going to be like that.

"You know the first thing I'm gonna do when I get to the beach?" Miller questioned, throwing his arm over Lawrence's shoulders while he led the delinquents from the front with Octavia and Clarke.

"No what?" Jasper questioned curiously towards Miller playing his question and answer game to appease him.

"I'm going surfing." Miller smirked, as if he had any idea on how to do that.

"Nate, you don't even know how to swim let alone surf." Lawrence laughed and shook her head at the idiotic boy.

"Quiet. Keep your eyes open." Jasper said towards Miller with a little lighthearted tone to his voice, Jasper enjoyed spending time with Lawrence and Miller it made him however miss Monty incredibly. 

"No more woods. Hear the ocean. No damn trees. Just pale blue water." Drew smiled just at the thought. Octavia held her hand up and looked around skeptically, she was either panicked or being overly protective either way Lawrence wanted to hear her out. 

"O? What is it?" She whispered towards Octavia, her grip tightening on her gun in her waistband ready to pull it, aim and fire if she heard a stirr. 

"I don't see anything." Jasper muttered to himself and not even seconds later, a dagger was thrown, hitting Drew in the face and killing him instantly. Drew standing next to Lawrence meant his lifeless body fell into her and she on instinct caught his limp body with two arms under his armpits. Lawrence wanted to scream as she looked at his face upside down in her hands but she muffled it by her own hand, still letting out a squeal into her palm.

"Grounders!" Jasper shouted, making the delinquents scream and panic.

"Get back to camp." Lawrence shouted loudly. "Now." The delinquents instantly ran back to the direction of camp, in complete chaos.

Lawrence hesitated for a minute, looking around and aiming her gun at the trees, she tried to find the direction in which the dagger had come from. Her face concentrated and her body frozen made Miller panic she wasn't going to follow and had chosen to fight.

"Daisy Wick, come on." Miller said grabbing her wrist and pulling her with him. "What is wrong with you?" He said exasperatedly as he dragged her between the trees making sure her heafd was ducked.

"A lot of things actually." She spoke humored as they ran through the woods and back to the safety of the dropship.

Already in camp Bellamy Blake was going out of his mind because eventhough he had done a head count as the delinquents headed back, Lawrence and Miller were missing. He had found Octavia within his panic and it didnt soothe him knowing that they had been up at the front together and she was still missing.

"Law?" He shouted hoarsely towards the forest from the edge of the camp, how had he allowed her to go? "Lawrence!" He shouted louder than before as his heart raced, what if she was in trouble? 

Just as Bellamy was about to fuck everything and risk his life leaving camp and venturing into the forest, Miller ran in through the gate practically dragging Lawrence behind him by the wrist like she was a child he had just scalded. Bellamy didn't hesitate in pulling the girl into his chest, enveloping her body with both his arms flexing around her tightly. He buried his face into her blonde hair and only then did he feel like he was free to breathe again.

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