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Lawrence stared forward at the metal wall as the water poured over her body, her aching muscles still tense from the fact that she was now out of solitary. She hadn't been able to think straight since Octavia came to her 'rescue', so instead of allowing herself to thought broadcast, she pinched her arm to keep herself silent.

The blonde ran her hands through her hair and let out a heavy sigh, the water was lukewarm due to how long she had been in there. She could hear Octavia's nervous pacing at the edge of the bathroom door and Lincoln's whispers as he tried to tell Octavia to come and sit down.

The water shut off automatically and Lawrence let go of a groan, stepping out of the shower to dry herself and get changed into pants and a top that Octavia had given her. She looked to the jacket that was slung over the sink, it looked like Bellamy's, but the stitching was different, so she left it.

She couldn't wait to see Bellamy, to see the way he smiled when he saw her again. To see his scar above his lips. Oh to kiss him again. Lawrence had thought about kissing Bellamy all the time in isolation, she thought about the way his warm hands on her skin and the way he comforted her. Nobody comforted her the way that Bellamy did. She couldn't wait to start a little family with him.

I hope daddy is happy to see us, baby.

I'm sure he will be.

I'm sure he will have missed us.

Bellamy didn't know about the baby and honestly, Lawrence was anxious to tell him about their child. She wondered how he would react, if he would be happy or angry. If he would stay with her and raise their child or leave like her dad did. She would never wish for her child-or any for that matter- to grow up without a parent.

"O?" Lawrence attempted to smile as she opened the door, clearing her throat to look at Octavia and Lincoln.

Lincoln quickly stood up, his eyes flickering over the girl. She looked better now, healthier. Her cheeks had a tint of red, her skin was glowing and her lips full. He couldn't bare to have looked at her before, her dull skin, dark eyes, exhausted stature. He couldn't believe the girl that stood in front of him was the same girl that set him free back at camp.

"Linc, you look like you've seen a ghost." Lawrence chuckled, picking at her skin some more upon feeling their eyes dragging themselves up her body, scrutinising the way she looked.

"Sorry, Wren, we didn't mean to stare, you look better-"

"What Lincoln means to say is that were glad you're okay and that the baby is okay too." Octavia smiled, she was ecstatic to find out that she was having a little niece of nephew. This world needed a little light in it, especially now.

Lawrence just smiled in response, her hands subconsciously finding their way to her stomach. It felt weird to her, knowing that she was growing a whole other person inside her. It was a magical thing and she didn't really understand why women were entrusted with that kind of power.


I'm having a baby.

Where's Bellamy?

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