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"What are we gonna do? They keep heading us off." Diggs shouted as the group ran as fast as they could to get away from the grounders, but with each turn there was another one waiting for them. There was no escape.

"Just keep running." Finn shouted back.

Run rabbit, run rabbit.

Run. Run. Run.

She hadn't had to run for her life in quite some time and having to run for her life was exhillirating. She remembered the first time that a guardsman almost caught her. She managed to hide away in a vent, and watch him run past. Shame there's no vents on Earth.

"I can't run for much longer!" Jasper shouted and Lawrence pulled herself to a stop to try and help the boy incase he lagged behind. She was indebted to him. She could not let him die.

"I'm not stopping for him." Diggs shouted and continued running. 


"I'm sick of running anyway." Bellamy said also stopping running. His eyes glanced over to Lawrence who had a mischievous smirk on her face. She looked like she was in the mood for mayhem.

"Hey, what are you doing?" Finn questioned slamming his hand on Bellamy's chest, making the boy stagger back.

The grounders don't need to kill us if we kill eachother first.

"They know where she is." Bellamy stated. He was right, there was no other explanation. the grounders had to have had Octavia.

"Diggs where are you?" Roma shouted panicked after seeing another grounder. She instantly ran in the direction that Diggs went.

Another fool.

Wonder why Bellamy likes her?

"You doing okay?" Lawrence questioned Jasper who was heavily panting. The boy merely nodded, not wanting to show weakness but in reality he was terrified. He didn't think that they would survive this.

"Roma!" Bellamy shouted running after the girl, making the others follow him.

He cares about her.

He cares enough to leave.

Roma let out a loud scream once she saw Diggs impaled body,

"Wait. Roma!" Finn shouted. "There could be more. Stop."

"They're leading us here. It's the only direction we could run in." Jasper said breathlessly as he circled around looking for the grounders.

"Hey, where'd they go?" Finn questioned anxiously.

"After Roma." Bellamy said taking off into a spring for the brunette girl.

There he goes.


The small group searched for Roma, hoping she wasn't dead or captured by the grounders. In all honesty, Lawrence would much rather put this engery into finding Octavia but apparently, she's not the only one Bellamy cares for anymore.

What is this feeling?

"There she is." Monroe whispered. "Roma!" She whisper shouted but got no acknowledgement.

Bellamy just walked forward and towards the girl and that's when they saw the spear sticking out of her. He lowered his head guilty. Lawrence bit her lip to ensure that she didn't speak out of turn.

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