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Lawrence hadn't seen Bellamy since earlier and Miller had been tasked with escorting Lawrence to wherever she wanted to go today. He was basically a glorified babysitter, Miller wasn't complaining though because it meant he got to spend the full day with Lawrence and Elenyi.

"How's Linc?" Lawrence questioned softly, wrapping Bellamy's guardsman jacket over her shoulders and looking down to Elenyi, who was looking around the room, taking in her new surroundings.

"I haven't seen him yet, I thought we could go together. Take Danae and the others some medicine?" Miller suggested with a smirk. "These hands have been yearning for some pick pocketing."

Oh Miller, I have missed rebellious you.

Lawrence allowed a chuckle to escape her lips as Miller found his way into the medicine cupboards, taking a bottle of pain killers and pushing it deep into his pocket. The blonde picked up the baby and nodded to Miller for them to leave. Abby had told her that they could go on short walks as long as Elenyi was doing okay, which she was.

By the time that Miller and Lawrence arrived at medical, Elenyi had fallen asleep in her arms and Miller kept cooing over Lawrence's shoulder at the baby.

"Careful, this one doesn't like to be chained up." Miller spoke sarcastically as he looked to Lincoln, making the guards laugh in response. "Girlfriend's not here to free you this time."

Lawrence had to keep looking down at Elenyi to distract herself so that she didn't mumbled about Miller's attitude towards Lincoln being fake.

Lincoln walked over to the door of the lock up, his eyes flickered over to Lawrence, nodding, silently asking if she was okay.

We're okay.

The man felt his whole body relax knowing that Lawrence and Elenyi hadn't suffered any further due to him and his people being inside Arkadia. He didn't want their people to isolate or punish Lawrence for trying to keep the peace.

Miller looked towards the guards, who were laughing with each other, ignoring the fact that Miller and Lawrence were there, handing over medicine.

"For Danae." Lawrence whispered, offering Lincoln a half hearted smile.

"Octavia?" Lincoln questioned, hoping that the girl was okay, knowing that she was too stubborn to leave him in there any longer, plus the last time that Lincoln saw her, she was fighting against Bellamy and shouting about the 300 that he killed.

"She got out with Clarke." Miller responded. He had informed Lawrence that Clarke had come back to try and convince Bellamy that Pike was the bad guy, which annoyed Lawrence, she hadn't been able to do it with his child, why did Clarke think she would have been able to?

Miller had neglected to tell Lawrence about the fact that Bellamy had tasked him with getting the medicine for Danae because he needed to get checked out due to the shock of the baton that Clarke hit him with.

"I'm going to get you out of here, Linc. They can't keep you locked up forever." The blonde placed her hand on the mesh wall, making Lincoln place his hand over hers, his thumb running over her knuckles.

"Don't worry about me, Wren. Keep Little Light safe." Lincoln smiled, looking to Elenyi, she brought him hope. Hope that there could be change and light in this dark world. Elenyi was good, she was pure.

Lawrence just watched as Lincoln thought to himself, she noticed the way his brows furrowed and then the corners of his lips curled upwards. She wanted to ask what he was thinking, but then she saw how quickly his smile fell and his cold expression returned.

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