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Lawrence noticed that Jasper was hesitant to break the glass to get to the axe, so she just put her fist through it and smashed the glass. Jasper expected her to hiss in pain due to the glass stuck in her hand, but all she did was pull it out without any sort of emotion. He was worried that she had gotten worse, if that was even possible at this point and he prayed that him seeing Bellamy was real because if not he had sent her clinically insane.

"Thank you?" Jasper said questioningly as she handed him the axe.

"Daisy Wick, where do you want this?" Miller questioned as he and another boy carried a bed. Lawrence scanned around the room for any gaps in the barricade. They needed to make it as strong as possible because this was their last chance to stay safe and with Lawrence having no clue whether she had imagined Bellamy and whether Jasper was following suit they needed to protect themselves.

"Here, no weak spots. We need to make sure they don't get in." She said as she shut the door so that they could put the bed frame against it. She hoped that everything they were building was enough to keep them out.

We need to keep them out.

We need to stay alive.

"They won't." Miller attempted to reassure her but it made Lawrence run her hand over her face frustratedly. She was starting to doubt whether she was cut out for all this leadership type shit.

"We took the level, but now we have to hold it. They are coming and we need to be ready for when they do."

"Harper, gets some pots from the kitchen, fill them with water, as big as you can find okay?" Jasper instructed the girl. He had taken role of second in command, he wanted to help Lawrence as much as he could and the girl didn't seem to mind.

"Monty, I need an update on those elevators." Lawrence said as she walked up him, she linked arms with the boy as he walked them towards the doors arm in arm.

"Well, we decided to leave the hallway cameras so that we have eyes out there." He waved the ipad around.

"You can do that?" Lawrence questioned as she leant against the wall. She was genuinely always impressed with the boys skills, sometimes she knew she took it for granted which is why she told him often how amazing he was and Monty enjoyed the ego inflation especially from a hot girl who wouldnt have looked at him twice back on The Ark.

Monty Green. Smart.

She wasn't surprised that back up on the ark he was recruited by Sinclair for engineering.

"Have you met me?" Monty responded cockily, making Lawrence let out a half hearted chuckle. "Elevators are disabled, I shorted the other stairwell locks but this ones tricky though. I can't seem to-"

Lawrence grabbed the axe from Jasper's hands as he walked by and slammed it onto the lock.

"That should do it." Lawrence shrugged and handed the axe back to Jasper.

"How long do you think we can hold them off?" Jasper questioned as the three turned and just watched the delinquents arm themselves.

"As long as we have to." Monty answered.

Until there's no one left.


Stop being such a pessimist, Lawrence.

We're surviving this. 

Lawrence's eyes scanned the group of juvenile delinquents. She had learnt to call these people her friends- her family. She had learnt to care for them, to love them. She would do anything for them, even if it meant getting herself killed in the process.


Lawrence watched the ipad with Monty, it had been a few hours but she refused to take a break, no matter how much Monty, Miller or Jasper told her too. Lawrence watched as the elevator doors exploded open and guards ran into the corridor outside of the dorm.

"No guns." Monty pointed out. "You were right." He looked down towards Lawrence who had a smug smirk on her face. Lawrence swung her arm around Monty's shoulder,

"Oh Monty, I'm always right." She stated cockily.

Except when I'm wrong.

But that is very rare.

"It's because they can't kill us, not like this anyway." Jasper mumbled as he glanced at the ipad screen.

They needed the delinquents alive for the bone marrow extraction to be more affective.

"Some of them aren't wearing hazmat suits." Lawrence announce pointing to a few of the guards, her fingers slightly brushing the glass of the ipad. She ran her hand through her blonde hair frustratedly.

"What's that mean?" Miller questioned his best friend. Part of him knew exactly what it meant, he just wanted confirmation.

"It means the treatment worked." Lawrence clenched her fists angrily. "They're cured." The delinquents all tensed at the sound of them outside the doors. "Get ready. This is what we were preparing for."

The guards threw in red smoke bombs, and the delinquents rushed to place them into the water. Lawrence nodded to everyone and laid down on the floor as if the smoke bomb had put them all unconscious. She hid her blade behind her back, her grip tightened on it as she heard the guards break down their defence wall.

Lawrence was the first up, she held the blade in her hand and ripped the first guards hazmat suit.

"Now." She shouted and all the other delinquents jumped up. Lawrence smirked once she saw the guard that had repeatedly hit her in the stomach previously.

Oh, you're dead.

His eyes widened slightly Lawrence lunged forward for him, but he pulled out the cloth soaked in chloroform and covered her mouth and nose with it. Lawrence instantly felt the effects. Her legs went first, then her arms and despite wanting to fight desperately her eyes rolled into the back of her head.

The guard hauled her deadweight up and over his shoulder continuing to shout orders to the others who were mid fight.

"Retreat. Retreat." Emerson, one of the guards shouted as he pushed back his men. They needed to get out of there.

"We did it." Jasper shouted happily as all the guards left. "Seal the barricades." Jasper's eyes scanned the room looking for Lawrence to congratulate her.

"Jasper! Jasper!" Fox's screams came through the ipad. Jasper took one glance at the ipad and saw that both Fox and Wren were being carried away.

It was a targetted hit, she was the leader and the strongest of the delinquents and from Fox's cries it didn't seem as though she had been chloroformed. They knew how dangerous Lawrence was and wanted to wipe her from them before she gave them hope. Hope that theyd make it out alive.

Angrily, Jasper slammed the axe into one of the guards who was slowly trying to crawl away, making blood splurt everywhere.

"Its too late." Monty breathed looking to Miller who was attempting to escape through the main barricade that had been ripped down, he placed a hand on the boys shoulder to try and calm him but he was manic. That was his best friend, he couldn't loose her, "It's Wren, she'll be okay." Monty assured pulling the boy back who turned to the rest of the delinquents defeated.

"Yeah?" He choked, "And what if she isn't?"

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