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"Get out." Lawrence ordered as she stared at Lincoln. She knew what she needed to do. She needed to do what she did best. No not murder. Torture. Bellamy was okay at it, but she had had practice with the the one hundred and seventy eight people on The Ark that she murdered. The torture was what made her different to them being floated, its why the Chancellor wanted her to do it to certain people, it would look less conspicuous, and less council-involved.

"What?" Miller questioned confused at the girls orders. He looked at Bellamy and Drew and pulled a confused face. Drew let out a little chuckle but Bellamy didn't. He just stared at the girl waiting for her response.

"Out. Now." She said louder as she turned around and faced the three boys.

It was like her whole sature had changed. Her eyes were dark brown, almost black. Her shoulders were rolled back and her fists were clenched. Her lips were pulled into a tight line, as she waited for the boys to leave.

"Are you insane? I'm not leaving you alone in here." Bellamy shook his head, he went over to the girl and attempted to pull her further away from the grounder, but Lawrence didn't budge, instead she pulled her arm out of Bellamy's grip, which released the banaged and revealed the scratch marks, some of them were still open wounds, others had scabbed over.

"Get the fuck out. Now." She demanded, pushing him away slightly so that he'd go down the ladders. "Miller." She motioned for him to take Bellamy down stairs. Miller went to grab Bellamy, but Bellamy shot the boy a warning look, making Lawrence scoff.

You're more scared of Bellamy Blake, than me? That's cute.

Miller didn't say anything in response to Lawrence's mumble, instead, he and Drew both went down stairs quietly, not wanting to piss The Midnight Murderer off anymore.

"Like I said, Law. I'm staying right here." Bellamy sat down on one of the boxes, his arms crossed as he looked at the girl. "You do what you need, but I'm not leaving you alone with him."

Lawrence couldn't help but laugh. "I'm not some little Princess that needs protecting. I'm not Clarke. I'm a fucking murderer, Bellamy. Hurting people, torturing them, is basically what I do for a living."

Bellamy had to bite back a smirk, she was jealous. She was jealous of the fact that he called Clarke Princess. He hummed to himself, but decided not to respond to the girl, which only angered her more. So, she decided to take that anger out on the grounder stood in front of her.

"So, you don't know any English?" Lawrence questioned as she fiddled with the blades from her back pocket. She had a menacining look on her face as she twirled the blade. The grounder just kept a stone cold expression. Lawrence laughed, "Okay." Lawrence then signed the very same questioned. "No sign language either."

She paced around the room and eyed up the grounder. She looked for any weak spots where she could hit him and it would hurt him just enough to at least speak in his native tongue.

"You're not doing anything different, he's not going to talk." Bellamy almost taunted, resting back on the dropship wall, to assess the girl. Lawrence's long legs were covered in her usual black pants, Bellamy's shirt big and oversized hanging off of one shoulder exposing her collar bone. He folded his arms, smirking at her appearance, his biceps bulged the veins that ran through them porminant and throbbing with the anger in which he had used towards the grounder already.

Nice arms.

"Thanks, Baby." He kissed his teeth, "But maybe you should focus?"

"Fuck you!" She exclaimed averting her eyes back to the grounder, he had dark black skin and was kitted up in a grey cotton shirt. With him spread with his arms wide, she lifted his shirt just a slight wondering what wound the boys had left on him.

Wow the grounder works out.

"Thought broadcasting." Bellamy snapped, he was angry or maybe he was jealous, Lawrence couldnt put her finger on it. Bellamy simple just didnt want his blonde girl to be looking else where and with the way that her hands trailed over his body to take him in, his blood was already reaching boiling temperature.

"Octavia's a pretty girl." Lawrence started with noticing the way the grounders nostrils flared, "Dark brown hair, those sparkling eyes, up the sky you know they locked her away for being born- but if you ask me it was for being pretty. Have you ever heard of stories, Sir?" Lawrence questioned, she knew he knew English there was no way he didnt with the way that his heart pounded. She knew there was a reason why her hand had found his chest and it wasn't just to get a rise out of Bellamy, "Do they read on the ground?" She shot behind her at Bellamy who was growing more and more frustrated.

"He doesnt speak English, Law?"

"Does he not?" Lawrence taunted turning back to the boy and moving her hand from his pound heart to the vein throbbing in the side of his neck, "Well back on The Ark theres this story about two girls, sisters, Elenyi the Goddess of light and Lawrence the Goddess of the darkness. And they fight constantly because Elenyi is beautiful and respected and everybody loves her because she is just one big beam of sunshine- just so you know, thats Octavia, and then theres her sister who was raised in the exact same way but just because she is darkness nobody loves her she's just a dark cloud thats always looming."

Bellamy had no idea where the girl was going with this but the mention of his sister was making him sit forward to listen intently.

"Hi, nice to meet you, I'm Lawrence- call me Wren." Lawrence continued ignoring the angered huffs that Bellamy was making. He wasn't to know that his heart beat she was counting just from touching the vein in his neck was telling her all she needed. "You see, we were both kept in secret, second child things but Octavia she was put in Prison and left alone you know me? I was used and abused for years and I've decided today thats making me- uh how do I put this? Murderous."

Bellamy stood up enraged not really believing it was Lawrence saying those things and in response she swung and connected her fist with his face, in pure shock Bellamy bounced to his ass grunting in shock as he cradled his face.

"Sorry, where was I?" Lawrence asked placing her hand on his wrist this time, the throb of his veins heavy and fast. "See I'm not a comic book character, Sir, but I am very much jealous that you find Octavia attractive and not me."

"You're thought broadcasting again." Bellamy grumbled from the floor still feel the pain as it rushed through his body from the almighty punch he didn't know Lawrence had in her.

"Oh no." Lawrence chuckled, "I meant to say that one." She teased and in response the grounder pulled against the seatbelts at his wrists, "Because eventhough you think he doesn't understand you, he has you all fooled because not only does he speak English but he's been dirty talking your sister, isn't that right, Big boy?" Lawrence tapped the grounders chest and he let out a roar pulling on the restraints to get to the blonde who took a timid step back, "Filled me with dread that one did." She continued to tease.

Bellamy had started to understand, raising himself from the floor and in the second that Lawrence was disracted with Bellamy standing up and the way his muscles buldges. The grounder lunged forward, headbutting the blonde girl, who then stumbled back. Bellamy quickly caught Lawrence, his arms wrapping around her waist to steady her.

"Oh, you're really gonna regret that." Lawrence smirks as she looks back to the grounder, wiping the blood that was trickling down her head. "Octaviaaaaa!" The girl then opened the latch and started to climb down the stairs.

Don't hurt Octavia.

Don't hurt Octavia.

Don't hurt Octavia.

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