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Bellamy slammed the door as he walked into his quarters, he let out an angry yell and threw his fists into the wall, before his knee's gave out and he allowed himself to fall to the floor, letting out an almighty sob. He couldn't believe that they were dead.

"Bell? What's wrong are you okay?" Lawrence questioned sleepily as she had just been woken up from the yells. Her eyes flickered to the boy on the floor, his knee's pulled into his chest as he cried. "Is everyone okay?"

"Oh my God." Bellamy gasped, tears streaming down his face as he jumped up from his spot on the floor, and ran up to the girl to pull her into his chest, he held her so tightly that he was sure he was cutting off her oxygen supply. "I'm never letting you go again." He whispered letting go of a quiet sob.

"What happened?" Lawrence questioned as she looked up at the boy, her fingers combing through his hair, hoping that it would bring him some comfort. His eyes were bright red from all the crying, his cheeks swollen and lips chapped.

"I thought you were both dead." Bellamy cupped her face, he was so scared that he had lost them both. "I thought-"

Bellamy's breath got caught in his throat as he tried to understand how she could have possibly made it out of Mount Weather and Raven or Sinclair not see that she was okay and alive. He didn't understand.

"Hey, hey," She watched as he knelt down on the floor, his head resting against her stomach as his tears dampened her shirt. "we're both still here."

"Mount Weather was blown up." Bellamy said as he tried his hardest to relax, feeling the way that the baby-his baby-their baby kicked against Lawrence's stomach. "I thought you were still inside."

Thank God that it's gone.

"I couldn't stand it in that place. Not alone, so I went back to the drop ship and the lake before I came back here and slept. I'm sorry that I didn't tell anyone." Lawrence whispered, watching as Bellamy stood up again, she expected him to be angry at her for taking off but instead he looked relieved that she did. But then again, the more that she thought about it, the more she understood that he was relieved because if she had stayed, she would have been dead.

Lawrence and Bellamy had decided to retire to bed after they went out to let Octavia and Kane know that she was in fact alive. She also told Bellamy that she wanted to wait until tomorrow to see Jackson about the baby, she wasn't in pain anymore she could tell that her baby was healthy. And right now, all she wanted to do was spend time with Bellamy. At some point, Bellamy had fallen asleep on Lawrence's bump, which made her smile.

The blonde had stayed awake and just braided his hair, it was something she wanted to practice in case she had a little girl and she knew Bellamy wouldn't let her do it when he was awake, braids in his hair would probably have been a threat to his toxic masculinity. Lawrence chuckled to herself, shaking her head at the idea of her asking Bellamy to braid his hair.

I'm going get really good at braiding baby.

In case your a girl.

Or if we have a girl later on.

Although, I hope you're a boy.

She paused, thinking about having a mini Bellamy running around, her eyes widened thinking about what she had just said.

But I'll love you just as much if you're a girl.

She had read that a baby could hear whilst in the womb and that it could help to bring them comfort whilst talking to them. Lawrence thought it was sweet and it made her feel less lonely and embarrassed about the fact that she thought broadcast.

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