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Jimin's pov:

"Where the heck is this idiot?it's already 7:00 pm.and she had just left her phone really."I said as I released a groan.

"I think it's no use if I just sit here.maybe I should ask the staff."I said to myself as I take my jacket and went to first floor as I was going towards the receptionist I heard jisun calling me.

"Good evening sir."he greeted me bowing.

"You know where y/n gone."I asked without greeting I was very worried now.

"Oh y/n-sshi said she was going to see Eiffel tower and just roam around there ,why sir?"he said

"she didn't come back yet so I was going to look for her.can you arrange a car for me."

"What she didn't come back yet?sir if you don't mind I will drive you as this place is also new for if I come with you it would be more easy to find her."he said.

"Ok then take out the car."I said as I walk outside and wait for him.few mins after he came back with the car and I went into the car quickly.

After few mins of driving we arrived at the place I  immediately get off and looked around but I didn't find her.

"Sir I think she's not here now."jisun said while looking around.

"Than come on we will look the near places."I said while searching any signs of her. I don't know but I am like super worried.

1 hour had passed but me and jisun can't find her anywhere I mean we searched all nearer places but still we can't find her.

"Sir let's go to police station and give an complaint."jisun suggested.

"Ok you go and make an complaint about it.I will look more."I said standing straight.and jisun nodded and left.

"Where this idiot had gone?"I said getting more worried as every minute passed.

As I was just walking through the alleys I found a bag and its belong to

"Y/n."as I look more to the surroundings I saw an used injection and it constists of anesthesia.has anyone kidnap I was in my shock state my phone rang I saw jin hyung calling I was going to cut off I remember I lift the call.

"Yo Jim--"

"Hyung are you with jk now."I asked interrupting him.

"Yea we all are at my house why ?"he asked but I don't have time to answer.

"Pls give the phone to him hyung.quick."I said frustrated.

"Ok,ok I am giving it to him."he said and for few seconds I only hear moving voices.

"Hello hyung how is y/n?"I hear jk voice.

"Listen here jungkook you had given a bracelet with a tracking device right?"I asked.

"Yeah hyung why?"jk asked.

"Pls track where she is right now."I asked with every minute of losing my sanity.

"What happened hyung?"he asked me but as I am being at the verge I bursted at him.

"Damn it do it jk."I said shouting but immediately realized what I did.

"Sorry.jk.she is just missing.Pls track her fast."I said.

"What she is missing hyung?how."

"I will tell you after I find her for now track her."I asked with my low patience I have.

"Okay hyung just follow my directions."

"Ok."I said taking an Bluetooth from my pocket and took out my phone for GPS.

"Go straight .take right .go straight.turn right."I just ran through the all directions he said and I just reached a Bunch of old houses and I think no one lives here they looked so broken.I just stopped there as jk stopped giving me directions.

"Yah jk tell,now where?"I asked shouting through the Bluetooth.

" You didn't found her."he asked.

"No I can't see anyone there are just some bunch of old damn houses."I said looking around to see any sign of her.

"But hyung the bracelet shows there only."he said

"What?but I can't see her anywhere."I said looking around once more.then I felt something under my I lifted my leg up to see the bracelet.

"F**k ."I shouted out loud.

"What happened hyung?"jk asked concerned.

"Her bracelet is on the ground but there is no trace of her."I said as my brain played all the situation that could happen to her.and I had been never ever terrified like this in my life.

"Cool down hyung."jk said trying to calm me down.

"How the heck I am going to cool down when she is just missing lik---"as I was saying I cutt my self off and looked around once more and I see some foot prints towards the old buildings.and I just cut off the call and slowly went towards the houses.

Y/n's pov:

"Ah" I groan as the light hit my eyes quickly the minute I open I was going to use my hands didn't came to I look down to see my hands tied .not only my hands but also my I started to struggle to let myself free.Then I an heard voice.

"If you continue to  do like that.there's gonna be some marks on your beautiful beautiful."the guy with a really scary smile said as he stand in front of me.but I didn't stop trying though.

"Heavy headed.Huh?"he said smirking at me.

"Well maybe I am a heavy headed one but you are a bastard who don't know how to live your life that's why you live by selling I think it's better to live as a heavy headed one compared to living as a life like you."I said giving a disgusting look to him.
Then in few seconds a woman came and slap me on the face.I didn't see her coming maybe because of there is only one bulb in this room.

"Well don't come at my man you sl*t."the women shouted at me.and I can feel my lips bleeding at the corner.

"Cool down Lily babe.don't make bruises on her she have to be saled off right."the man said.

"But Robert she called you a bastard."she said pouting at him. could she love a man like that who sell women like a dolls .is she not a woman.

"Come on.let's just go now."the Robert guy said as he lead that lady but the lady just give me a glare and went away while clinging on his arm.

"Woah if I get a chance I am going to punch her in the face that she also can't identify herself.those couple is the most weirdest one had seen."I said to myself looking around if I have any chance to escape.but I can't find a one so I just closed my eyes to not to cry.

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