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Y/n's pov:

I can't believe the man in front of me is jimin's father and once a mafia leader and complete opposite of jimin .I mean his father is so sweet.when I was coming here with jimin I was so afraid how will the meeting will go with his first he gave me a serious face but after that he give me a very huge smile.I really enjoyed Mr.park's company.I mean he is such a sweet man .I don't understand how Jimin has a complete opposite Mr.park was still talking to me .jimin interrupted.

"So dad are you okay with us getting married?"he said while looking at his dad.

"Oh yes son I am more than okay with this marriage.but when are you going to get married?"Mr.park asked while smiling at me and looked at jimin.

"Umm in one month dad."what ?I tried to not shout this out.and looked at jimin but he didn't even look at me.and continued talking with his dad.I think it's waste t to even argue with him .

"Oh okay then.I will love to see you get married my son with this pretty and kind hearted girl."he said and after few hours later we bid our byes to jimin's dad .and went to jimin's car.and he drived me to my house but as you know I am very lucky girl so when we get there my dad was standing near the door giving me a 'look who is he ?and what was going on?'and then I see jimin getting out of the car and bowing in front of him.and started saying.

"Hello sir I am your daughter's boyfriend."Oh no.

After 1 hour

"So you want to marry my daughter?and you want my permission."my dad said while giving us a serious look .

"Yes sir ,we love each other ,my name is jimin.I am a CEO of jm resorts.I will take a great care of your daughter."jimin said while looking at my I have to admit jimin is a Oscar winning I was thinking.I hear a loud voice that filled with enthusiasm and it comes from none other than my dad.

"Oh yes I am giving you my permission to marry my daughter."my dad said I was shocked how he changed very drastically.

"Thank you sir."Jimin said while bowing.

"Oh son call me father from now on.and also stop bowing like that ."my dad said while pulling him in a hug.

"Okay si-- I mean father."jimin said while hugging back .After they Break the dad started speaking.

"You know son I thought she was not going to find a man.but it looks like she not only find a one but that to a good looking when you guys planned to get marry?"my dad asked.

"Umm father we planned to get married on nxt month."jimin answered.

"Oh ok ."my dad said and they talked for a while and after that jimin said he was going to go cause he have to go he stand up and went I went and sat on the sofa but my dad is looking at me.

"what?"I said while looking at him .

"Princess don't you think it'll be good to send him off.he is now your soon to be husband."he said while folding his arms.uh now I definitely have to send him off or my dad will get suspicious.

"Oh right dad .I was going to send him off ."I stand up on my feet and went outside to see jimin was going to getting into I called his name to I excepted he stopped.before he can shout at me I hug him.

"Sorry my dad was seeing from the window on the left of the house you see?"I asked and I think he also noticed it as I felt him nodded.

"Now I am going to break the hug.when you getting into the car smile at me while waving okay?"I asked and he said an okay.I released the hug and smiled at him and waved at him while he got on the car.He also did the same while driving away.

"Phew ."I released a sigh and went inside.

I didn't see my dad there .I assume he went into his I also went to my room and take a quick shower and wear a sweat pants and a loose shirt.and just fall asleep as I am so tired of today.I can't believe I am going to get married next month.

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