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author's pov:

"Please ,I had.almost finished the order there are only few guns are le-"a man said who had been beaten up is begging in front of a man who was holding the gun on the head.

The man who is holding the gun started to speak with his cold tone voice which can be send shivers to anyone.

"You already know when I had given the order and advance if you're going to give the order late u are gonna receive your reward which is ur death."he said while placed his finger on the trigger.

"Please Mr.jimin ,spare my life,I wi--"as the man was pleading .jimin just pull the trigger and killed the man.and order his men to clean the place and dispose the body.and as he is walking away one of his man came holding a phone informing some one is calling.

Jimin just released a sigh after seeing who is calling.and answered it.

"Hello dad."

"Hello son "

"Son ,u remember right .next weekend  you have to bring my soon to be daughter-in-law."

Jimin had restrained himself for releasing a frustrated groaning and answered his dad.

"Oh ,yes dad we will be coming to meet you ."he had made his best to sound it true and it worked.

"I hope you had choose a right one now.not like the last one.hmm?"his father said making jimin remember his last time.

"Yeah dad I had choosen a right one this time .u Don't have to worry it is not fake one".

"U know right jimin if you Don't marry in this week ur position for leader will not--"he was interrupted by his son by saying
"Yes ,father I know you have said to me already ,and I'm bringing her this week don't worry" to calm him.

"Okay then son I Will be waiting.. bye."

"Bye dad then see u on next weekend."he ended the call and released a frustrated groan while messing his hair.

Jimin pov:

After ending call I decided to go to my office for an meeting . I got into my car and started driving from this abounded place to my office.

I don't understand why my father had to made that stupid condition to get the position I mean it's my position after my father retired ..I have that ability.

So 1year before I had taken a girl which often slept with me and she called herself as my so called "girlfriend" to my father .But my father know that the introduced girlfriend is sl*ut and I don't love her.ofcourse he would know it because he hadn't became a most powerful mafia leader so easily.So, he had given me 1year exactly for me to love a girl and marry her. This weekend the given time will be finished so he had called me to come over with the girl I love.

But what the problem is I didn't find any girl and I was also busy this year.
Actually I am not interested.

Killing a person is more easy then finding a girl to introduce to my father.

as I was thinking how to find a girl that my dad won't suspect and I will get my position.

My phone was started ringing so I connected with my Bluetooth and answered.the minute I hear his voice I know who is he.

"Hello hyung why did u call me?"I asked jin hyung.

"Jimin our doctor had left now we don't have any doctor with us."

"What ?why did he leave we r paying more than enough" as I am getting angry because all the shit is only happening to me from the morning and shouted through the phone .if the doctor is for only curing diseases we  can go to hospital but we need doctor for curing our injuries when we r on our missions.

"He said he got another job even though it is less paid than this he said it was safer than our job."

After hearing this I released a heavy sigh ,yes what he said is right who want to risk their life for money.then I have only one way I have to take a person into my gang who can treat wounds and know how to defend themselves .but I think it is impossible because why will a doctor have fighting skills??? .

"Ok ,hyung I will take Care of this matter bye"

"Ok b--"

I had cut the call before he even says bye.

I have so many things I have to first find a girl to marry and a doctor who have defensive skills.

"Uh..."After releasing a frustrated groan I had reached to my office.

To be continued.....

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