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Y/n's pov :

"U okay y/n ?"kook asked me as we all are in the car for the mission.and I am now sitting beside kook .

"Yeah I am perfectly fine.never been this fine.U know roses red and violets are blue ."I know I am literally talking rubbish now.but what can I do this was my first time going to this type of u know mafia.

"It's okay y/n u can do it.U will just be with tae .so u will out of the fighting scene."he said while giving me a reassuring smile.  But my hand didn't stop shaking . its seems like my hand is going to fall out from my arm.but it stopped after kook take my hand in his.even though I was shocked at first but now it began to calm me.

"Thank you.kook."I said while smiling.

"Ur welcome my student."he said while giving me a smile too.I just laughed at that.

After we arrived at a building that is a half constructed building.I just's looks like a building that shown in thriller or horror movies.I just holded Jungkook hand more tighter.after realising that I am holding his hand tight I quickly removed it.

"Oh no.I am sorry kook.I am so sorry I didn't realize I wa---"as I was apologizing he cut me of by saying.

"Hey ,hey it's's ur first time to this place like this.I don't mind its okay."he said while giving me a another smile.

"Ok guys let's's our time to go now."joon said as they all prepared themselves except me and tae as tae have to direct them how to go there.and me to treat them instantly if they are they all were to go ,they told me to be careful and tae to look after jimin was already left.Well it don't suprise me though.after that they left.and tae was talking to them to give directions.
After five minutes he stopped talking and came towards me and sit beside me.

"Ur work is over?"I asked while cofunsed.

"Yeah ."he said while relaxing.

"But u just talked for five mins."

"Yes,but not only this I will also fight with them but I am an emergency option.I will go to them when they need me."

"Oh"I said while nodding.but there is one question that had bugging me .so I decided to ask him.

"Umm tae I have one question can I ask it ?"he just nodded and I just asked him what had been bugging me since I met all these guys.

"U know u guys have ur own successful companies so why would u all be in this profession where u have to kill people."as I asked he sat on straight and knowing that this is serious.

"Umm u know this world is not safe to people who don't have power.our gang had started with jimin's father later our fathers also joined the gang and jimin's father was a leader to it.we don't kill people we just kill people that are bad.and that to our orders comes from police officers .May be we do some illegal businesses but they are not that harmful.power is everything in this world.jimin's father had changed from cruel maniac to good man after his wife died cause his wife didn't want any of he just make it this gang to get power only.but for jimi---"as he was going to continue we hear a ringing sound that comes from tae go there and answered.while I thought where he stopped at jimin .what about I was going to ask him.maybe I shouldn't ask its jimin place to explain because its his side of story .so I just stopped myself.

"Y/n one of them had gotten hit by a bullet."he said worried.

"What ?who?where?"I said while panicking .

"I don't know they had completed their mission.they said they are coming ready."he said and I started taking out the equipment I need.but something is missing.

After few minutes we hear a knock on our car door.the guys had came in and I see who had gotten the bullet its

"Jimin?"I said and he just holding on to his shoulder in pain.

"We had completed our mission.but one guy came out of no where and shooted jimin."j-hope said while looking at jimin who looks like in so much pain.Well why wouldn't he ,he had gotten a bullet.

"Yah idiot r u going to stand there and watch me die or will u treat me--ah.

He screamed as I just cut him of by dabing a alcohol soaked cotton on his wound.Well I would have done it gentle but he just started talking shit so I have do it like that.

"Yah what r u doing ?"he asked me while wincing in pain.

"I am treating ur wound can't u see."I just said casually.while searching for tweezers to take out the bullet but I didn't find a one.

"Umm guys I can only take his bullet off  when we get home only.for now I will stop the blood to flow.can u drive fast jin."I said And jin responded with an okay. so now I applied pressure on jimin's shoulder to stop the blood.and he let out a scream.some how I stopped the blood by applying pressure on it with a cloth.after for few seconds we reached our j-hope and yoongs helped jimin to go to our shared room.

"Umm guys bring him to the bathroom .I will have to clean his shoulder."I said .and they do as I say.
After they kept him there.I turned towards the guys now who are all in the room.

"Guys go and take rest I will take care of's so late u guys have to rest.u guys look like zombies. so go home now."I they are going to protest I just shooed them of.I know they are so worried about him but they also need rest they look like there eyes gonna fall out from their sockets .

"Ok we will go now but if u need any help call us."this is what they said before I shooing them away.

After that I went towards jimin who is cursing because of the I quickly went towards him and cleaning out the remaining blood.

"Umm jimin this gonna hurt a little cause I have low amount of if u feel more pain here u can take my hand."I said while placing my hand in front of him but he didn't take it .so as I was taking it away he stopped by holding it and closed his eyes.I took it as my cue and started taking out the bullet.and Jimin hold my hand more tightly but I didn't remove it cause I know he's going through more pain with less anesthesia.After few mins I finished taking out the bullet ,cleaning his shoulder and wrapped it in a clean bandage.

"Ok done ."I said while looking at him and he opened his eyes .staring directly in my eyes we just there like few seconds staring and after that I realized what I am doing now and looked at our hand that are still together now .I just removed it .

"Umm I have to arrange these things ."I said rushed out of the bathroom with my equipment to avoid this awkward and embarrassing moment.

"Ah this is so embarrassing."

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