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"Uh-huh if you guys finished licking each other faces off.can we go back I am sleepy." Yoongi said as he yawned as other gave him a glare.

"Yah those low IQ idiots are having their moment can't you hold back your sleep for few mins." Jin scolded as all other walked out from there hiding spot.

"I don't know about jimin but I have good IQ." Said y/n as jimin glared at her.

"Well anyway.what about the wedding then?" Asked namjoon as y/n's mouth opened in realisation.

" am I supposed to face my dad now?" Said y/n as she put her hands on her hair messing it up.

"Hey down I will deal with it." Said jimin as he put y/n's hand away from her head so she won't pull her hair out and hurt her.and intervene their fingers.

"How?" All asked.

"You will see it." Said Jimin with so much confidence.

And like that they were now infront of
y/n's  father standing infront them in the almost empty wedding hall.

"What is he gonna do?" Y/n asked others in they shook their heads showing they also don't know.

"Is he gonna threaten him?" Asked tae.

"Knowing him he may do it" answered namjoon.

"No.he can't.he's my dad." Said y/n fearing what jimin would do as other also feeling the same they looked at jimin who stepped forward and suddenly he fell on the ground.

"Please sir.give me your daughter." Said jimin as he sat infront of the ground as he showed namaste sign with his all the others stunned at the sudden and absurd actions and soon broke into a low mr.choi was the only one with a serious face.

"And why should I ?the last time I trusted you and gave you my daughter what did you do?huh!?" Shouted mr.choi in rage.

"I am never going to give my permission." Continued Mr.choi.

"Uncle yoongs!!what happend after that!?"

"Well obviously your parents won as your shameles-- I mean your appa begged your on his knees.amd after 1 year they had you." Yoongi said as he smiled at that weird and also a funny memory.

"I would appreciate it if you do not slander me in front of my own child yoongi hyung." Said an yoongi and the child in his arms turns towards the direction where the voice came from.

"Apppa!!!" The boy quickly got off from his uncle as he ran towards the man.

"I am just saying the story.who even slandered you?" Said yoongi as jimin picked up his son and glared at his hyung.

"Appa where is mama?" Asked leeseong as he looked at behind his appa.

"Oh mama is just outside our house.she is making your uncles and your grandpas work on the garden." Said jimin as he ruffled his son's hair and smiled.

"Ohhh.why are you two are only here?" Asked leeseong curious.

"PARK JIMIN &MIN YOONGI !!" A voice boomed as both the men in the house shivered.

"Shit!!" Jimin yoongi gulped.

"MAMA!!!" Leeseong shouted as he wiggled out from his appa and went towards his mama.

"Did you wake up just now?" Lee seong's mom asked as she now picked up beer son.

"Yeah. And uncle yoongs was saying story just now." Said leeseong.

"Oh really!where is uncle yoongs then?" Leeseong's mother asked as leeseong looked around. And replied.

"Huhhh?where did both appa and uncle yoongs gone they are just here now.oh no what if they had been taken by ghosts?" Said leeseong as his eyes started to slightly his mother was going to comfort.


"Guess they are just playing hide and seek." Leeseong mother said as leeseong jumped in excitement at the game name.

"Yah don't kick's cramped here." A shout whisper can be heard.behind the big couch.

"So what!?then get out of here." Another voice bickered.

"Ohh me and mama found both appa and uncle yoongs." Leeseong  said excitedly as he pointed at the two men behind the big couch laying down.

"So you both were hiding here without helping us there huh?" Asked leeseong's mother as she glared at the two men.

"Y/n!ho--ney I was just here to get some water i was just about to get water.but then i saw yoongi hyung slacking here so I was about to get him to work." Said jimin covering yoongi looks at him betrayed.

"Fine if you want to play like that jimin.I am gonna take you down with me." Yoongi whispered.

"Y/n.don't listen to him he also just want slack off.he's just saying some excuses." Said yoongi blowing jimin's cover.

"Enough.get back to work." Said y/n as she glared at the two.

As the two men quickly got up followed y/n with leeseong out where the others were doing gardening work.and were started to do some cutting.

"Aish.y/n I can't beautiful skin now all covered with sweat." Lee jong suk said as he sat down on the a chorus of yeah were followed.

"Yeah y/n-ah I am hungry."said mr.choi now drinking mr park also nodded his head.

" okay then.wash yourself guys i will prepare something to eat for dinner."said y/n as it was already 5pm.

"Finally!!" All.said in a chorus as they dragged their sweaty bodies into the house to freshen up.

"Leeseong ah how may years you are now?" Asked to teach the child some introductions.

"I am foove." Said leeseong as he showed him 5 laughter filled in the others who had freshen up all here at the dining table waiting so y/n would give them food as she said.

After sometime the food came.and they all sat down and ate with some talks laughs.

"Mama what's a fuok?" A sudden question was asked by the little 5 year y/n stopped her hand which is in the middle of feeding her son.

'Defeinly it's what i am thinking' all thought as they saw y/n deep breathly.

"Where did you here it from sweetie?" Asked y/n smiling sweetly at her son but other can see her eyes showing other wise.

"Hmm I heard when appa was on the phon." Said the 5 years old innocently not knowing he just needed his appa's life.

"Jimin.could you explain!?" Said y/n as shee glared at his husband.

"Hon--ey." Said jimin as he smiled nervously at her wife.

"Ohh this getting interesting.!!"  said taehyung as other agreed nodding as if they are watching a thriller-comic movie.

And like that park household once again filled with beautiful memories.with an happy family.

                        //The End//


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